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  • 2 weeks later...
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It seems that the doctors I have gone to, are very egotistical. They know

everything, and don't really listen to me. I have diabetes, fribromyalgia, and

RA. There were times when I curled up in a fetal position 24/7, and cried

constantly because the pain was intense. My family doctor was awesome!! He kept

me on soma, xanax, and vicodin. It worked to a certain degree. I went to a

rheumatologist that he recommended, and he changed none of the meds, they were

for the fibro. Unfortunately, my family doctor moved hundreds of miles away. I

feel that if the methotrexate had been added to my other med regimen, I would be

in better shape. The last rheumatoligist said she did not treat pain....thanks

a lot. The next to last dr treated my fibro with lyrica which made my hands and

feet swell. This killed me because my RA already hurt my hands and feet. When I

called his office, he increased the dosage of lyrica!!

I blame the lack of pain med scripts on these celebrity deaths. Ever since thay

happened, , Heath Ledger, doctors assume everyone is in it for the


Sometimes I think of all the ways to kill myself because I can't stand it

anymore. Social Security tells me that since I can drive, I can push a 40 pound

door, so I am not disabled. They should be here when I have to wait till 1 pm

to eat because there is no one to cook for me. They should be there when I

can't dry off when I shower...I can't turn in bed without my shoulders making me


I am so depressed.........

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Hello: My name is : I have R.A. @ I also have chiari malformation . I don"t know if you have ever

heard of this brain disease but I have already had 1 brain surgury. i am A fighter. I don:t have a friend either.

I am alone most of the time. I have family but I don"t exist to them. No one want:::S to bother with any one with the kind of diseases

I have..... I do have a husband but he work"s alot to try and pay for every thing so that leave:S me alone alot.

My Husband is my angel He doe:S every thing for me and neversay:s anything or complaine"s. He is so wonderful

by trying to spend time with me when he can. Ifeel guilty some time"S because he has to do so many thing"s.

because I can"t do very much. You spoke about your dog ? I also have a baby to. his name is .

He is a dash hound. he is my best friend. It"s like he know"s every thing I am saying to him He so cute. I

Love Him so much .If I do Ge to go any where He has to go most of the time or he will cry alot!!!!!

He is so spoiled. You also spoke of antidepressent"t? I do not take them either. I feel they take what life you do have away.

chiari is a very bad disease. It causes lot"s of symptom"s.It also causes joint and body pain as well as lot"s of other thing"s

to many to list . I Know how you suffer. Because I also live it every day. I have found that Giving my faith to God.

help"s me make it one day at a time. Get through the day you are in ane tomorrow God will take care of You'

As He doe"s every day' Well sorry I talked you into sleep Ha! but I hop you will e-mail me back.

Oh I forgot to tell you. I am 48 yr"s old .ihave one dtr. and 3. grnd chil.

i see them some time"s but can"t do much with them. they are small and don"t understand. I dom"t think

My Dtr. doe"s either. Oh well. Maby She will before it is to late and we can have a relationship

someday. thank"s for your time.

God Bless You from Ardmore Oklahoma.

From: Marika <tobytoby99350@...>Rheumatoid Arthritis Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 11:37:52 AMSubject: Re: Depression

Dear I loved your poem, and it made me cry.I know Depression goes with Arthritis, I refuse to take Antidepressentsbecause the make me like i am someone else, I don`t feel anything . I dont feel happy, and i don`t feel sad, I just feel like a Body with no emotions. So i am just taking a Valium maybe once ore twice a day and i am doing fine, My mind is clear,I have bad days, and good days.So i just take one day at a time, I have no Family other than my little dog, but he keeps me going, and i keep going for him.We need each other.Take careMarika

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  • 4 weeks later...
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In a message dated 5/20/09 3:48:50 PM, txsaritasmom@... writes:

I am so depressed.


I am very sorry that you are in so much pain and so depressed. Sometimes depression can cause more pain and then the pain causes more depression, which in turn causes more pain, and it goes on and on.

I would strongly recommend that you see a therapist. Many have evening and weekend hours. A therapist can not only determine if you need to be on an antidepressant, but s/he can also sometimes help with workplace issues by writing to an employer.

