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Can some please enlighten me on the Lemon and Olive oil cleanse.

I have been reading this list for some time and have often asked questions,


in relation to my problems Hernia, trying to heal this with herbs not surgery.

I realise we all must have gallstones, as we all eat fried, fatty daily products


I would be interested in doing a cleanse but would prefer the most simpliest

method possible. Can some please answer this.



> From: <elisa130@...>


> Hi there. I am new to the list. I am currently doing a

> parasite cleanse with Kroger Herb wormwood

> combination. I am going to do the cleanse on sunday or

> monday. I am fairly sure it will be the olive oil and

> lemon juice one. I have a question about the lemon

> juice. What is the purpose? Also is it possible to

> make a gigantic salad and use lemon and olive oil

> dressing instead? Or perhaps a chicken breast or fish

> sauted in lemon and olive oil? I am very anxious to

> get rid of these stones. In any case, I actually think

> I may have accidentlly cleaned out some stones a few

> years ago. I used to do epsom salt cleanses every so

> often and at the same time I used to have this broiled

> chicken on a pita with olive oile and lemon dressing.

> I distinctly remember seeing a large amount of green

> globular, cloudy, pinto-bean shaped things in the

> toilet. I was scared that I had done something wrong

> at the time but now I think it was gallstones!!




> _________________________________________________________


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hey jessie, I too, wanted something easy. The one I just did was pretty

easy. Apparently you must soften and break up the stones before flushing

them out. That is what the apple juice/cider does. The one I just did

utilized supplements to do that also, I guess. the supps contain bovine

stuff, beet powder, carrot powder, etc.

Then the lemon juice/ olive oil flushes them out. The procedure I did used

1/2 cup each of lemon and olive oil.I drank this and then went to bed and

held my right knee up to my chest and lay on my right side. I was pretty

nauseated, but it went away after an hour or so. The chiropractor I went to

said he has used this method over a hundred times and has always helped.

Only one person he said, opted to have surgery. He said ppl have come to

him and hugged him it has helped so. So I would think it must clear out

stones. He also said that you probably need to do it again in 4 or 5 years.

I hope I have helped a little. I would be glad to give you the name of the

stuff and the procedure. Bye.. laura

At 07:58 AM 7/10/99 +1000, you wrote:

>From: " <jessie zander> " <tjzander@...>


>Can some please enlighten me on the Lemon and Olive oil cleanse.


>I have been reading this list for some time and have often asked

questions, mainly

>in relation to my problems Hernia, trying to heal this with herbs not



>I realise we all must have gallstones, as we all eat fried, fatty daily




>I would be interested in doing a cleanse but would prefer the most simpliest

>method possible. Can some please answer this.






> wrote:


>> From: <elisa130@...>


>> Hi there. I am new to the list. I am currently doing a

>> parasite cleanse with Kroger Herb wormwood

>> combination. I am going to do the cleanse on sunday or

>> monday. I am fairly sure it will be the olive oil and

>> lemon juice one. I have a question about the lemon

>> juice. What is the purpose? Also is it possible to

>> make a gigantic salad and use lemon and olive oil

>> dressing instead? Or perhaps a chicken breast or fish

>> sauted in lemon and olive oil? I am very anxious to

>> get rid of these stones. In any case, I actually think

>> I may have accidentlly cleaned out some stones a few

>> years ago. I used to do epsom salt cleanses every so

>> often and at the same time I used to have this broiled

>> chicken on a pita with olive oile and lemon dressing.

>> I distinctly remember seeing a large amount of green

>> globular, cloudy, pinto-bean shaped things in the

>> toilet. I was scared that I had done something wrong

>> at the time but now I think it was gallstones!!




>> _________________________________________________________


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Hi and any one else interested......

The apple juice theory works wonders!

I had previously done 3 parasite cleanses and then 3 separate liver


I did cleanse out many visible parasites (That is another story! Yuck!) but ,

was frustrated by the lack of stones if any I passed during all three


I knew I had stones to be passed (I had many gallbladder attacks and

previously had yellow tint to my skin for many years).

A nice women named Chung wrote me and suggested I had a stagnant liver

ontop of stones. What happens is that it is so congested the stones can not

get thru.

No matter what cleanse you do. There are chinese herbs that you can take

that will break down the stones and help clear debris from your liver. Or

you can drink gallons of apple juice one day and it will do the same.

This is what happened.

