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Chronic Lyme Disease

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hi...i have chronic Lyme and started LDN 2 1/2 months ago after finding out what had me now bed ridden because i was so chronically sick for years...(3 mg at night) i started Samento, and that can cause some intense herxing, so its hard to see the benefits of LDN just yet, but if you are wondering if it will help..i am sure it will because it will also help you from developing more co-infections..it may take awhile to see any changes but i have seen other benefits that i never even thought about...my teeth were not in good shape and gums bleeding when i brushed..i went in to get my cleaning and my teeth were stronger and my gums were very healthy and tight...also no bleeding gums at all.....i was so surprised...then i got home and realized that is the LDN because i didn't do anything that would cause such a fast healthy change...so it is a whole body

treatment....so it makes sense to use it because it will boost your immune system and that way we have a better chance to let our body fight for us...but you will need other meds to kill off this hardy bug....i take Samento myself. Have you started LDN yet, and are going through any other lyme treatment?

Feel free to contact me anytime, and i wish you well.


From: thomaspequignot <thomaspequignot@...>Subject: [low dose naltrexone] chronic Lyme diseaselow dose naltrexone Date: Monday, November 2, 2009, 3:31 AM

Has anyone used LDN to help in chronic Lyme disease?

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I have tried it for my chronic Lyme but I couldn’t

tolerate a high enough does to be effective. It affected my mood and sleep negatively,

but nothing else! Still, we are all different so it may suit you, I know others

who use it.

Good luck


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My doctor started me on 3 drops and if i do OK on that without herxing too much, then i can raise it slowly.....i started herxing bad on 3 drops, so he said to just try 2 drops for now and then you can go back to 3 drops when you feel u can.....slowly he will get me to 15 drops a day.....there really isn't set amount that you have to do....you just start at three and as long as you feel you can handle it...you go up another drop...go at a comfortable pace,,,,and if it is too much to handle, go down a drop. Drink lots of water, and the way i was told to take it is by adding the three drops to my water, on an empty stomach. I take mine closer to the end of the day so i feel less discomfort.

contact me any time and i wish u good health.


From: thomaspequignot <thomaspequignot>Subject: [low dose naltrexone] chronic Lyme diseaselow dose naltrexoneDate: Monday, November 2, 2009, 3:31 AM

Has anyone used LDN to help in chronic Lyme disease?

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I am giving LDN a go for Chronic Lyme with MS like symptoms; I started 2 weeks a

go on 1ml (liquid) and did quite well on it; in this second week since I have

upped it to 2ml I have had increased fatigue, muscle pain, leg weakness etc I am

meant to increase to 3ml next week, but think I will stick to the 2ml until I

get used to it. I am female, slim and 5ft 2 so think the smaller dose suited me

better - any advice?

I have tried longterm antibiotic treatment (2+ years)which improved me but I

then plateaued, I have also been found to have mitochondrial dysfunction and

excess intracellular calcium.

Many thanks


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LDN will not get rid of your lyme, you must be on either alternative lyme

treatment or traditional lyme treatment. LDN plays a limited roll in lyme

disease. If you've been on antibiotic treatment and did nothing to keep candida

yeast from overgrowing you need to combat candida yeast. You may want to try

TOA-Free Samento and Spiro Extract as a lyme treatment


, LDN user 6 years




> Hi,


> I am giving LDN a go for Chronic Lyme with MS like symptoms; I started 2 weeks

a go on 1ml (liquid) and did quite well on it; in this second week since I have

upped it to 2ml I have had increased fatigue, muscle pain, leg weakness etc I am

meant to increase to 3ml next week, but think I will stick to the 2ml until I

get used to it. I am female, slim and 5ft 2 so think the smaller dose suited me

better - any advice?


> I have tried longterm antibiotic treatment (2+ years)which improved me but I

then plateaued, I have also been found to have mitochondrial dysfunction and

excess intracellular calcium.


> Many thanks

> Jen


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> Slowdive,


> LDN will not get rid of your lyme, you must be on either alternative lyme

treatment or traditional lyme treatment. LDN plays a limited roll in lyme

disease. If you've been on antibiotic treatment and did nothing to keep candida

yeast from overgrowing you need to combat candida yeast. You may want to try

TOA-Free Samento and Spiro Extract as a lyme treatment



> , LDN user 6 years

> ========================

Hi ,

Yes, I am on LDN as my immune system is a mess - basically this is the third and

worst episode of illness for me following being bitten to bits on holiday 6

years ago, 2 weeks later I had severe vertigo and couldn't stand up or walk. I

later found out that 3 years prior, a rash that had been misdiagnosed as

granuloma annulare was infact a classic EM rash, I also had tested weak positive

for Lyme but my GP didn't inform me.

My LLMD has found I have Chlamydia Pneumonia (treated with the Broson protocol),

and mitochondrial disfunction, i.e I am literally incapable of producing energy,

also my cells are flooded with calcium causing cell death; hence he has taken me

off all antibiotics in the hopes of correcting the above and boosting my

immunity so I can tolerate the treatment (I had horrific herxes)I am also due to

to try calcium channel blockers before resuming any Lyme treatment, and to have

an MRI - I currently can barely walk/stand, so highly frustrating!

Many thanks


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Good morning all.

I wanted to share an update about my visit with my Lyme doctor. yesterday.....I knew there would be some herxing once i started Samento since i was chronic Lyme by the time it was discovered. .so when i was started on 3 drops i found out just what herxing is hard and heavy....so since i was so sick, my doc told me to go down to 2 drops. (also on LDN, and Plaqunil for lyme)...then strange symptoms that were unbearable began....my hands got so swollen that it hurt to even touch anything...my face took on a reddish, sore, puffy look, then it spread down my body...i was shaving my legs in the shower and when i got out to dry off, i noticed below the knees my legs were bleeding...which turned into sores..and my mouth broke out in canker sores..i was glad it was there to see when i had my follow-up. He told me that my lymphatic system was to sick to drain the infection out of my body so he told me to stop Samento for now and

started me on an auto immune builder first and its called TRANSFER FACTOR LYMPLUS. I am to take it once a day, and he said along with LDN that it will repair my body enough to restart the Samento. I wanted to share that with you in case you ordered Samento on your own as something to be aware of. He said when the body is so sick, what can happen is as you take Samento and it is not releasing from the body as it should, it just builds up and moves about the body to the point that it is overload...although he said it wouldn't kill me to tough it out, he said the reactions would be so severe and overwhelming that the best way to handle it is to prepare the body before restarting Samento. ..oh i forgot to share this reaction... my hair started falling out too. He also said by doing it this way, i will begin to feel a lot better very quickly.

..just wanted to share that with you in hopes it may help someone.

wellness to all,


>> > Hi ,> What is "TOA". I take Samento Microbial Defense L-4 by nutrimedix. Is that ok?> Thanks,> Jack============ =====Yes, it is TOA free, click on link & scroll down to see Description.http://www.herbalre medies.com/ liquidsamento. html

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