You need more help than you are getting. I strongly believe that a therapist can help. Don't wait.

Clear skies,


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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi and all, 

 I was just looking through my 500 emails that needed to be filed and came

across this one.  Yes,  I started vitamin D....2000 i.u.  I notice a

difference.  Is there a difference between vitamin D3 and just vitamon D?

Feeling a bit better but now doc thinks I'm bi-polar because of impulsive

behavior...OMG...I am so NOT perfect!  mostly I am tired and lethargic and foggy




From: Battaglia <fbattaglia@...>


Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 5:22:28 PM

Subject: Re: Re:Depression

Are you familiar with the benefits of vitamin D3 - check out Dr.

Weil's take on it or just google it

The benefits discovered are amazing especially for those who do not

get enough sun!

good luck


On Apr 14, 2009, at 7:02 AM, Evie Maddox wrote:



> I've struggled with mainly seasonal affective disorder in the past,

> which is

> very possible for you given that spring hasn't quite sprung yet, and

> you may

> be suffering from a lack of sunshine. This winter, I went out every

> day

> where it was warm enough or sunny enough to do so. I also visited the

> tanning bed once a week. I had installed those Dr. Mercola light

> bulbs in my

> house as well, but don't know if they made much difference since I

> changed

> so many things at one time. This was my best winter EVER. I did not

> get the

> flu this year. I did get a bad cold for a month, but it " just

> happened " to

> be when I couldn't get to the tanning bed for almost 3 weeks in a

> row. I am

> usually sick for either Thanksgiving or Christmas (or both!) and this

> year.was totally fine.


> Aside from the light aspect, getting exercise is HUUUUUUGE when it

> comes to

> depression or stress. I think a lot of us read that in the

> literature, but

> look past it because we want an easier fix. Start with just a daily

> walk,

> not for the exercise, but for the enjoyment of being out there and

> breathing

> in the outside. When I had post partum with my first baby, pushing

> him up

> and down the street was a great break for me, and him, and I ended

> up losing

> my baby weight and enjoying it very much. When we exercise for the

> sake of

> exercising, it's hard to continue, but once you are enjoying it, any

> kind of

> exercise seems easier.


> It's possible that my amalgam fillings and bad teeth (that I had

> pulled)

> caused a lot of my health problems in the past, including the gall

> bladder

> issues. Now that my mouth is " good " and I know how to keep my liver

> healthier, I can't describe to you the difference in how I feel. My

> life is

> COMPLETELY different. Just work on " fixing " one thing at a time and

> hopefully you will come out the other side feeling as good.


> Oh.I meant to tell you all before. When I joined this group last

> year, I had

> lost 20 lbs due to my " gall bladder diet " and I was 5'6 " and 100

> lbs. People

> were so worried about me! A couple of weeks ago, I looked in the

> mirror and

> all of a sudden I looked SO much better. Around the same time, I

> decided to

> get a bathroom scale because I had no idea what I weighed anymore. I

> weighed

> 115! The good thing is that it is HEALTHY weight, mostly muscle. My

> body is

> SOOOOO much healthier than last year and I can't wait to wear the new

> bikinis I bought last month!! :o)


> Have a blessed day!


> Evie Maddox



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How often and for how long are you outside in the sun?

The sun does wonders.




> I've struggled with mainly seasonal affective disorder in the past,

> which is

> very possible for you given that spring hasn't quite sprung yet, and

> you may

> be suffering from a lack of sunshine. This winter, I went out every

> day

> where it was warm enough or sunny enough to do so. I also visited the

> tanning bed once a week. I had installed those Dr. Mercola light

> bulbs in my

> house as well, but don't know if they made much difference since I

> changed

> so many things at one time. This was my best winter EVER. I did not

> get the

> flu this year. I did get a bad cold for a month, but it " just

> happened " to

> be when I couldn't get to the tanning bed for almost 3 weeks in a

> row. I am

> usually sick for either Thanksgiving or Christmas (or both!) and this

> year.was totally fine.


