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Hi Belinda, I spent many months thinking about what to do about the

vaccines. When Maya was just over a year when the antibodies passed from me

to her for measles would have run out, I hardly took her to any public

places and I would only go into an elevator if no one else was in. When

friends relatives children were vaccinated for MMR I kept Maya away from

them for 3 weeks. Around this time she was ill anyway so we had to stay

home. When she started at nursery the mothers would let me know when a child

was having the MMR and I kept her away. I realised I was just getting

obsessed with the whole thing and managed to relax last winter. She is due

to go to a different nursery school in September but all in her class have

been fully vaccinated.

The uptake on the MMR is down in England to a level that can`t guarantee

herd protection. In my area the uptake is still quite high and all my

friends, relatives have had their children fully vaccinated. Maya doesn`t

mix with many children anyway. Alot of people are concerned about the autism

aspect from the MMR. This was my concern in the beginning as it did take her

almost 2 years to get over the reaction from the DPT,hib & oral polio. I

just can`t bring myself to risk the MMR and if she does react badly to

measles then I only have myself to blame, whereas with the DPT etc that was

chemically manufactured. She had the open heart surgery, came off the

ventilator within 24 hours and out of hospital 3 days later but the vaccines

she spent 14 days in hospital which including 2 days in intensive care.

There have been clusters of measles in the UK but not a vast amount. The

other diseases you have almost 98% uptake. In the UK they are still using

vaccines that are banned in the US so that doesn`t give me much confidence

in the UK vaccine policy. I asked that my eldest daughter be given the

inactivated polio and this was refused. It has also been refused for Maya

even though she doesn`t have a thymus and her T cells etc are low. Many

people that can afford them are having the single vaccines but this is quite

difficult to get hold of. You have to find a private clinic that will

provide them and it can cost around £200.

Chicken pox vaccine is still not available in the UK but I know they are

considering introducing it with the MMR.



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Wow Carol,

I did not realize that it is so difficult obtaining vaccinations in the UK.

Why is that? Here in the US, they have free clinics here set up at shopping

centers to give the children their immunizations before school starts.

During flu season it is the same thing. We don't have trouble getting

immunizations unless there is a shortage of a particular shot. What is

worrying me is the people who will not vaccinate just because they don't

want to. They don't have any specific reason other than they don't want to.

Those are the ones who will put my daughter (and other immune compromised)

at risk for contracting diseases that we have shots that will prevent them.

I know it will be long coming but it is something that can potentially come

about. Right now, I am able to depend on the masses of people who are

already covered because they are immunized because they had to. I just

guess I am upset that our state has passed this law. They went and changed

something that is good and protecting everyone. I am going to be doing

more research as I just heard about the new law. But, thanks for letting me

know why you don't immunize your child. Is she on IVIG?

Belinda Rose,

Mom to Allyssa (11) and Cassie (8), igg immunodeficient, asthma, sinusitis,

IVIG for 6 years, heart condition

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There is no problem getting the DPT hib and oral polio. They only

offer the dpt with theirmosal which is banned in the US. But I think

if you make a fuss they will give you the one without theirmosal. If

you want your child to be given the vaccine for measles, mumps and

rubella seperately then you will have a problem and have to pay.

Maya isn`t on ivig but is on a prophylatic antibiotic. Over the last

winter her T cells, helper T cells, lymphocytes,

neutrophils,platelets were low and she was having fortnightly blood

tests. They are still low but not as low as before. Her neutrophils

are just outside the dangerous side of low.

I did feel a little annoyed with people who were refusing the MMR

because I know that the more children protected against measles then

the less chance there is of Maya contracting it. What remains to be

seen is the amount of babies that will contract measles at an early

age because antibodies from measles vaccine won`t cross the placenta

and protect them. The cases of measles in the UK have been in both

vaccinated and un vaccinated children.


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Everyone knows there are tons of vaccine websites to make informed

decisions whether to vaccinate their child or not.

I want to also bring to your attention that parents never read

the inserts that come with these vaccines.

