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" Kris <discochic90@...> " <discochic90@...> wrote:Hi...My name is

. I'm 24 and I take Lexapro 10 mgs in the am.

I have Bipolar so i take Depakote 250 mgs 2xs a day and Seropuel 25

mgs at night.

I have had a very positive experience so far with Lexapro. I have

been on it for about 3 weeks! The only side effect i have noticed is

I get drowsy about an hr after I take it. I took Zoloft for about 2

wks and absolutely hated it!!!! It made me have panick attacks and

feel terrible. This has totally helped!

I look forward to more posts and I am glad there are groups like this

out there for those of us who must deal with taking meds!


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  • 2 years later...

In a message dated 9/22/2005 7:49:24 PM, catalinawildrose@... writes:

>I took the Sunrider herbs for six months....I never could get up to

>the full dose because of the herx. So, I eventually gave it up....

>After that, I felt so much better for years....maybe 4 or 5 years! I

>know it works, but I can't afford it. Please tell me how you do it!!

> We are on very low income.

Dear Vicki,

With Sunrider, there is no such thing as the full dose. We take what we can

afford. Sunrider is so concentrated and so powerful that some Sunrider herbal

products are better than no Sunrider.

I don't think I could call what you were going through a herx, although I

know it feels like it. What you were going through was most likely a cleansing,

and your body's reaction to getting rid of toxins. It's very unpleasant and

sometimes you go through what they call " retracing " when old symptoms return -

even symptoms from before you had Lyme because our body has a memory. If you

ride out this cleansing, you get to new levels of health. That is why you

were feeling well for such a long time.

If you start out with the Starterpack I or II, you automatically get a 20

percent discount and automatically become a Preferred Customer. The Starterpack

II gives you a nice amount of Sunrider products to get started. Once you have

spent $500 over the course of however long it takes, you get a 40 percent

discount and can upgrade your account to a Distributor account, if you choose


Then you start to get rebate checks from the company on your purchases or

anyone who you share it with. Sunrider does not advertise. They rely on word

of mouth for that and they pay us to teach others about these foods and how to

prepare them. I have attended numerous seminars and have a wealth of

information to share with those who want to learn more about it. You can order


line or over the phone, once you have opened an account.

In my opinion, if money is a problem, the Nuplus Regular and the Calli tea

are the most important part of this program. If you can afford a bottle of

Quinary 100 caps and a Sunnydew, you've got the whole program.

Nourish- Nuplus

Balance - Quinary

Cleanse -Calli

and the Sunnydew is just to give it that sweet taste, and will nourish the

spleen and the pancreas. You can also use the Sunnydew on cuts, burns, insect

bites, and on any kind of skin irritations or facial breakouts. No more

purchases of Bactine or burn ointments are necessary.

It's amazing how much money we basically throw away on junk each month, i.e,

a pack of gum, a newspaper that we don't have time to read, a magazine, a

candybar. If we took this money and threw the change we get into a cookie jar,

and gave up a couple of useless purchases each month, we would have enough money

for at least a box of Calli, or a Nuplus 10 pack. Also, being a Sunrider,

it's about using replacement products. Instead of drinking soda which is so

unhealthy for us Lymies, we drink Calli or Fortune Delight, or Vitafruit. One

bag or packet of tea makes 8-12 cups. The Sunnydew added to cold water (just a

few drops is so concentrated) that it can make a fruity drink. The Sunrider

Superclean is an environmentally friendly cleaner. One tiny capful to a whole

large spray bottle makes the best cleaner you can find. I don't have to buy

Windex, Fantastic, Lysol cleaner or Mr. Clean because this replaces it. One

sample bottle lasts me for six months. I save a lot of money this way. There

are many other replacement products that Sunrider sells that allow me to put my

saved money into the food, which keeps us healthy. Also, I wash my produce

in the Sunsmile Fruit and Vegetable Rinse and my produce doesn't go bad and I

know what I'm eating is pesticide and herbicide free.

This too is important in keeping our bodies healthier.

I hope This gives you an idea on how we can afford to eat these precious

herbal foods. I hope you will give it another try. Please feel free to call me

with any questions, or e-mail me privately, and if you give me you phone

number, I will call you back. I have unlimited long distance.