> Aside from the light aspect, getting exercise is HUUUUUUGE when it

> comes to

> depression or stress. I think a lot of us read that in the

> literature, but

> look past it because we want an easier fix. Start with just a daily

> walk,

> not for the exercise, but for the enjoyment of being out there and

> breathing

> in the outside. When I had post partum with my first baby, pushing

> him up

> and down the street was a great break for me, and him, and I ended

> up losing

> my baby weight and enjoying it very much. When we exercise for the

> sake of

> exercising, it's hard to continue, but once you are enjoying it, any

> kind of

> exercise seems easier.


> It's possible that my amalgam fillings and bad teeth (that I had

> pulled)

> caused a lot of my health problems in the past, including the gall

> bladder

> issues. Now that my mouth is " good " and I know how to keep my liver

> healthier, I can't describe to you the difference in how I feel. My

> life is

> COMPLETELY different. Just work on " fixing " one thing at a time and

> hopefully you will come out the other side feeling as good.


> Oh.I meant to tell you all before. When I joined this group last

> year, I had

> lost 20 lbs due to my " gall bladder diet " and I was 5'6 " and 100

> lbs. People

> were so worried about me! A couple of weeks ago, I looked in the

> mirror and

> all of a sudden I looked SO much better. Around the same time, I

> decided to

> get a bathroom scale because I had no idea what I weighed anymore. I

> weighed

> 115! The good thing is that it is HEALTHY weight, mostly muscle. My

> body is

> SOOOOO much healthier than last year and I can't wait to wear the new

> bikinis I bought last month!! :o)


> Have a blessed day!


> Evie Maddox



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If u are not getting enough sun Vitamin D3 - google it

the research on its benefits for sun replacement/nourishment etc are


good luck


On Jun 6, 2009, at 9:35 AM, Jay Grosflam wrote:



> How often and for how long are you outside in the sun?


> The sun does wonders.


> Enjoy.




> >


> >


> > I've struggled with mainly seasonal affective disorder in the past,


> > which is


> > very possible for you given that spring hasn't quite sprung yet, and


> > you may


> > be suffering from a lack of sunshine. This winter, I went out every


> > day


> > where it was warm enough or sunny enough to do so. I also visited

> the


> > tanning bed once a week. I had installed those Dr. Mercola light


> > bulbs in my


> > house as well, but don't know if they made much difference since I


> > changed


> > so many things at one time. This was my best winter EVER. I did not


> > get the


> > flu this year. I did get a bad cold for a month, but it " just


> > happened " to


> > be when I couldn't get to the tanning bed for almost 3 weeks in a


> > row. I am


> > usually sick for either Thanksgiving or Christmas (or both!) and

> this


> > year.was totally fine.


> >


> > Aside from the light aspect, getting exercise is HUUUUUUGE when it


> > comes to


> > depression or stress. I think a lot of us read that in the


> > literature, but


> > look past it because we want an easier fix. Start with just a daily


> > walk,


> > not for the exercise, but for the enjoyment of being out there and


> > breathing


> > in the outside. When I had post partum with my first baby, pushing


> > him up


> > and down the street was a great break for me, and him, and I ended


> > up losing


> > my baby weight and enjoying it very much. When we exercise for the


> > sake of


> > exercising, it's hard to continue, but once you are enjoying it, any


> > kind of


> > exercise seems easier.


> >


> > It's possible that my amalgam fillings and bad teeth (that I had


> > pulled)


> > caused a lot of my health problems in the past, including the gall


> > bladder


> > issues. Now that my mouth is " good " and I know how to keep my liver


> > healthier, I can't describe to you the difference in how I feel. My


> > life is


> > COMPLETELY different. Just work on " fixing " one thing at a time and


> > hopefully you will come out the other side feeling as good.


> >


> > Oh.I meant to tell you all before. When I joined this group last


> > year, I had


> > lost 20 lbs due to my " gall bladder diet " and I was 5'6 " and 100


> > lbs. People


> > were so worried about me! A couple of weeks ago, I looked in the


> > mirror and


> > all of a sudden I looked SO much better. Around the same time, I


> > decided to


> > get a bathroom scale because I had no idea what I weighed anymore. I


> > weighed


> > 115! The good thing is that it is HEALTHY weight, mostly muscle. My


> > body is


> > SOOOOO much healthier than last year and I can't wait to wear the

> new


> > bikinis I bought last month!! :o)


> >


> > Have a blessed day!