In the morning and early afternoon I only ate fresh uncooked fruit and


Not many (some suggest total fasting for one complete day). I stopped eating

at 2 and just continued drinking as much apple juice or apple cider as


I took my first dose of epson salts around 6 and then again at 8. At 7 pm I

went to the bathroom and passed for the first time HUNDREDS of small tan


I used to be afraid I would miss them, but once your liver starts cleansing,

there is no way to miss them.

I anxiously awaited my green stones and they came the next morning.

I took the grapefruit juice/olive oil connoction that night around 9:45.

(though I substituted lemon juice this time) and felt very ill for about an

hour. I really wanted to throw up, but refrained from doing so.

The next morning I had a few large pea sized green stones along with more

smaller tan ones. Then a few hours later a few more green ones.

I am currently on chinese bitters to help clean the debris from my liver and

in a few weeks will do another cleanse.

Best of luck!!!


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No I didn't . I should have though.

My brother recently had numerous gallbladder attacks and ending up having his

gallbladder removed. A few months later, I had the same attacks and started

to panic. I decided to do a cleanse first and see what happened. Thinking

back, I wish I had gone to a doctor and gotten a diagnosis and ultrasound


However, just feeling better and having no attacks is good enough for me.

I also often wish I had kept a parasite or two (disgusting I know)......so

many people scoff and ridicule the idea of internal parasites. However, at

the time I was passing them, it was a very traumatic!!! I was afraid to go

to sleep for days!

But, I am so glad I have rid my body of them.

On one newsgroup, a very outspoken (and what I consider rude) individual

claims only people who eat out of trashcans have internal parasites.

However, I am not a big meat eater, only drink bottled water, wash my hands,

and am very sanitary.

I had numerous types of parasites. You just can never tell.

Anyway, best of luck.

It is treatable!

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hey jessie, I lived in Rose Bay when I was a child.

Yeah, you do need to drink ALOT of apple juice or cider. I drank about a

half gallon per day for 5 days.

THe procedure I did, you could use grapefruit juice, too. I think it is the

acidity of the juice.

I have read other procedures too. I hope the chiropractor is correct in

saying that i may not have to do this for another 4 or 5 years.

I feel twinges now and again, and I wonder if this is normal. Any comments

would be great.

Anyway, I am flip-flopping, but in the procedure I did, you drink the apple

juice for 5 days and then do the flush. Good luck! laura

At 09:40 AM 7/11/99 +1000, you wrote:

>From: " <jessie zander> " <tjzander@...>


>Thanks for your reply .


>I don't know whether I stated that I come from Australia and I have

noticed that a

>lots of the products used either in Europe or US are not available here


>in Melbourne for some reason. I think we have tighter laws in .


>What I am trying to do at the present is drink herbal teas that are

beneficial for

>the regulation of gallbladder, kidney and liver, but as you are probably


>this takes time.


>I have read emails before where it was stated the drink gallons of apple


>were they joking or is this fact?


>Also from the Gallstone web there is a remedy using grapefruit and olive

oil have

>you tried this sound very complicated?


>But any advice would be greatly appreciated.




> " K. McMullan " wrote:


>> From: " K. McMullan " <mcfam12@...>


>> hey jessie, I too, wanted something easy. The one I just did was pretty

>> easy. Apparently you must soften and break up the stones before flushing

>> them out. That is what the apple juice/cider does. The one I just did

>> utilized supplements to do that also, I guess. the supps contain bovine

>> stuff, beet powder, carrot powder, etc.

>> Then the lemon juice/ olive oil flushes them out. The procedure I did used

>> 1/2 cup each of lemon and olive oil.I drank this and then went to bed and

>> held my right knee up to my chest and lay on my right side. I was pretty

>> nauseated, but it went away after an hour or so. The chiropractor I went to

>> said he has used this method over a hundred times and has always helped.

>> Only one person he said, opted to have surgery. He said ppl have come to

>> him and hugged him it has helped so. So I would think it must clear out

>> stones. He also said that you probably need to do it again in 4 or 5 years.

>> I hope I have helped a little. I would be glad to give you the name of the

>> stuff and the procedure. Bye.. laura


>> At 07:58 AM 7/10/99 +1000, you wrote:

>> >From: " <jessie zander> " <tjzander@...>

>> >

>> >Can some please enlighten me on the Lemon and Olive oil cleanse.

>> >

>> >I have been reading this list for some time and have often asked

>> questions, mainly

>> >in relation to my problems Hernia, trying to heal this with herbs not

>> surgery.