All my best,


(732) 946-2216


Sue Rauch

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Hi Vicki,

I always say where there is a will there is a way. When I was really sick, I

could not afford much stuff either. My charge cards were to the max with

products trying to get well. I joined an MLM company because the products

sounded good, and was totally not into selling either. They told me I could

make some money if I wanted to. I took products for 8 months and then

something amazing happened. I was so excited about getting well, I could not

shut up, and I was telling everyone. I still was not interested in doing it

as a business because I already had a job. Finally I realized I was telling

everyone on the planet about what had helped me regain my life. Now I do it

part time and make enough for my whole family and grandparents to be taking

products, also money left over. If you would have told me I would be

working for a direct marketing company selling wellness products 2 years ago

I would not have believed it. The person who hooked me up into the company

helped me build my business quite a bit, and I even got to go on a cruise

last year, the first real vacation in 22 years. I have people who are in

wheelchairs that are home bound doing this business. So I know your pain, I

have been there, I also know that you must never accept defeat, and if you

want to take Sunrider products, then you need to start taking them, and then

telling everyone you meet about them!!!

-- [ ] Hi I'm new!

I would love to purchase Sunrider items, but I find it cost

prohibitive. I'm not a salesperson, so I won't even get on that

boat!! I actually WAS on that boat in the late 80's....trying to deal

with what they called " Fibrocitis " and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I

now know that I had Lyme disease all along! (Actually, I picked it up

in 1970....35 years of Lyme disease)

I took the Sunrider herbs for six months....I never could get up to

the full dose because of the herx. So, I eventually gave it up....

After that, I felt so much better for years....maybe 4 or 5 years! I

know it works, but I can't afford it. Please tell me how you do it!!

We are on very low income.

Then, stresses in my life beyond my control reactivated the Lyme (at

least that's what I think happened). I have since (1994 or so)been

extremely ill. I have been disabled since 1999.

I took Heparin shots for a year and a half for the hypercoagulation.

Then, this past Feb. I finally got the Lyme diagnosis. I've been on

Doxycycline, Metronidazole (Flagyl), and Rocephin. Also taking

Samento. Recently tried colloidal silver.

I'm still having some nasty herxes. I do prefer alternative treatments

that not only kill the Lyme but build up my system as well.

We are looking into a Rife Machine. Has anyone tried this therapy?

The antibiotics have been so very hard on my system!

Sorry to unload! I would welcome any comments or help you can give!

Thank you,


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Please keep in mind you can buy these products from anyone involved in the

company. You do NOT have to buy from anyone on Lyme Aid and you DO NOT have

to buy these products at all! You can search for more information about the

company and folks who sell the products using http://www.google.com/ .

If you choose to buy products from a member of Lyme Aid please do all

ordering and discussion of monetary payments OFF list.

Thank you.



Re: [ ] Hi I'm new!

In a message dated 9/22/2005 7:49:24 PM, catalinawildrose@... writes:

>I took the Sunrider herbs for six months....I never could get up to

>the full dose because of the herx. So, I eventually gave it up....

>After that, I felt so much better for years....maybe 4 or 5 years! I

>know it works, but I can't afford it. Please tell me how you do it!!

> We are on very low income.

Dear Vicki,

With Sunrider, there is no such thing as the full dose. We take what we can

afford. Sunrider is so concentrated and so powerful that some Sunrider


products are better than no Sunrider.

I don't think I could call what you were going through a herx, although I

know it feels like it. What you were going through was most likely a


and your body's reaction to getting rid of toxins. It's very unpleasant and

sometimes you go through what they call " retracing " when old symptoms

return -

even symptoms from before you had Lyme because our body has a memory. If


ride out this cleansing, you get to new levels of health. That is why you

were feeling well for such a long time.

If you start out with the Starterpack I or II, you automatically get a 20

percent discount and automatically become a Preferred Customer. The


II gives you a nice amount of Sunrider products to get started. Once you


spent $500 over the course of however long it takes, you get a 40 percent

discount and can upgrade your account to a Distributor account, if you

choose to.

Then you start to get rebate checks from the company on your purchases or

anyone who you share it with. Sunrider does not advertise. They rely on


of mouth for that and they pay us to teach others about these foods and how


prepare them. I have attended numerous seminars and have a wealth of

information to share with those who want to learn more about it. You can

order on

line or over the phone, once you have opened an account.

In my opinion, if money is a problem, the Nuplus Regular and the Calli tea

are the most important part of this program. If you can afford a bottle of

Quinary 100 caps and a Sunnydew, you've got the whole program.