> >


> > Evie Maddox


> >


> >

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Hi Rose,


Have you talked to your doctor yet about lyme disease?  I was MIS-diagnosed with

chronic fatigue for 7 years before I finally got the correct diagnosis of lyme

disease w/ coinfections.   chronic fatigue, brain fog and neurologic conditions

such as bipolar and depression are very typical with lyme disease.  In my case,

the last 6 months especially that I was misdiagnosed, I thought I was going

crazy.  Whereas before I got lyme, I always had a pretty calm personality.


With regards to vit D.  I had one doctor who couldn't say enough good things

about it and kept telling me to take more Vit D supplements.  Then my current

doctor told me about something called the " Marshall Protocol " which says people

with certain immune system dysfunction should avoid foods and supplements

containing vitamin D.   In my case, I do have pretty severe immune system

dysfunction due to my body trying to fight off the lyme disease for 7 years

without the help of any medicine.  I also always noticed after I took Vit D that

I felt alittle worse after taking it.  And a recent blood test also showed I had

elevated levels of Vitamin D.  I guess overall, for most people Vitamin D would

help but there are some cases where Vitamin D is not a good idea.



Best regards,


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Thanks Roxanne,

Yes, I regularly get tested for lymes disease because we have so many deer and

ticks around here it's unbelievable. But, i am suffering from issues I have had

for a very long time. I am trying very hard to get to bottom of it or to just

make the best decisions I can.

The vitamin D seems to help me. It is fat soluble, so one would have to be

careful about quantity.

Actually, awhile ago, Dave Sheldon sent an amazing email about depression and I

have to go dig it up. Sometimes, I just get overwhelmed trying to keep up with


Well, about overwhelmed...other doctors say I have severe post traumatic

stress..anyway, where's my gall bladder in all this? My anger or " gall "

finally's caught up with me...lol.

This too shall pass.



From: Roxanne <rsmm_44@...>


Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2009 11:04:32 PM

Subject: Re: Re:Depression

Hi Rose,

Have you talked to your doctor yet about lyme disease? I was MIS-diagnosed with

chronic fatigue for 7 years before I finally got the correct diagnosis of lyme

disease w/ coinfections. chronic fatigue, brain fog and neurologic conditions

such as bipolar and depression are very typical with lyme disease. In my case,

the last 6 months especially that I was misdiagnosed, I thought I was going

crazy. Whereas before I got lyme, I always had a pretty calm personality.

With regards to vit D. I had one doctor who couldn't say enough good things

about it and kept telling me to take more Vit D supplements. Then my current

doctor told me about something called the " Marshall Protocol " which says people

with certain immune system dysfunction should avoid foods and supplements

containing vitamin D. In my case, I do have pretty severe immune system

dysfunction due to my body trying to fight off the lyme disease for 7 years

without the help of any medicine. I also always noticed after I took Vit D that

I felt alittle worse after taking it. And a recent blood test also showed I had

elevated levels of Vitamin D. I guess overall, for most people Vitamin D would

help but there are some cases where Vitamin D is not a good idea.

http://www.marshall protocol. com/forum2/ 364.html


Best regards,


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More good stuff...

----- Forwarded Message ----

From: isaiah harrison <e34liphe@...>


Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 6:03:30 PM

Subject: Re: Re:Depression

I had major depression, these are the things that helped me. Quit drinking

milk, however if you can get ahold of some kefir grains this is GREAT for

depression. In turkey, the word kefir means " feel good " . The day after a liver

flush i feel like a million bucks however the following day im usely not as

uphoric, but im sure as the flushing continues it will get better and

better.(everyone might not react this way but i hear it's common). Turmeric is

also in my tool bag for depression. In chinese , turmeric means " golden for

depression " . Turmeric moves liver chi, liver stagnation is related to depression

and anger. However you have to take a certain amount, one 500 miligram capsule

wont cut it. I had to take at least 2 grams of regular turmeric(not curcumin) at

a time. When times were bad i would take it 3 times a day, I only take it on the

average of once a day now. And finally the Bible says that " if any of you lacks

wisdom let him ask of God and

He will give liberally and to all without reproach " . Ask God for wisdom, daily

at least for a while.