>> >

>> >I realise we all must have gallstones, as we all eat fried, fatty daily

>> products

>> >etc.

>> >

>> >I would be interested in doing a cleanse but would prefer the most


>> >method possible. Can some please answer this.

>> >

>> >

>> >Jessie

>> >

>> >

>> > wrote:

>> >

>> >> From: <elisa130@...>

>> >>

>> >> Hi there. I am new to the list. I am currently doing a

>> >> parasite cleanse with Kroger Herb wormwood

>> >> combination. I am going to do the cleanse on sunday or

>> >> monday. I am fairly sure it will be the olive oil and

>> >> lemon juice one. I have a question about the lemon

>> >> juice. What is the purpose? Also is it possible to

>> >> make a gigantic salad and use lemon and olive oil

>> >> dressing instead? Or perhaps a chicken breast or fish

>> >> sauted in lemon and olive oil? I am very anxious to

>> >> get rid of these stones. In any case, I actually think

>> >> I may have accidentlly cleaned out some stones a few

>> >> years ago. I used to do epsom salt cleanses every so

>> >> often and at the same time I used to have this broiled

>> >> chicken on a pita with olive oile and lemon dressing.

>> >> I distinctly remember seeing a large amount of green

>> >> globular, cloudy, pinto-bean shaped things in the

>> >> toilet. I was scared that I had done something wrong

>> >> at the time but now I think it was gallstones!!

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>

>> >> _________________________________________________________

>> >>

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Wow Jeanmarie...when I did my flush, I didn't really see any stones, unless

I just didn't recognize them. I called the Dr. and he said that they could

be mixed in with the stool. Have you had an ultrasound after flushing?laura

At 07:45 PM 7/10/99 EDT, you wrote:

>From: Jomma@...


>Hi and any one else interested......


>The apple juice theory works wonders!

>I had previously done 3 parasite cleanses and then 3 separate liver


>I did cleanse out many visible parasites (That is another story! Yuck!)

but ,

>was frustrated by the lack of stones if any I passed during all three



>I knew I had stones to be passed (I had many gallbladder attacks and

>previously had yellow tint to my skin for many years).

>A nice women named Chung wrote me and suggested I had a stagnant liver

>ontop of stones. What happens is that it is so congested the stones can not

>get thru.

>No matter what cleanse you do. There are chinese herbs that you can take

>that will break down the stones and help clear debris from your liver. Or

>you can drink gallons of apple juice one day and it will do the same.


>This is what happened.


>In the morning and early afternoon I only ate fresh uncooked fruit and


>Not many (some suggest total fasting for one complete day). I stopped


>at 2 and just continued drinking as much apple juice or apple cider as



>I took my first dose of epson salts around 6 and then again at 8. At 7 pm I

>went to the bathroom and passed for the first time HUNDREDS of small tan


>I used to be afraid I would miss them, but once your liver starts cleansing,

>there is no way to miss them.


>I anxiously awaited my green stones and they came the next morning.

>I took the grapefruit juice/olive oil connoction that night around 9:45.

>(though I substituted lemon juice this time) and felt very ill for about an

>hour. I really wanted to throw up, but refrained from doing so.

>The next morning I had a few large pea sized green stones along with more

>smaller tan ones. Then a few hours later a few more green ones.


>I am currently on chinese bitters to help clean the debris from my liver and

>in a few weeks will do another cleanse.

>Best of luck!!!




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In a message dated 7/10/99 7:46:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Jomma@...



I took my first dose of epson salts around 6 and then again at 8. At 7 pm I

went to the bathroom and passed for the first time HUNDREDS of small tan

stones. >>

What is the dose?. How much water, and how much epson salts?.

Thank you!. (-:


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Thanks for your reply .

I don't know whether I stated that I come from Australia and I have noticed that


lots of the products used either in Europe or US are not available here


in Melbourne for some reason. I think we have tighter laws in .

What I am trying to do at the present is drink herbal teas that are beneficial


the regulation of gallbladder, kidney and liver, but as you are probably aware

this takes time.

I have read emails before where it was stated the drink gallons of apple juice,

were they joking or is this fact?

Also from the Gallstone web there is a remedy using grapefruit and olive oil


you tried this sound very complicated?

But any advice would be greatly appreciated.


" K. McMullan " wrote:

> From: " K. McMullan " <mcfam12@...>


> hey jessie, I too, wanted something easy. The one I just did was pretty

> easy. Apparently you must soften and break up the stones before flushing

> them out. That is what the apple juice/cider does. The one I just did

> utilized supplements to do that also, I guess. the supps contain bovine

> stuff, beet powder, carrot powder, etc.