However you sure can go to a medical Library and look them

up in the PDR (Physician's Drug Reference book)

Enlightenment about the Risks will blow you away,

as well as the toxins contained in these vaccines today.

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Everyone knows there are tons of vaccine websites to make informed

decisions whether to vaccinate their child or not.

I want to also bring to your attention that parents never read

the inserts that come with these vaccines.

However you sure can go to a medical Library and look them

up in the PDR (Physician's Drug Reference book)

Enlightenment about the Risks will blow you away,

as well as the toxins contained in these vaccines today.

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Haven't seen anybody mention it, so I would like to add-

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations


<http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books & field-autho

r=Cave%2C%20/103-4149598-2167046> Cave,

<http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books & field-autho

r=%2C%20Deborah/103-4149598-2167046> Deborah (Contributor)

is an EXCELLENT source to refer to regarding the risks associated with

children's vaccinations.

You can find it at amazon.com at




8-1/ref=sr_8_1/103-4149598-2167046?v=glance & s=books & n=507846>

& s=books & n=507846

J. P. Reirdon


<http://www.featnt.org/> http://www.featnt.org

" Building a Bridge of Hope "


<http://www.autismtreatment.info/> http://www.AutismTreatment.info/

You CAN treat Autism!!

Get treatment tips for children with Autism, PDD and Aperger's Syndrome from

parents who have successfully helped their children.


http://www.StarThrowers.org/ <http://www.starthrowers.org/>

Fundraising for In-Home treatment programs

Re: Vaccines

Everyone knows there are tons of vaccine websites to make informed

decisions whether to vaccinate their child or not.

I want to also bring to your attention that parents never read

the inserts that come with these vaccines.

However you sure can go to a medical Library and look them

up in the PDR (Physician's Drug Reference book)

Enlightenment about the Risks will blow you away,

as well as the toxins contained in these vaccines today.

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>Everyone knows there are tons of vaccine websites to make informed

decisions whether to vaccinate their child or not.<

The medical establishment continues to tell the public that the websites you are

referring to are not credible. It is my guess that they haven't visited them

and haven't checked to determine if the information is correct.

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>Everyone knows there are tons of vaccine websites to make informed

decisions whether to vaccinate their child or not.<

The medical establishment continues to tell the public that the websites you are

referring to are not credible. It is my guess that they haven't visited them

and haven't checked to determine if the information is correct.

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  • 1 month later...

>when i went to talk to

him about hep B for my son that the tetnus and one other shot still contain


The Hep B is given at birth and 3 to 4 times before they are one! The tetanus

is in the DT or DPT shot which they also get 3 of before a year. So how are

they safer? My friends daughter who has gotten her year old daughter all of the

shots, did so because regardless of claims like mine that they are not safe,

since her friends kids had them all and they are fine she chooses to vaccinate.

It is appears her baby has had no problem with the vaccines, but I still know

they are dangerous for many babies and children. It also seems that they are

more dangerous for boys.

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>when i went to talk to

him about hep B for my son that the tetnus and one other shot still contain


The Hep B is given at birth and 3 to 4 times before they are one! The tetanus

is in the DT or DPT shot which they also get 3 of before a year. So how are

they safer? My friends daughter who has gotten her year old daughter all of the

shots, did so because regardless of claims like mine that they are not safe,

since her friends kids had them all and they are fine she chooses to vaccinate.

It is appears her baby has had no problem with the vaccines, but I still know

they are dangerous for many babies and children. It also seems that they are

more dangerous for boys.

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  • 3 months later...

>Please don't smite me but I am confused here. If they took the Thirmesol out

of the vaccines in 1999 then why, if that's the cause of autism, is the

number of children diagnosed yearly still growing?<

They didn't take the thimerosal out of all vaccines. There are some on the

schedule that still have them (Hib, Hep B?, maybe others) they have added the

flu vaccine that has mercury and aluminum in it. Congressman Burton addressed

this fact in October when speaking to the Congress. Also, many people think the

3 fold live viruese MMR causes autism

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>Please don't smite me but I am confused here. If they took the Thirmesol out

of the vaccines in 1999 then why, if that's the cause of autism, is the

number of children diagnosed yearly still growing?<

They didn't take the thimerosal out of all vaccines. There are some on the

schedule that still have them (Hib, Hep B?, maybe others) they have added the

flu vaccine that has mercury and aluminum in it. Congressman Burton addressed

this fact in October when speaking to the Congress. Also, many people think the

3 fold live viruese MMR causes autism

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  • 1 month later...