Nourish- Nuplus

Balance - Quinary

Cleanse -Calli

and the Sunnydew is just to give it that sweet taste, and will nourish the

spleen and the pancreas. You can also use the Sunnydew on cuts, burns,


bites, and on any kind of skin irritations or facial breakouts. No more

purchases of Bactine or burn ointments are necessary.

It's amazing how much money we basically throw away on junk each month, i.e,

a pack of gum, a newspaper that we don't have time to read, a magazine, a

candybar. If we took this money and threw the change we get into a cookie


and gave up a couple of useless purchases each month, we would have enough


for at least a box of Calli, or a Nuplus 10 pack. Also, being a Sunrider,

it's about using replacement products. Instead of drinking soda which is so

unhealthy for us Lymies, we drink Calli or Fortune Delight, or Vitafruit.


bag or packet of tea makes 8-12 cups. The Sunnydew added to cold water

(just a

few drops is so concentrated) that it can make a fruity drink. The Sunrider

Superclean is an environmentally friendly cleaner. One tiny capful to a


large spray bottle makes the best cleaner you can find. I don't have to buy

Windex, Fantastic, Lysol cleaner or Mr. Clean because this replaces it. One

sample bottle lasts me for six months. I save a lot of money this way.


are many other replacement products that Sunrider sells that allow me to put


saved money into the food, which keeps us healthy. Also, I wash my produce

in the Sunsmile Fruit and Vegetable Rinse and my produce doesn't go bad and


know what I'm eating is pesticide and herbicide free.

This too is important in keeping our bodies healthier.

I hope This gives you an idea on how we can afford to eat these precious

herbal foods. I hope you will give it another try. Please feel free to

call me

with any questions, or e-mail me privately, and if you give me you phone

number, I will call you back. I have unlimited long distance.

All my best,


(732) 946-2216


Sue Rauch

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In a message dated 9/23/2005 2:50:56 AM, morningsunranch@... writes:

> I took products for 8 months and then something amazing happened. I was so

excited about getting well, I could not shut up, and I was telling everyone. I

still was not interested in doing it as a business because I already had a

job. Finally I realized I was telling everyone on the planet about what had

helped me regain my life. Now I do

>it part time and make enough for my whole family and grandparents to be


>products, also money left over.


I never heard it put so well as the way you explained it. That is exactly

what happened to me. Once you feel well, you are so excited you want to help

the world. Whenever I meet a sick person, I just want to let them know that

Sunrider is out there and can help them regain their health. This is not a

company making false claims, but people who have experienced going from being

bedridden to running up stairs without being winded.

There is nothing more exciting than this, so you can't help talking about it.

I am so glad you got to go on that cruise, . We went on one too and it

was our first vacation in many years and I found it so relaxing, and believe

me, that was good for my health too.


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In a message dated 9/23/2005 2:57:34 AM, Robynn@... writes:

>Please keep in mind you can buy these products from anyone involved in

>the company. You do NOT have to buy from anyone on Lyme Aid and you DO NOT

>have to buy these products at all! You can search for more information about

>the company and folks who sell the products using http://www.google.com/ .


You are absolutely right. Free will is a wonderful thing. You can buy

Sunrider or Mannatech products from a total stranger or not buy them at all.

However, if I had intentions of purchasing these products and I had a choice of

purchasing from someone who had recovered from the same illness that I have, and

had knowledge about what worked well for recovery, I would surely want to

purchase the products from that person, so they could counsel me properly,

especially if they were taking the time to share their knowledge and experience

with the people on this list. It's just good karma.

Sue Rauch


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Hi Sue,

I wonder sometimes if there has always been this many sick people, or is it

that now I am listening more, and have something to offer. It seems I cannot

go 1 day without meeting someone that really needs help. People are just

blindly going through life, trusting their doctors, and eating garbage, and

believing that if anything goes wrong they will go to the doctor, get a pill

and then everything will be ok. I will ask people how their health is, they

will say " Oh, I am really healthy " , then further in the conversation they

tell me they are on 5 different meds. Companies that are trying to go

against the flow with alternatives will always take alot of flak, that is

just the way of the world. Remember when you first heard of desk top

computers, people thought they would never get popular. Now we have

computers in our phones!!! Technology is going so fast, and yet we are the

sickest we have every been as a nation, obviously drugs are not the answer.

Keep up the good work, maybe you'll get another vacation.

-------Original Message-------

From: Poeticsue@...