> Then the lemon juice/ olive oil flushes them out. The procedure I did used

> 1/2 cup each of lemon and olive oil.I drank this and then went to bed and

> held my right knee up to my chest and lay on my right side. I was pretty

> nauseated, but it went away after an hour or so. The chiropractor I went to

> said he has used this method over a hundred times and has always helped.

> Only one person he said, opted to have surgery. He said ppl have come to

> him and hugged him it has helped so. So I would think it must clear out

> stones. He also said that you probably need to do it again in 4 or 5 years.

> I hope I have helped a little. I would be glad to give you the name of the

> stuff and the procedure. Bye.. laura


> At 07:58 AM 7/10/99 +1000, you wrote:

> >From: " <jessie zander> " <tjzander@...>

> >

> >Can some please enlighten me on the Lemon and Olive oil cleanse.

> >

> >I have been reading this list for some time and have often asked

> questions, mainly

> >in relation to my problems Hernia, trying to heal this with herbs not

> surgery.

> >

> >I realise we all must have gallstones, as we all eat fried, fatty daily

> products

> >etc.

> >

> >I would be interested in doing a cleanse but would prefer the most simpliest

> >method possible. Can some please answer this.

> >

> >

> >Jessie

> >

> >

> > wrote:

> >

> >> From: <elisa130@...>

> >>

> >> Hi there. I am new to the list. I am currently doing a

> >> parasite cleanse with Kroger Herb wormwood

> >> combination. I am going to do the cleanse on sunday or

> >> monday. I am fairly sure it will be the olive oil and

> >> lemon juice one. I have a question about the lemon

> >> juice. What is the purpose? Also is it possible to

> >> make a gigantic salad and use lemon and olive oil

> >> dressing instead? Or perhaps a chicken breast or fish

> >> sauted in lemon and olive oil? I am very anxious to

> >> get rid of these stones. In any case, I actually think

> >> I may have accidentlly cleaned out some stones a few

> >> years ago. I used to do epsom salt cleanses every so

> >> often and at the same time I used to have this broiled

> >> chicken on a pita with olive oile and lemon dressing.

> >> I distinctly remember seeing a large amount of green

> >> globular, cloudy, pinto-bean shaped things in the

> >> toilet. I was scared that I had done something wrong

> >> at the time but now I think it was gallstones!!

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> _________________________________________________________

> >>

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Great advice a!

I can tell you this. I had done 3 previous parasite cleanses and during my

first liver/gallbladder cleanse, I passed more parasites. No stones. I was

VERY ill that night and wanted to throw up constantly. Also the next day I

felt like a mac truck had hit me.

Some of us are more suspectible to parasites (I had been on long doses of

antibotics that I suspect wiped out my good flora, then with a stagnant

liver.......bile is a natural antiparasitic, my parasite infection

flourished.) However, many signs of a parasite infection are the following:



Chronic constipation/diarrhea


joint/muscle pain

lowered immunity

chronic fatigue and/or depression

suspectibilty to infection

I had all of these and then some.

If you are not plagued with the above, I would imagine it would be ok to do a

cleanse without doing a parasite cleanse first.

However, if you feel very ill, don't pass many stones if any (You can't pass

stones with living parasites residing in there.....this must have been one of

my problems.)

Do a parasite cleanse and try again.

As far as not seeing the stones, I imagine this is possible. However, after a

cleanse you are likely to have diarrhea and the stones float. That is why

they are so obvious.

Best of luck to you!


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I guess I have two main questions about allof this...Do you HAVE to do a

parasite cleanse before flushing and how do you know you have all the

stones out? I started a cleanse but the company told me to stop because I

am breastfeeding. And if I never had any attacks, but have stones (or had)

in my gallbladder, does that mean I don't have many stones? laura

At 08:33 PM 7/10/99 EDT, you wrote:

>From: Jomma@...


>No I didn't . I should have though.


>My brother recently had numerous gallbladder attacks and ending up having


>gallbladder removed. A few months later, I had the same attacks and


>to panic. I decided to do a cleanse first and see what happened. Thinking

>back, I wish I had gone to a doctor and gotten a diagnosis and ultrasound



>However, just feeling better and having no attacks is good enough for me.