Seven years ago I had my first flu shot and at the two week mark I began

the all over body aches and pains of fibromyalgia. My mouth lost its

normal saliva flow as well and I had balance problems. None of these

symptoms were recovered from. One year after these symptoms started I

had an open muscle biopsy. The biopsy showed a myopathy but could not be

pinpointed to any one disease (non-specific). One of the findings was

that of a rare focus of perivascular macrophages. I guess they eat up the

bad guys. (lol).

Today I have come accross some material on a new muscle disease called

macrophagic fasciitis which after reading quite a few articles on it has

left me feeling sick as I think the answer to what happened to me after

that flu shot years ago lies right here. At that time I knew there was a

connection but did not know how or why. It has to do with an adjuvent

called aluminum hydroxide used in various vaccinations. This stuff is put

in the vaccine to stimulate the immune system. They are finding on muscle

biopsy of sick people that these macrophages (sort of like scavengers)

have deposits of the aluminum containing compounds within them. I guess

mercury is not the only problem here. I have not gone through everything

about this that I plan on doing yet but if anybody is interested in

researching for themselves just google macrophagic myofasciitis or

macrophagic myofasciitis and vaccines. I probably don't have fibromyalgia

after all but maybe this instead. I can just imagine what fun I will have

with my rheumy trying to convince him to change his diagnosis.


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Hi, Margo,

I searched macrophagic myofaciitis as you suggested. Then I

googled aluminum detoxification with some interesting results.

At http://umbbd.abc.edu/periodic/elements/al.html I found

that " Aluminum binding and accumulation has been described in a

variety of microorganisms " - such as E.coli, staph aureus and

pseudomonas fluorescens.

Fibromyalgia-relief.com discusses many ways to detox aluminum -

such as malic acid, sufficient magnesium, and calcium-magnesium


And the site: karllorens.com has a good explanation of how the

detox pathway works (or is supposed to work) and why it may not.

Another interesting site was www.ediblemicroalgae.com/detox.

Thanks for your post. I found the subject interesting and, of

course related it to the fact that so many of us have impaired detox

pathways, are low in magnesium, and often have metal toxicity and

pathogenic components to the disease. All fodder for our search for






> Seven years ago I had my first flu shot and at the two week mark I


> the all over body aches and pains of fibromyalgia. My mouth lost


> normal saliva flow as well and I had balance problems. None of


> symptoms were recovered from. One year after these symptoms

started I

> had an open muscle biopsy. The biopsy showed a myopathy but could

not be

> pinpointed to any one disease (non-specific). One of the findings


> that of a rare focus of perivascular macrophages. I guess they

eat up the

> bad guys. (lol).


> Today I have come accross some material on a new muscle disease


> macrophagic fasciitis which after reading quite a few articles on

it has

> left me feeling sick as I think the answer to what happened to me


> that flu shot years ago lies right here. At that time I knew

there was a

> connection but did not know how or why. It has to do with an


> called aluminum hydroxide used in various vaccinations. This stuff

is put

> in the vaccine to stimulate the immune system. They are finding

on muscle

> biopsy of sick people that these macrophages (sort of like


> have deposits of the aluminum containing compounds within them. I


> mercury is not the only problem here. I have not gone through


> about this that I plan on doing yet but if anybody is interested in

> researching for themselves just google macrophagic myofasciitis or

> macrophagic myofasciitis and vaccines. I probably don't have


> after all but maybe this instead. I can just imagine what fun I

will have

> with my rheumy trying to convince him to change his diagnosis.