> I've struggled with mainly seasonal affective disorder in the past,

> which is

> very possible for you given that spring hasn't quite sprung yet, and

> you may

> be suffering from a lack of sunshine. This winter, I went out every

> day

> where it was warm enough or sunny enough to do so. I also visited the

> tanning bed once a week. I had installed those Dr. Mercola light

> bulbs in my

> house as well, but don't know if they made much difference since I

> changed

> so many things at one time. This was my best winter EVER. I did not

> get the

> flu this year. I did get a bad cold for a month, but it " just

> happened " to

> be when I couldn't get to the tanning bed for almost 3 weeks in a

> row. I am

> usually sick for either Thanksgiving or Christmas (or both!) and this

> year.was totally fine.


> Aside from the light aspect, getting exercise is HUUUUUUGE when it

> comes to

> depression or stress. I think a lot of us read that in the

> literature, but

> look past it because we want an easier fix. Start with just a daily

> walk,

> not for the exercise, but for the enjoyment of being out there and

> breathing

> in the outside. When I had post partum with my first baby, pushing

> him up

> and down the street was a great break for me, and him, and I ended

> up losing

> my baby weight and enjoying it very much. When we exercise for the

> sake of

> exercising, it's hard to continue, but once you are enjoying it, any

> kind of

> exercise seems easier.


> It's possible that my amalgam fillings and bad teeth (that I had

> pulled)

> caused a lot of my health problems in the past, including the gall

> bladder

> issues. Now that my mouth is " good " and I know how to keep my liver

> healthier, I can't describe to you the difference in how I feel. My

> life is

> COMPLETELY different. Just work on " fixing " one thing at a time and

> hopefully you will come out the other side feeling as good.


> Oh.I meant to tell you all before. When I joined this group last

> year, I had

> lost 20 lbs due to my " gall bladder diet " and I was 5'6 " and 100

> lbs. People

> were so worried about me! A couple of weeks ago, I looked in the

> mirror and

> all of a sudden I looked SO much better. Around the same time, I

> decided to

> get a bathroom scale because I had no idea what I weighed anymore. I

> weighed

> 115! The good thing is that it is HEALTHY weight, mostly muscle. My

> body is

> SOOOOO much healthier than last year and I can't wait to wear the new

> bikinis I bought last month!! :o)


> Have a blessed day!


> Evie Maddox



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The saying about anger and gall is accurate in Chinese medicine.

Therefore you may have heat in you liver / gb if you are warm all the time, and

it has to be decreased by chinese herbs made for the western body, which is my

issue.  There might be other liver related issue you might have.

I have been taking them for a month and I have lost weight and feel better.

Keeping everyone posted on my 3 month Chinese diagnosed issue.


From: Rose Conforti <roseconforti@...>

Subject: Re: Re:Depression


Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 2:12 PM

Thanks Roxanne,

Yes, I regularly get tested for lymes disease because we have so many deer and

ticks around here it's unbelievable. But, i am suffering from issues I have had

for a very long time. I am trying very hard to get to bottom of it or to just

make the best decisions I can.

The vitamin D seems to help me. It is fat soluble, so one would have to be

careful about quantity.

Actually, awhile ago, Dave Sheldon sent an amazing email about depression and I

have to go dig it up. Sometimes, I just get overwhelmed trying to keep up with


Well, about overwhelmed. ..other doctors say I have severe post traumatic

stress..anyway, where's my gall bladder in all this? My anger or " gall "

finally's caught up with me...lol.

This too shall pass.