>I also often wish I had kept a parasite or two (disgusting I know)......so

>many people scoff and ridicule the idea of internal parasites. However, at

>the time I was passing them, it was a very traumatic!!! I was afraid to go

>to sleep for days!

>But, I am so glad I have rid my body of them.


>On one newsgroup, a very outspoken (and what I consider rude) individual

>claims only people who eat out of trashcans have internal parasites.

>However, I am not a big meat eater, only drink bottled water, wash my hands,

>and am very sanitary.

>I had numerous types of parasites. You just can never tell.

>Anyway, best of luck.

>It is treatable!



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I had my first attack after I had my baby last August and I went on a lowfat

diet with lost of veggies and fruit, also lots of organic apple juice.

After, about 2 months I did the cleanse and got lots of stones. I have since

done 4 cleanses and will probably continue until none come out. I read in

Dr. Hulda s book that it is important to do a parasite cleanse and this

is so that one will not get sick and get many stones out. I was

breastfeeding and so could not do the parasite cleanse, but my alternative

med. Dr. said it was fine to do the cleanse:

nofat food and drink until 2pm

no food or drink after 2pm

3/4 cup water with 2 tblsp. epsom salts at 6pm

3/4 cup water with 2 tblsp. epsom salts at 8pm

1/2 cup light virgin oil mixed with 1/2 cup of pink grapefruit at 10pm lie

on side or flat on back and go to sleep. Supposedly more stones come out if

one lies really still for at least the first 1/2 hr.

3/4 cup water with 2 tblsp.epsom salts at 6am

3/4 cup water with 2 tblsp. epsom salts at 8pm

After that stones should be coming out. I found that more came out when I

nothing on that day except organic fruit juice til 2pm. you can eat around


I am still breastfeeding and have done 4 cleanses.

Some helpful links:

apart from Dusans of course :-), which is a wonderful wonderful site.


Has Dr. Hulda s recipes


except we can't take the coin grass while breastfeeding

I hope that helps!


-----Original Message-----

From: McMullan [mailto:mcfam12@...]

Sent: Saturday, July 10, 1999 8:31 PM


Subject: Re: hello

From: McMullan <mcfam12@...>

I guess I have two main questions about allof this...Do you HAVE to do a

parasite cleanse before flushing and how do you know you have all the

stones out? I started a cleanse but the company told me to stop because I

am breastfeeding. And if I never had any attacks, but have stones (or had)

in my gallbladder, does that mean I don't have many stones? laura

At 08:33 PM 7/10/99 EDT, you wrote:

>From: Jomma@...


>No I didn't . I should have though.


>My brother recently had numerous gallbladder attacks and ending up having


>gallbladder removed. A few months later, I had the same attacks and


>to panic. I decided to do a cleanse first and see what happened. Thinking

>back, I wish I had gone to a doctor and gotten a diagnosis and ultrasound



>However, just feeling better and having no attacks is good enough for me.


>I also often wish I had kept a parasite or two (disgusting I know)......so

>many people scoff and ridicule the idea of internal parasites. However, at

>the time I was passing them, it was a very traumatic!!! I was afraid to go

>to sleep for days!

>But, I am so glad I have rid my body of them.


>On one newsgroup, a very outspoken (and what I consider rude) individual

>claims only people who eat out of trashcans have internal parasites.

>However, I am not a big meat eater, only drink bottled water, wash my


>and am very sanitary.

>I had numerous types of parasites. You just can never tell.

>Anyway, best of luck.

>It is treatable!



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Thanks a...So even tho my doc said I shouldn't have to do another one

for a few years, I probably should do some anyway? Also, how long in

between did you do them?

And you have yet to do the parasite cleanse?

Did you drink apple juice for a few days before the cleanse?


At 11:36 PM 7/10/99 -0400, you wrote:

>From: " a Chisholm " <alexa@...>




>I had my first attack after I had my baby last August and I went on a lowfat

>diet with lost of veggies and fruit, also lots of organic apple juice.

>After, about 2 months I did the cleanse and got lots of stones. I have since

>done 4 cleanses and will probably continue until none come out. I read in

>Dr. Hulda s book that it is important to do a parasite cleanse and this

>is so that one will not get sick and get many stones out. I was

>breastfeeding and so could not do the parasite cleanse, but my alternative

>med. Dr. said it was fine to do the cleanse:


>nofat food and drink until 2pm

>no food or drink after 2pm

>3/4 cup water with 2 tblsp. epsom salts at 6pm

>3/4 cup water with 2 tblsp. epsom salts at 8pm

>1/2 cup light virgin oil mixed with 1/2 cup of pink grapefruit at 10pm lie

>on side or flat on back and go to sleep. Supposedly more stones come out if

>one lies really still for at least the first 1/2 hr.