I never heard it put so well as the way you explained it. That is exactly

what happened to me. Once you feel well, you are so excited you want to


the world. Whenever I meet a sick person, I just want to let them know that

Sunrider is out there and can help them regain their health. This is not a

company making false claims, but people who have experienced going from


bedridden to running up stairs without being winded.

There is nothing more exciting than this, so you can't help talking about it

I am so glad you got to go on that cruise, . We went on one too and it

was our first vacation in many years and I found it so relaxing, and


me, that was good for my health too.


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It's very true about our population becoming sicker and sicker. It has a lot

to do with our neglect of our planet. Years ago, when the soil was richer,

there were more farmers who cared about the land and rotated the crops, our

produce was richer in nutrients.

I can remember when we first moved from New York out to New Jersey, the most

thrilling part of our move was having direct access to home grown NJ

tomatoes. They were so juicy and sweet, it was like the best food we'd ever


Today, NJ tomatoes still rate, but in no way do they taste as good as they did

in the years that passed. People are not getting the nutrients from food in

general, as they did years ago. To make matters worse, there are fewer farms

because the builders in NJ and other states have been bought out by builders

of developments and big business. That's how Lyme became so rampant in NJ and

other states. We have so many displaced deer in my area that when driving at

night, especially, you have to drive very slowly in my neighborhood. The

whole balance of nature is disturbed. Then of course we have the fact that

people don't enjoy the great outdoors as much and are stuck behind computers all

day. Despite the fact that running on the grass in NJ is dangerous because of

ticks, children don't know about free play anymore, and only scheduled play

with soccer games and other sports activities. Play now is not stress free. My

summers as a child were spent running around our backyard and getting into

mischief. We had a ball going up to the country, row boating and playing on the

swing outside our bungalow. Children today and of this past generation have

grown up with stress play as an outlet, with parents cheering in the

background, so proud of there athletic child. That makes for a generation of


people, coupled with eating processed and unhealthy food. If they get a disease

like Lyme, they need all the help they can get, and I'm sure glad that we can

help some of them.

Take care.


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> From: " Kindscher


> I wonder sometimes if there has always been this many sick people, or is it

> that now I am listening more, and have something to offer. It seems I cannot

> go 1 day without meeting someone that really needs help.


When you have a purpose in mind (selling in this instance) your mind opens

to possibilities you would otherwise not have noticed. And a major sales

approach with MLM company's is to sell by telling others of your own helpful

experience with the products. So, it's absolutely natural that once you

became a salesperson for the company, you'd be telling people about your

good experiences.

It's like that with anything. For example, some people think negatively all

the time. And, some people think positively. If we're anticipating that

good fortune will arrive today, we'll be looking for it. Or, if we expect

bad luck, we'll be on the watch for that.

My own experience in self-employment is similar to yours. I naturally tend

to want to help people. And I've had to learn to respect people's

boundaries.....just because something helps me doesn't mean they're

interested. But when I'm focusing more on selling a particular product or

service, I'm much more likely to be talking about it to people a lot.


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It is the price we pay for progress. It is a very sad state, but the good

news is that if you work really hard at it, you can get healthy, or stay

healthy. It does require alot more work, and does cost more. I think more

people need to start getting back into gardening even on a small scale and

doing things like community garden and stuff like that when personal gardens

are not possible.

It is really scarry to be raising children in this day and time and to think

about their children that they will have. The gene pool is getting worse and

worse and will not get better unless people wake up and change their

lifestyles before having kids.

-- Re: [ ] Hi I'm new!


It's very true about our population becoming sicker and sicker. It has a


to do with our neglect of our planet. Years ago, when the soil was richer,

there were more farmers who cared about the land and rotated the crops, our

produce was richer in nutrients.

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You are mostly right with what you say, except when I meet someone who is

hurting I never think about selling anything. I think perhaps if I can help

them regain just a little of what they have lost, then that will be a very

good thing. I told people about these products for many months and never

made a dime because I was not doing it for the money. Then the person who

had been collecting the money told me, if you make some money then you can

give it to those that have need. Ever since then I never felt bad about the

fact that I offer a service to a company and get paid for it, in the process

of that people get their lives back, what an awesome job I have!! The other

thing that I have learned is that when someone opens up to you about your

health, and you are working daily with them on these issues, you become

really close. Now when I meet someone that I know I can help, I also realize

Ijust met a friend for life, that is very exciting. I now have friends all

over the USa, and even in other countries. I can travel almost anywhere and

I would have a place to stay, how cool is that!!