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Roxanne <rsmm_44 (DOT) com>

gallstones@gro ups.com

Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2009 11:04:32 PM

Subject: Re: Re:Depression

Hi Rose,

Have you talked to your doctor yet about lyme disease? I was MIS-diagnosed with

chronic fatigue for 7 years before I finally got the correct diagnosis of lyme

disease w/ coinfections. chronic fatigue, brain fog and neurologic conditions

such as bipolar and depression are very typical with lyme disease. In my case,

the last 6 months especially that I was misdiagnosed, I thought I was going

crazy. Whereas before I got lyme, I always had a pretty calm personality.

With regards to vit D. I had one doctor who couldn't say enough good things

about it and kept telling me to take more Vit D supplements. Then my current

doctor told me about something called the " Marshall Protocol " which says people

with certain immune system dysfunction should avoid foods and supplements

containing vitamin D. In my case, I do have pretty severe immune system

dysfunction due to my body trying to fight off the lyme disease for 7 years

without the help of any medicine. I also always noticed after I took Vit D that

I felt alittle worse after taking it. And a recent blood test also showed I had

elevated levels of Vitamin D. I guess overall, for most people Vitamin D would

help but there are some cases where Vitamin D is not a good idea.

http://www.marshall protocol. com/forum2/ 364.html

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Marshall_ Protocol

Best regards,


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What are you taking Jay? Would just taking milk thistle , with turmeric, be

good? Also dandelion?


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: Re:Depression

Hi Rose,

Have you talked to your doctor yet about lyme disease? I was MIS-diagnosed with

chronic fatigue for 7 years before I finally got the correct diagnosis of lyme

disease w/ coinfections. chronic fatigue, brain fog and neurologic conditions

such as bipolar and depression are very typical with lyme disease. In my case,

the last 6 months especially that I was misdiagnosed, I thought I was going

crazy. Whereas before I got lyme, I always had a pretty calm personality.

With regards to vit D. I had one doctor who couldn't say enough good things

about it and kept telling me to take more Vit D supplements. Then my current

doctor told me about something called the " Marshall Protocol " which says people

with certain immune system dysfunction should avoid foods and supplements

containing vitamin D. In my case, I do have pretty severe immune system

dysfunction due to my body trying to fight off the lyme disease for 7 years

without the help of any medicine. I also always noticed after I took Vit D that

I felt alittle worse after taking it. And a recent blood test also showed I had

elevated levels of Vitamin D. I guess overall, for most people Vitamin D would

help but there are some cases where Vitamin D is not a good idea.

http://www.marshall protocol. com/forum2/ 364.html

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Marshall_ Protocol

Best regards,


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I am taking the herbs recommended by the Chinese doctor while I was in Beijing.

4 before I eat, and 3 after...twice a day.

These are the two I take B1 and 7:

B1.  Jie Du Yang Gan Fang

main ingredients - Indigo Naturalis, Radix Amebiae, Olibanum, Radix Pieoniae

Rubra, Artemisiae Scopariae, Radix Curcumae, Bupleurum, Lysimachia, Radix

Isatidis, Salvia miltiorrhiza, rhizoma Cyperi.

Functions:  Clears away the internal heat and toxin, relieves the liver and

invigorates the spleen, and resolves blood stases.

Indications:  Various kinds of acute or chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis,

fatty liver and gall stones:  relieves alcohol hangover, eliminates fat, removes

speckles and wrinkles, reduces weight and beautifies.

7.  Ban Long Gu Shen Jiao Nang - (Ban Long Capsules Strenghtening the Kidney)

Main ingredients:  Herba Epimedii, Ginseng, Poygala, Chinese Senega Root

(Polygala Tenuifolia Radix), Polygonum Root - high grade (Polygonum Multiflori

Radix), Rebmannia Root - cooked in wine (Rehmannia Glutinosa Radix Conquita),


Functions:  Invigorates the Yang and nourishes the Yin elements of the kidney.

Indications:  A cure for impotence, pathalogical seminal emission, prospermia,

frequent urination at night, sore back and knees, vertigo, tinnitus, poor

memory, early aging, infertility, sterility, etc., due to weak reproduction

system.  The medicine strenghtens the whole body, improves sexual function, and

delays aging.