>3/4 cup water with 2 tblsp.epsom salts at 6am

>3/4 cup water with 2 tblsp. epsom salts at 8pm


>After that stones should be coming out. I found that more came out when I

>nothing on that day except organic fruit juice til 2pm. you can eat around



>I am still breastfeeding and have done 4 cleanses.


>Some helpful links:

>apart from Dusans of course :-), which is a wonderful wonderful site.



>Has Dr. Hulda s recipes



>except we can't take the coin grass while breastfeeding


>I hope that helps!





>-----Original Message-----

>From: McMullan [mailto:mcfam12@...]

>Sent: Saturday, July 10, 1999 8:31 PM


>Subject: Re: hello



>From: McMullan <mcfam12@...>




>I guess I have two main questions about allof this...Do you HAVE to do a

>parasite cleanse before flushing and how do you know you have all the

>stones out? I started a cleanse but the company told me to stop because I

>am breastfeeding. And if I never had any attacks, but have stones (or had)

>in my gallbladder, does that mean I don't have many stones? laura






>At 08:33 PM 7/10/99 EDT, you wrote:

>>From: Jomma@...


>>No I didn't . I should have though.


>>My brother recently had numerous gallbladder attacks and ending up having


>>gallbladder removed. A few months later, I had the same attacks and


>>to panic. I decided to do a cleanse first and see what happened. Thinking

>>back, I wish I had gone to a doctor and gotten a diagnosis and ultrasound



>>However, just feeling better and having no attacks is good enough for me.


>>I also often wish I had kept a parasite or two (disgusting I know)......so

>>many people scoff and ridicule the idea of internal parasites. However, at

>>the time I was passing them, it was a very traumatic!!! I was afraid to go

>>to sleep for days!

>>But, I am so glad I have rid my body of them.


>>On one newsgroup, a very outspoken (and what I consider rude) individual

>>claims only people who eat out of trashcans have internal parasites.

>>However, I am not a big meat eater, only drink bottled water, wash my


>>and am very sanitary.

>>I had numerous types of parasites. You just can never tell.

>>Anyway, best of luck.

>>It is treatable!



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> From: " K. McMullan " <mcfam12@...>


> hey jessie, I too, wanted something easy. The one I just did

> was pretty easy. Apparently you must soften and break up the

> stones before flushing them out. That is what the apple

> juice/cider does. The one I just did utilized supplements to

> do that also, I guess. the supps contain bovine stuff, beet

> powder, carrot powder, etc. Then the lemon juice/ olive oil

> flushes them out. The procedure I did used 1/2 cup each of

> lemon and olive oil.I drank this and then went to bed and

> held my right knee up to my chest and lay on my right side.

> I was pretty nauseated, but it went away after an hour or so.

> The chiropractor I went to said he has used this method over

> a hundred times and has always helped. Only one person he

> said, opted to have surgery. He said ppl have come to him and

> hugged him it has helped so. So I would think it must clear

> out stones. He also said that you probably need to do it

> again in 4 or 5 years. I hope I have helped a little. I would

> be glad to give you the name of the stuff and the procedure.

> Bye.. laura

Actually, it is HIGHLY recommended that you take a

SERIES of flushes, with a week or two between each one,

for a total of at LEATS 4 or 5 flushes. One flush will

NOT get them all out, and indeed, it is suggested by

those who have supervised many of these, that the

firsat flush will get the first large ones out, but if

you don't follow this up with a few more flushes, the

smaller ones BEHIND the big ones can actually BLOCK the

bile duct, causing an even WORSE problem.

Bottom line: Do it until NO MORE STONES COME OUT. This

is the best measuring stick, and it also proves that

the stones are NOT merely 'congealed oil', as some of

the naysayers claim.



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hey charles, thanks for the response. I have since decided that I will do

more flushes using epsom salts along with the apple juice and lemon/oil drink.

Another question I have is -is it normal to feel as though something were

stirred up after doing flushes (days after)? Could this lead to an attack?