> margo

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 2/8/04 11:22:56 AM Eastern Standard Time,

aleathak@... writes:

> But now after reading what I have read and

> various other things we are now faced with should we or shouldn't we when it

> comes to our children's health

Why don't you make an appointment with a homeopath and get homeopathic


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Taken from:


Deadly Needle Waiting for Every Newborn

The medical news that is released by organizations like the BBC and

the New York Times is not reliable information but " spin " well

designed to confuse, misinform and preach the party line of medical

authorities. On the 23rd of August in 2001 the BBC reported that

there is a safe and effective vaccine for hepatitis B. On the 28th of

October in 2003 it reported that " A group of patients (in England)

are planning legal action claiming they suffered side effects after

being vaccinated against Hepatitis B. Around 50 patients are now

planning legal action, claiming they became ill after being

vaccinated. "

Is this vaccine safe or is it dangerous and to be avoided at all

cost? You will not find the answer to this in the public media. When

it comes to vaccines all that you will get from the authorities and

the above news organizations are lines about safety, necessity and

the public good. You will not hear anyone saying that this vaccine is

killing people. You will not hear news that some of the top people in

the science and medical field are against this vaccine in particular.

People like Dr. Jane Orient Director of the Association of Physicians

and Surgeons who stated in public testimony before the US congress

that " An intelligent and conscientious physician might well recommend

AGAINST hepatitis B vaccine, especially in newborns, unless a baby is

at unusual risk because of an infected mother or household contact or

membership in a population in which disease is common.

The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta files contain 32,731 total

reports of possible reactions following Hepatitis B shots since 1991,

including 10,915 emergency room visits, 685 life-threatening

reactions, 3,700 hospitalizations, 1,200 disabilities and 618 deaths.

The vaccine of hepatitis B seems to be much more dangerous than the

traditional vaccine because it inoculates into the body cells that

are foreign to its genetic code. In the Vaccine Adverse Event

Reporting System (VAERS) there were 1,080 total reports of adverse

reactions from hepatitis B vaccine in 1996 alone in the 0 to 1 age

group, with 47 deaths reported. It's a common rule of thumb in the

FDA to assume that only 1 to ten percent of adverse vaccine reactions

are reported so these numbers above represent vast understatements.

Dr. Orient said, " When CDC medical officials say, getting the disease

is far more likely to cause serious illness than getting the vaccine,

they are deliberately playing on the medical ignorance of the

layperson. This may be literally true, but it is seriously misleading

if the risk of getting the disease is nearly zero (as is true for

most American newborns). "

Bonnie Dunbar, PhD, professor of Cell Biology at the Baylor College

of Medicine in Houston had two individuals working her laboratory who

were required to take the Hepatitis B vaccine. Both of those

individuals developed severe and apparently permanent adverse

reactions as a result of the vaccine. Both of them were completely

healthy and very athletic before this vaccine and have now suffered

severe, debilitating autoimmune side effects from the vaccine. When

she first called the FDA about this she was told by an individual

that " this vaccine is a problem and it is a big one. " When her own

brother's life was also literally destroyed after taking the vaccine

Dr. Dunbar testified before congress " What was obvious from the

information I obtained from the VAERS reports (on Hepatitis B

vaccine) were that there are thousands of reports listing such

conditions as neurological damage, arthritis symptoms, and other

serious immunological disorders. "

Can the BBC be held liable for promoting the illusion that this

vaccine is safe? When the truth comes to light about the Hepatitis B

vaccine public confidence of vaccination programs will be shattered

as well as trust in international news services which have created a

false sense of security and trust in its safety. Why are public

health organizations covering up the danger of this vaccine and how

can doctors and nurses be administering this " most dangerous " vaccine

to newborn babies when there is absolutely no medical reason to do

so? These are questions for future historians and legal people to ask

and answer but for the pregnant mother these are urgent questions

that must be answered before the birth of her child for a potentially

deadly needle is waiting on the first day of that child's life.