-------Original Message-------

From: bluesky


When you have a purpose in mind (selling in this instance) your mind opens

to possibilities you would otherwise not have noticed. And a major sales

approach with MLM company's is to sell by telling others of your own helpful

experience with the products. So, it's absolutely natural that once you

became a salesperson for the company, you'd be telling people about your

good experiences.

It's like that with anything. For example, some people think negatively all

the time. And, some people think positively. If we're anticipating that

good fortune will arrive today, we'll be looking for it. Or, if we expect

bad luck, we'll be on the watch for that.

My own experience in self-employment is similar to yours. I naturally tend

to want to help people. And I've had to learn to respect people's

boundaries.....just because something helps me doesn't mean they're

interested. But when I'm focusing more on selling a particular product or

service, I'm much more likely to be talking about it to people a lot.


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Hi Vicki...

I just began treatment with the Rife machine after over 6 years of

failed antibiotic treatments. I would love to answer any questions you

have about treatment with the Rife Machine. I have been using it for a

little over a month and it is definantly different than anything I

have tried. I have also tried collidal silver, ozone water, etc....so

it sounds like we've both been down similar roads. Feel free to

contact me about it.


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  • 11 months later...

Before I would seek additonal medical help, which may distract from

the problem, do the diet. No sugar in any form, high protien, green

veggies and low carb. What medication was prescribed?

Good luck but please don't think you will cure this with medication.

Diet and anti-fungal supplements are a proven cure.




> Hi! My name is Michele and I was told last night that I have

candida. The

> doctor diagnosed me just with a questionnaire, on which I scored a

98. He

> prescribed medication and a very strict diet.


> I am not fully convinced that I have this, so next week I am

seeking a

> second opinion with another ENT (my main problems is


> feeling and a crunching/crackling in my ears when I swallow) and

am going to

> ask him if he can do an eustachian tube dysfunction test.


> I just wondered what all of your symptoms were, how you got

diagnosed, etc?


> ~ Michele










> .


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It's also important to rotate antifungals monthly. I did use prescriptions as

part of the rotation, but was sure to mostly use natural antifungals. You HAVE

to cure your leaky gut or the candida will come back. Get the

lactulose-mannitol test to check whether or not you have intestinal


I had the ear-crackling thing too. That can be caused by candida. You are

lucky to have a doc who will actually diagnose it!

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What is the lactulose-mannitol test and how do you get one?



From: candidiasis [mailto:candidiasis ] On

Behalf Of ~susan w~

Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 10:27 AM


Subject: Re: Re: Hi I'm new!

It's also important to rotate antifungals monthly. I did use prescriptions

as part of the rotation, but was sure to mostly use natural antifungals. You

HAVE to cure your leaky gut or the candida will come back. Get the

lactulose-mannitol test to check whether or not you have intestinal


I had the ear-crackling thing too. That can be caused by candida. You are

lucky to have a doc who will actually diagnose it!

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Steve and I have similar beliefs. Heal yourself with diet. I think his diet

plan is great especially when starting out to kill off the candidiasis As your

body heals it needs proteins.

My books explains some other things that may be compromising your immune


It is FREE as a Pdf download at:


Pass it on

smkahoo <smkahoo@...> wrote: Before I

would seek additonal medical help, which may distract from

the problem, do the diet. No sugar in any form, high protien, green

veggies and low carb. What medication was prescribed?

Good luck but please don't think you will cure this with medication.

Diet and anti-fungal supplements are a proven cure.




> Hi! My name is Michele and I was told last night that I have

candida. The

> doctor diagnosed me just with a questionnaire, on which I scored a

98. He

> prescribed medication and a very strict diet.


> I am not fully convinced that I have this, so next week I am

seeking a

> second opinion with another ENT (my main problems is


> feeling and a crunching/crackling in my ears when I swallow) and

am going to

> ask him if he can do an eustachian tube dysfunction test.


> I just wondered what all of your symptoms were, how you got

diagnosed, etc?


> ~ Michele










> .



Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Small


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I agree with Steve, and add that medication may not only distract

from treatment, but it probably will significantly increase your

toxin burden. This additional load requires energy that your body

could be using for recovery.



> Posted by: " smkahoo " smkahoo@... smkahoo

> Date: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:20 am (PDT)


> Before I would seek additonal medical help, which may distract from

> the problem, do the diet. No sugar in any form, high protien, green

> veggies and low carb. What medication was prescribed?