And is an attack when a stone gets stuck? laura

At 11:36 AM 7/11/99 -0400, you wrote:

>From: " Marcus " <cmarcus@...>


>> From: " K. McMullan " <mcfam12@...>


>> hey jessie, I too, wanted something easy. The one I just did

>> was pretty easy. Apparently you must soften and break up the

>> stones before flushing them out. That is what the apple

>> juice/cider does. The one I just did utilized supplements to

>> do that also, I guess. the supps contain bovine stuff, beet

>> powder, carrot powder, etc. Then the lemon juice/ olive oil

>> flushes them out. The procedure I did used 1/2 cup each of

>> lemon and olive oil.I drank this and then went to bed and

>> held my right knee up to my chest and lay on my right side.

>> I was pretty nauseated, but it went away after an hour or so.

>> The chiropractor I went to said he has used this method over

>> a hundred times and has always helped. Only one person he

>> said, opted to have surgery. He said ppl have come to him and

>> hugged him it has helped so. So I would think it must clear

>> out stones. He also said that you probably need to do it

>> again in 4 or 5 years. I hope I have helped a little. I would

>> be glad to give you the name of the stuff and the procedure.

>> Bye.. laura


>Actually, it is HIGHLY recommended that you take a

>SERIES of flushes, with a week or two between each one,

>for a total of at LEATS 4 or 5 flushes. One flush will

>NOT get them all out, and indeed, it is suggested by

>those who have supervised many of these, that the

>firsat flush will get the first large ones out, but if

>you don't follow this up with a few more flushes, the

>smaller ones BEHIND the big ones can actually BLOCK the

>bile duct, causing an even WORSE problem.


>Bottom line: Do it until NO MORE STONES COME OUT. This

>is the best measuring stick, and it also proves that

>the stones are NOT merely 'congealed oil', as some of

>the naysayers claim.




> Marcus



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> From: McMullan <mcfam12@...>


> hey charles, thanks for the response. I have since decided

> that I will do more flushes using epsom salts along with the

> apple juice and lemon/oil drink. Another question I have is

> -is it normal to feel as though something were stirred up

> after doing flushes (days after)? Could this lead to an

> attack?

Absolutely...I think it is obvious that in order to get

the stones out, you HAVE to 'stir them up', and

whatever else is around them (parasites, mucus, etc).

> And is an attack when a stone gets stuck? laura

I would think so, but I am by no means an authority.



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Once you do a flush, is it possible to kind of pass some stones

automatically? Like if you get the larger ones out of the way, will smaller

ones come out on their own? laura

At 01:45 AM 7/12/99 -0400, you wrote:

>From: " Marcus " <cmarcus@...>


>> From: McMullan <mcfam12@...>


>> hey charles, thanks for the response. I have since decided

>> that I will do more flushes using epsom salts along with the

>> apple juice and lemon/oil drink. Another question I have is

>> -is it normal to feel as though something were stirred up

>> after doing flushes (days after)? Could this lead to an

>> attack?


>Absolutely...I think it is obvious that in order to get

>the stones out, you HAVE to 'stir them up', and

>whatever else is around them (parasites, mucus, etc).


>> And is an attack when a stone gets stuck? laura


>I would think so, but I am by no means an authority.




> Marcus



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> From: McMullan <mcfam12@...>




> Once you do a flush, is it possible to kind of pass some

> stones automatically? Like if you get the larger ones out of

> the way, will smaller ones come out on their own? laura

Certainly it is possible...but why take a chance? Just




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I just wondered because I thought it felt like about 3 passing yesterday

after that area feeling funny all day. laura I will def. do the flushes.

At 10:07 AM 7/12/99 -0400, you wrote:

>From: " Marcus " <cmarcus@...>


>> From: McMullan <mcfam12@...>




>> Once you do a flush, is it possible to kind of pass some

>> stones automatically? Like if you get the larger ones out of

>> the way, will smaller ones come out on their own? laura


>Certainly it is possible...but why take a chance? Just





> Marcus



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Kim,

I've done the cleanse 4 times and gotten a lot of stones out. I was advised

urgent surgery last October, but my pain has gone away and my digestion

keeps getting better ;-).


-----Original Message-----

From: SBkShop@... [mailto:SBkShop@...]

Sent: Sunday, September 26, 1999 4:18 AM


Subject: Hello

From: SBkShop@...


I just found out that I have gallstones. Finally went to the docs since what

I thought was a stomach flu never went away after a month <g>

A friend sent the link about cleansing out your system instead of surgery.

How many of you have done this? And has it worked? Has anyone had the


for it?

Just VERY curious.


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Have a nice day !

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Hey Kim,the cleanses work very well. Good luck.