Medical News Editorial


> While we are on the topic of vaccines. I was hoping you all could

give me an

> opinion. My daughter has been sent home a note for me to sign for

her to

> have vaccines for Hep, B Hep C, Meningococcal and diphtheria. I am


> as to whether to get them or not for I would not forgive myself if

she got

> sick. I do not see the point in getting the hep b and c as she is

far to

> young to contract hepatitis. Maybe I will just get the

Meningococcal. My son

> was 3 months old when he was struck down with viral encephalitis

and was

> left blind. He has since gained his vision back but now has mild


> palsy and is vision impaired. It was not long after he was

vaccinated that

> he got sick and I still don't know to this day if it had anything

to do with

> it. I guess I'll never no. But now after reading what I have read


> various other things we are now faced with should we or shouldn't

we when it

> comes to our children's health. I would prefer not to get it done

at all but

> I think if one wants to go that way then you have to live that way,

by that

> I mean that you would need to take steps to ensure health like

feeding our

> kids raw fruit and veg making sure they always had fruit,

wheatgrass ect to

> warn off these diseases but then it is so hard because it is hard

to get

> food now days that isnt sprayed so most of it doesn't contain what

it should

> by the time it reaches the shelves.

> Thoughts?

> Lea




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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

We feel that vaccines were the catylist for Tristan's autism. Cave

has a good theory on how it happens. The mercury in vaccines do suppress the

immune system and then the triple live vaccines come later. The immune system

cannot handle this assault and so many children regress into autism. I think

that is very plausible and fits Tristan's history. He did have a reaction to

his 2 month vaccines, the doctor didn't seem surprised and chose to remove the

Pertussis from the schedule. He got DT after that and I have found out that it

has the most mercury! He had all vaccines that were recommended at that time,

even those that weren't at that time mandatory, which included the Chicken Pox.

Vaccines are linked to other disorders in children including ADD and cancer.

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We feel that vaccines were the catylist for Tristan's autism. Cave

has a good theory on how it happens. The mercury in vaccines do suppress the

immune system and then the triple live vaccines come later. The immune system

cannot handle this assault and so many children regress into autism. I think

that is very plausible and fits Tristan's history. He did have a reaction to

his 2 month vaccines, the doctor didn't seem surprised and chose to remove the

Pertussis from the schedule. He got DT after that and I have found out that it

has the most mercury! He had all vaccines that were recommended at that time,

even those that weren't at that time mandatory, which included the Chicken Pox.

Vaccines are linked to other disorders in children including ADD and cancer.

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-1/ref=sr_1_1/002-3432168-3954414?v=glance & s=books

The best resource on childhood vaccinations is the book by Cave

M.D. at the amazon link above. It is titled " What Your Doctor May Not Tell

You About Children's Vaccinations "

Don't get your child shots before reading this book; it does the best job of

explaining the risks and benefits associated with each vaccination.

And of course, definitely request Thimerosol free vaccines for any

vaccinations you decide to have done. Another vaccination resource for you

to research is:


Which is the PROVE website.

J. P. Reirdon



You CAN treat Autism!!

Get treatment tips for children with Autism, PDD and Aperger's Syndrome from

parents who have successfully helped their children.



Fundraising for In-Home treatment programs

Message: 20

Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 14:40:26 -0000

From: " Jen " <rwaughtal617@...>

Subject: Vaccines

Being new to autism I am still way behind on all the research. For

those of you that feel their child vaccines were a contributing

factor to their child's autism can you give me more info. Was there

some kind of reaction to the shot when it was given? My son's 2yr

checkup is coming up and so he is due for more shots and now I am

not sure how concerned I should be about him getting them. He

didn't not have a bad reaction to any previous shots so I really

couldn't say that they contributed to his developing autism. Any info would

be helpful to making a decision. Thanks

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 8/7/04 5:03:25 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

SSRI medications writes:


> I, personally, am not opposed to vaccinations in general.....at this

> point. But I am very opposed to putting neurotoxins in vaccines given

> to anyone, not just children.