Address and contact information:

sohu.com - all in Chinese, not sure if that is their website.  But this place is

top of the line.  Alll their poliyburo people use this facility for western and

eastern medicine needs.

Beijing TCM Center

Beijing Traditional Chinese Medical Health Preservation Research Center

Beijing Zhon Yan Wan Kang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Address:  No. 4 the southern road of Xi Ba He, Chao yang district, Beijing,

People's Republic of China

Postcode: 100028

Tel:  011-86-10-84497516

Fax:  011-86-10-84497516

email:  y_sheng@...

I highly recommend this group - they do speak English, but would have to find

the translator.  This is a hospital.

I would email with your issues and they will ask you a series of questions.

It would be best to visit, but...

These herbs are made up for the westener, not Chinese.

They have 21 mixtures made for you and me...remember the consultation is free,

and the herbs for three months are not cheap.  They take credit cards, and there

is no funny business.

Good luck

-- On Sun, 6/7/09, Classicaledmom@... <Classicaledmom@...> wrote:

From: Classicaledmom@... <Classicaledmom@...>

Subject: Re: Re:Depression


Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 2:58 PM

What are you taking Jay? Would just taking milk thistle , with turmeric, be

good? Also dandelion?


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: Re:Depression

The saying about anger and gall is accurate in Chinese medicine.

Therefore you may have heat in you liver / gb if you are warm all the time, and

it has to be decreased by chinese herbs made for the western body, which is my

issue.  There might be other liver related issue you might have.

I have been taking them for a month and I have lost weight and feel better.

Keeping everyone posted on my 3 month Chinese diagnosed issue.


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This is very interesting and thanks for sharing. How long have you been taking

them and what do you think?

Are you familiar with fo ti?

What is the biggest difference in the ones for westerners? Sorry for so many

ques but I find this so interesting.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: Re:Depression

The saying about anger and gall is accurate in Chinese medicine.

Therefore you may have heat in you liver / gb if you are warm all the time, and

it has to be decreased by chinese herbs made for the western body, which is my

issue.  There might be other liver related issue you might have.

I have been taking them for a month and I have lost weight and feel better.

Keeping everyone posted on my 3 month Chinese diagnosed issue.


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I have taken the herbs for one month,  weight lost, mellower as a person, we

will see.

All seems good.

The chinese doctors say I should continue with the olive oil, but this does not

stop the cause of the issues.  Hopefully the herbs will handle the cause and

eliminate the symptoms.

From: Classicaledmom@... <Classicaledmom@...>

Subject: Re: Re:Depression


Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 2:58 PM

What are you taking Jay? Would just taking milk thistle , with turmeric, be

good? Also dandelion?


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: Re:Depression

The saying about anger and gall is accurate in Chinese medicine.

Therefore you may have heat in you liver / gb if you are warm all the time, and

it has to be decreased by chinese herbs made for the western body, which is my

issue.  There might be other liver related issue you might have.

I have been taking them for a month and I have lost weight and feel better.

Keeping everyone posted on my 3 month Chinese diagnosed issue.



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you do seem mellower jay..your responses on this forum have calmed down a bit

(except for when you say things like " it's all in your head " ) If it was all in

your head then the herbs wouldn't have helped now would they, unless they have

an amazing placebo effect...oops...now I need those


I commend you on your quest and perseverance. It's all in the journey-- from

your head to your heart. keep up the good work.


From: Jay Grosflam <jgrosflam@...>


Sent: Sunday, June 7, 2009 10:38:00 PM

Subject: Re: Re:Depression

I have taken the herbs for one month, weight lost, mellower as a person, we

will see.

All seems good.

The chinese doctors say I should continue with the olive oil, but this does not

stop the cause of the issues. Hopefully the herbs will handle the cause and

eliminate the symptoms.

From: Classicaledmom@ aol.com <Classicaledmom@ aol.com>

Subject: Re: Re:Depression

gallstones@gro ups.com

Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 2:58 PM

What are you taking Jay? Would just taking milk thistle , with turmeric, be

good? Also dandelion?


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: Re:Depression

The saying about anger and gall is accurate in Chinese medicine.