At 04:17 AM 9/26/99 EDT, you wrote:

>From: SBkShop@...



>I just found out that I have gallstones. Finally went to the docs since what

>I thought was a stomach flu never went away after a month <g>

>A friend sent the link about cleansing out your system instead of surgery.

>How many of you have done this? And has it worked? Has anyone had the


>for it?

>Just VERY curious.



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>Have a nice day !


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  • 3 months later...

In a message dated 1/2/00 2:30:45 PM, st@... writes:

<< Next week I will go to hospital to have an achilles-tendon-lengthening and

a transfer of the tibialis-posterior-tendon done. >>

Hello ,

Welcome to the group.

I have not had surgeries so I know nothing about them, but I do know that it

is important that a CMTer be kept warm during the surgery. Over here there

are special blankets to keep the patient warm. I hope they are available in

Germany as well. CMTers have reported spending miserable days trying to get

warm afterwards, if they were not kept warm during the surgery.

The other important thing is not to have an anesthesia that is harmful for

people with neurological problems. I hope your anesthesiologist knows about

your CMT.

Good luck with your surgery. I hope it goes well and that you will someday

walk without people looking at your feet. :-)

By the way, too many doctors in the USA also do not know of or understand CMT.


Kat in Seattle USA

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Hello ,

Best of luck on your surgery next week. I had surgery 2 1/2 months

ago with tendon transfers/splitting on the front of my foot and toes.

So far everything looks wonderful and the dr. is pleased with the


The most difficult part is to be patient and not overdo. Take your

recovery time as a gift and enjoy catching up on your rest.

I hope you get this before you go in for surgery -- I've been haing modem

line problems

Best of luck . nne

-----Original Message-----

From: Theyskens <st@...>

onelist <onelist>

Date: Sunday, January 02, 2000 2:18 PM

Subject: [] Hello

>From: Theyskens <st@...>


>Hello everybody!


>My name is , I am 28 years old and I live in Germany.

>I have cmt x as I found out in 1998 by genetic testing.


>Next week I will go to hospital to have an achilles-tendon-lengthening

>and a transfer of the tibialis-posterior-tendon done. This will be the

>only surgery because of cmt for me so far.

>The surgery will be done to make me walk better :-)). I have a pair of

>afos but I only wore them once because it made me feel worse. So I hope

>the surgery will end up fine.

>The problem here in Germany is that it is difficult to find doctor who

>know about the disease other persons who have cmt. I have to say that my

>mother also has cmt but she does not want to get in touch with it. She

>is not so heavily affected and is not really interested in the disease.


>I hope that I can share some of my experiences with you.






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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 2/12/00 9:07:06 PM, o333@... writes:

<< Does anyone have leg twitches? They are annoying. How can I make them

less bothersome? >>

Hi , welcome to the group. Can you describe the leg twitches? Do they

involve most of the leg? A little bit of it? Are they like restless leg

syndrome or like electric shocks? Spasms? I'm sure there are other words too,

these are just some I can think of off-hand.

I assume by now you know that additional B6 is not recommended for CMTers.

How do your feet look? Your calves? How is your balance? Do you trip or fall


I hope you'll find some answers here.

Kat in Seattle

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

It sure can. That is why it's best to work at breaking them up and making them softer too, before doing a flush.


----- Original Message -----

From: Josh Legaspi


Cc: gallstonesonelist

Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2000 9:28 PM

Subject: Hello

To Whom it may concern;

I have a question concerning gallstones. I have two gallstones about 1cm in length. I was wondering could the gallstones perhaps get stuck in the process out of the gallbladder and down the Cystic Duct or the Duodenum? I would appreciate if you can respond soon.

Thank you.


Josh Legaspi

e-mail address; super2@...

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I am not sure how to answer you. I have only done one flush and the next

morning I passed two cups of stones. I didn't pass my large one. I am waiting

for the stone to decrease in size before attempting another flush.

On Sat, 8 Apr 2000 12:01:59 Josh Legaspi wrote:

>hello Diane-


> Somebody told me take 8 onces of oil, and 8 onces of lemon for 3 nights (no

Epsom), and in the morning the next to drink only apple juice nothing else.

They also said to sleep on my right side for the same 3 nights. The everyday I

went to the restroom and out came some gallstones. This was about a month ago.

I went to the Doctor and he told me that I still have 2 gallstones. Could I do

the cleansing again but this time the one with Epsom? About how long dose it

take for the gallstones to come out completely?






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