I don't think we can trust out gov to tell us what is REALLY in those

vaccines. I'm reading stuff here and there about microchips along WITH the


Sheesh. I haven't had any vaccines for 30 years. I've never had a flu shot,

and hence have never had the flu. Everyone I know who got the flu shot in last

year's epidemic got sick. But not me. I have one friend who's child was

severely brain injured by vaccinations. If I had small children now I would


get them vaccinated, but that's just me.

" Blind Reason "

a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue

Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's

Unsafe At Any Dose

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In a message dated 8/7/04 5:03:25 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

SSRI medications writes:


> I, personally, am not opposed to vaccinations in general.....at this

> point. But I am very opposed to putting neurotoxins in vaccines given

> to anyone, not just children.


I don't think we can trust out gov to tell us what is REALLY in those

vaccines. I'm reading stuff here and there about microchips along WITH the


Sheesh. I haven't had any vaccines for 30 years. I've never had a flu shot,

and hence have never had the flu. Everyone I know who got the flu shot in last

year's epidemic got sick. But not me. I have one friend who's child was

severely brain injured by vaccinations. If I had small children now I would


get them vaccinated, but that's just me.

" Blind Reason "

a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue

Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's

Unsafe At Any Dose

Latest Press Release

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Guest guest

Hi All,

I appreciate this discussion as my daughter has a 4 in a million birth defect

with questionable splenic function and part of her " treatment " is xtra vaccines

and daily antibiotic prophylactics, " just in case " her spleens are not


Prior to her birth last year, I had already developed a distrust for doctor's

advice and all things pharmaceutical after my husband's SSRI experience put us

all through living hell. And now I have specialists telling me to make sure my

whole familiy gets flu shots for our daughter's safety.

So any opinions, experiences or information on vaccine safety or even long term

daily antibiotic use is of great interest to me. Thanks...it's so nice to know

there are so many others who feel as sick over all this as I do.


Re: Vaccines

In a message dated 8/7/04 5:03:25 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

SSRI medications writes:


> I, personally, am not opposed to vaccinations in general.....at this

> point. But I am very opposed to putting neurotoxins in vaccines given

> to anyone, not just children.


I don't think we can trust out gov to tell us what is REALLY in those

vaccines. I'm reading stuff here and there about microchips along WITH the


Sheesh. I haven't had any vaccines for 30 years. I've never had a flu shot,

and hence have never had the flu. Everyone I know who got the flu shot in last

year's epidemic got sick. But not me. I have one friend who's child was

severely brain injured by vaccinations. If I had small children now I would


get them vaccinated, but that's just me.

" Blind Reason "

a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue

Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's

Unsafe At Any Dose

Latest Press Release

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Guest guest

Hi All,

I appreciate this discussion as my daughter has a 4 in a million birth defect

with questionable splenic function and part of her " treatment " is xtra vaccines

and daily antibiotic prophylactics, " just in case " her spleens are not


Prior to her birth last year, I had already developed a distrust for doctor's

advice and all things pharmaceutical after my husband's SSRI experience put us

all through living hell. And now I have specialists telling me to make sure my

whole familiy gets flu shots for our daughter's safety.

So any opinions, experiences or information on vaccine safety or even long term

daily antibiotic use is of great interest to me. Thanks...it's so nice to know

there are so many others who feel as sick over all this as I do.


Re: Vaccines

In a message dated 8/7/04 5:03:25 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

SSRI medications writes:


> I, personally, am not opposed to vaccinations in general.....at this

> point. But I am very opposed to putting neurotoxins in vaccines given

> to anyone, not just children.


I don't think we can trust out gov to tell us what is REALLY in those

vaccines. I'm reading stuff here and there about microchips along WITH the


Sheesh. I haven't had any vaccines for 30 years. I've never had a flu shot,

and hence have never had the flu. Everyone I know who got the flu shot in last

year's epidemic got sick. But not me. I have one friend who's child was

severely brain injured by vaccinations. If I had small children now I would


get them vaccinated, but that's just me.

" Blind Reason "

a novel of pharmaceutical intrigue

Think your antidepressant is safe? Think again. It's

Unsafe At Any Dose

Latest Press Release

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