> Good luck but please don't think you will cure this with medication.

> Diet and anti-fungal supplements are a proven cure.


> Steve


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I agree with that you have to cure the leaky gut or the

candida will come back. Not because leaky gut causes candida, but

because both candida and leaky gut are caused by bowel dysbiosis,

not curing the leaky gut indicates that you still have dysbiosis.

Good news is the gut heals pretty quickly, something like mouth


Incidentally it's not necessary to take glutamine, an amino acid,

to speed gut healing; the undenatured whey you're probably taking

for glutathione increase anyway contains quite a lot of it.


> Posted by: " ~susan w~ " peacefulmeow@... peacefulmeow

> Date: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:43 am (PDT)


> It's also important to rotate antifungals monthly. I did use

> prescriptions as part of the rotation, but was sure to mostly use

> natural antifungals. You HAVE to cure your leaky gut or the candida

> will come back. Get the lactulose-mannitol test to check whether or

> not you have intestinal permeability.


> I had the ear-crackling thing too. That can be caused by candida.

> You are lucky to have a doc who will actually diagnose it!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi to all the new people. I'm Ila and my age is 48 yrs.. My whole

family has had this disease on my fathers side and I knew it was only a

matter of time before it hit me. I am the youngest one to have it

though. I've had it at least 12 yrs. but was only dx about 8 months

ago. I've been dx with everything but RA, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia

to being nuts in the head before a doctor actually took the time to

listen and check me over and not rely on blood work to determine what

was wrong with me. She is still my doctor and will be as long as she is

in practice.

I go to my first non male rheumy on Dec 20th. The last male rheumy I

went to told me I needed a psych doctor that there was nothing wrong

with me even though that day my hands were about twice their normal size

and there were nodules the size of almonds on three of my fingers. I've

given up on male doctors, but that's just me, some of you may have good

luck with them.

I don't contribute much that is useful to the list, just try to throw in

a little humor once in awhile because that is how I deal with the day to

day living with this awful mess they call a life. If I didn't laugh I'd

be crying and I refuse to feel sorry for myself. There is always

someone who has it worse than me.

This is a wonderful supportive group, certainly more so than my family

as they really understand what I am going through on a day to day basis

and I thank my higher power/God each and every day that every member of

this group is here.

Until the next laugh ..........................

Ila in Maine mailto:sewcraftyila@...




" Life's a journey, not a destination "

Tyler (Aerosmith)

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  • 3 years later...
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Hi , Welcome to the forum, your story is similar to mine- and many others. I too did not do well on thyroxine. Can you tell us what your last TSH was- together with range. Many docs tend to undermedicate which doesn't help. most healthy folk have a TSh of around 1.0- so that is what docs should be aiming for. The whole endocrine system is linked with the thyroid being the master gland that controls metabolism- so if inadequately medicated it can throw all the other systems out too- with a tendency for heavy periods, or even the opposite! Sadly mine got so bad that I ended up with a hysterectomy, but that was before I realised that there was more to the thyroid system than T4 alone. Do not accept 'it's your age dear' or 'menopause' when it may really be your thyroid. there is much that you can do. to help yourself, but you may also need other thyroid meds to get there. Get a free e-mail account with Hotmail. Sign-up now.

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Hi , 200mcg is the same as ug All the more reason to be banging on the door- you child needs you fit and well! > thyroid treatment > From: yvonnefinancial@...> Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2010 21:46:56 +0000> Subject: Re: hi I'm new!> > > > > > I'm off out today to get some Selenium - I'm a bit confused though as you say 200mcgs - I'm assuming that this is the same as 200ug which is supposed to deliver 200mg - I'll ask in Holland and Barrett if I don't hear back. :o)> that's about the extent of my treatment. I've not been there banging on the door as I've got a young child who wears me out -> > Thank you again. x x x> > >> > Did you mean to write something ????> > > > > > > > Luv - Sheila> > > > > > > > From: thyroid treatment > > [mailto:thyroid treatment ] On Behalf Of > > Sent: 06 July 2010 10:37> > thyroid treatment > > Subject: Re: hi I'm new!> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > No virus found in this incoming message.> > Checked by AVG - www.avg.com> > Version: 8.5.439 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2980 - Release Date: 07/05/10> > 18:36:00> >> > > > > ------------------------------------> > TPA is not medically qualified. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before changing medication.> >

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