Therefore you may have heat in you liver / gb if you are warm all the time, and

it has to be decreased by chinese herbs made for the western body, which is my

issue. There might be other liver related issue you might have.

I have been taking them for a month and I have lost weight and feel better.

Keeping everyone posted on my 3 month Chinese diagnosed issue.


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I have been here for many years, 10 or more, and I see the same questions asked

over and over, I try to help as I can, but it is a long quest.  There previously

was a guy here named 'Will', he knew his information.

Take the words I type as intended and try not put your emotions in the equation.


From: Classicaledmom@ aol.com <Classicaledmom@ aol.com>

Subject: Re: Re:Depression

gallstones@gro ups.com

Date: Sunday, June 7, 2009, 2:58 PM

What are you taking Jay? Would just taking milk thistle , with turmeric, be

good? Also dandelion?


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: Re:Depression

The saying about anger and gall is accurate in Chinese medicine.

Therefore you may have heat in you liver / gb if you are warm all the time, and

it has to be decreased by chinese herbs made for the western body, which is my

issue. There might be other liver related issue you might have.

I have been taking them for a month and I have lost weight and feel better.

Keeping everyone posted on my 3 month Chinese diagnosed issue.


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From the hospital in Beijing....

From: ectopistes@... <ectopistes@...>

Subject: Re: Re:Depression


Date: Monday, June 8, 2009, 3:59 AM

Jay, where do you get all of those herbs? I never heard of most of



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I forgot - they are in capsule form...makes it easy.

From: ectopistes@... <ectopistes@...>

Subject: Re: Re:Depression


Date: Monday, June 8, 2009, 3:59 AM

Jay, where do you get all of those herbs? I never heard of most of



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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...


I'm surely no doc, but depression is a medical condition,,,,,,,,,and often presents comorbidly with other conditions (Like AS).

I have experienced, though, my son getting depressed in 5th grade.........and the minute we pulled him out of school.........he was "better"

The doc described to us "situational depression". I would assume that this is also something someone could "get" when there is a loss of a loved one, etc.

Also, I think a child/person knowing exactly what they "have" is a necessity. Sure, the kid may "use" it at times, but they need to know. They need to be able to self-monitor themselves and advocate for themselves as they get older. If they know that what they're going through is "normal" for AS,,,,,then I'd THINK that this would alleviate some confusion and sadness and misunderstanding they may have if they DIDN'T know of their dx.


From: Lori <have_faith_2008@...>Subject: ( ) Depression Date: Monday, November 23, 2009, 12:50 AM

Hi There... I have read that many AS kids can eventually experience depression,especial ly if they remain undiagnosed. I was wondering... for those of you whose kids have been diagnosed for most of their lives, are you finding that they can avoid depression because it helps them to know they have AS and to be able to see it is out of their control and there is a reason they don't do certain things by nature? Just curious, as I was quite concerned when I read about tendancy for depression.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


Sent using Verizon.net Mobile

Re: ( ) questions??

My son (now 7) has had allergy and ashtma problems and always has a

runny nose or cough. He had exema as a baby but I don't know if it has anthing

to do with his AS or if its just the fact that he is allergic to so much.


> > hi everyone! i just had a quick question, does it seem like aspie kids gets

sick more often? is there any evidence 2 that? any comments would b great! thanx

again :)

> >

> >




> " Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the

round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're

not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify

them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change

things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the

crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that

they can change the world, are the ones who do. " - Steve Jobs


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  • 7 months later...

The top 5 things that show up with POOR BREATHING:

1. Anxiety

2. Depression

3. Stress

4. Poor Sleep

5. Overweight

Which tells me, clearly, that by improving your BREATHING, a LOT of things clear up... Gee... how simple is that...??!!!

And most doctors NEVER tell anyone to improve anything... much less BREATHING! What happens if you DON'T BREATHE for 3-5 minutes...

nothing else matters... you'll be dead, or at least brain-dead!

www.breathing.com/tests - find out how good (or bad) is YOUR breathing! And there's self-help programs you can purchase that make a HUGE DIFFERENCE!!

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