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  • 1 year later...

phritzg - what's your PCR, Genotype and Liver

Biopsy result? Will you be doing 6 months of treatment

or 12? I heard the Military doesn't do geno's and

makes everyone do 12 months is that true? Good luck!

Keep us informed

:)<br><br>alley<br><a href=http://community.dallasnews.com/dmn/dfwliver


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I'm not sure of my PCR; my genotype is 1B; and my

biopsy is scheduled for Thursday the 16th (next week).

The VA treatment schedule is 48 weeks; however, if

you don't clear the virus after 24 weeks, they

discontinue treatment and put you on a waiting list for new

treatments as they become available. There are many new

treatments on the horizon, so I'm pretty optimistic about


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The PCR is usually done prior to treatment

because that is used as a measure of whether treatment is

working or not. So hopefully yours was done, it was low,

and your biopsy will be good news. Then you'd have

lots to be thankful for now and in a couple of weeks!

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Trish and welcome, you will find non-responders

here, I was told I am. I just don't believe them,

smile. Are you a Genotype 1? You did the Ribavarin

with the Interferon? Trish how did you find the

group, I have been wondering how I did. You know how

the brain fog is. I started off with 7.5 mill viral

load and was 350,000 at about 5 1/2 (Oct. 99) months

but last Feb 2000, I was up to 29 mill. I have no

idea right now. I contracted the Hep C in 11/91 from

28 pints of blood given to me during grafting surgery

at a burn unit.

I have seen articles on the pegylated and it is a

long acting Interferon, that is my understanding of

it. There are lots of people here who will help you

with answers to your questions. Welcome Aboard Trish

..................Take Care, Connie

--- Patrice Vicory <poetrywrtr@...> wrote:

> I just wanted to drop a line and introduce myself.

> I joined your group yesterday. I have Hep C. I

> just finished Intron A Combo treatment last month.

> I started out at 1.85 million on my viral load. At

> 6 months I was at 3,000 needless to say I rejoiced

> over that fact. I finished the meds in the middle

> of December. I went to doctors appt 1 week later

> and they drew blood for another viral load test. It

> came back as 116,000 and they told me that I was

> already replicating the virus again..so I was a

> non-responder. Kinda walked around in shock a

> couple of days...like someone had pulled a rug out

> from under me or something. The nurse did tell me

> that come June they will put me on the pegylated tx.

> she also told me I would only have to inject once a

> week instead of 3 times a week. That is all she

> told me at this time. Does anyone out there know

> anymore about this treatment that they could share

> with me? I tolerated the Intron-A therapy very

> well. Other than some thinning of my hair and body

> aches I did pretty well. I took my shots just

> before bedtime. If someone or something would waken

> me I would find that I was awfully nauseated but as

> long as I had an uninterupted nights sleep I had no

> other other side effects other than those already

> stated. Can I expect the same with the pegylated?

> Sure hope this next one works..I hate the thought of

> ever going through a transplant..just don't think I

> could do that....mentally anyway.

> Oh just a bit more about myself for your files *S*

> I am 54 year old female. I have been divorced for

> 28 years and have 3 grown children and 9

> grandchildren. I contracted the virus due to drugs

> I injected in younger days. I have been clean for

> 12 years now as of September 1, 2000 so will

> celebrate 13 years this year...God willing. I have

> a web page online which displays poetry I write and

> I also make graphics on PSP which I also have on a

> web page for people who want to build websites.

> That is pretty much my life. I am a Christian and

> have been ever since coming off of drugs...that is

> where I find my strength and encouragement to make

> it through this life.

> Sorry this has been sort of long. I look forward to

> making friends with whom I have something in

> common...too bad it is the dragon bringing us

> together but lets just tame the danged thing.

> Take care and Walk In Love,

> Tenacious Trish/poetrywrtr

> I CAN do ALL things through Christ, which

> strengtheneth me Phil 4:13


> http://www.geocities.com/poetrywrtr/intro.html

> http://www.geocities.com/tavsdesigns/index.html



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Hi Trish and welcome, you will find non-responders

here, I was told I am. I just don't believe them,

smile. Are you a Genotype 1? You did the Ribavarin

with the Interferon? Trish how did you find the

group, I have been wondering how I did. You know how

the brain fog is. I started off with 7.5 mill viral

load and was 350,000 at about 5 1/2 (Oct. 99) months

but last Feb 2000, I was up to 29 mill. I have no

idea right now. I contracted the Hep C in 11/91 from

28 pints of blood given to me during grafting surgery

at a burn unit.

I have seen articles on the pegylated and it is a

long acting Interferon, that is my understanding of

it. There are lots of people here who will help you

with answers to your questions. Welcome Aboard Trish

..................Take Care, Connie

--- Patrice Vicory <poetrywrtr@...> wrote:

> I just wanted to drop a line and introduce myself.

> I joined your group yesterday. I have Hep C. I

> just finished Intron A Combo treatment last month.

> I started out at 1.85 million on my viral load. At

> 6 months I was at 3,000 needless to say I rejoiced

> over that fact. I finished the meds in the middle

> of December. I went to doctors appt 1 week later

> and they drew blood for another viral load test. It

> came back as 116,000 and they told me that I was

> already replicating the virus again..so I was a

> non-responder. Kinda walked around in shock a

> couple of days...like someone had pulled a rug out

> from under me or something. The nurse did tell me

> that come June they will put me on the pegylated tx.

> she also told me I would only have to inject once a

> week instead of 3 times a week. That is all she

> told me at this time. Does anyone out there know

> anymore about this treatment that they could share

> with me? I tolerated the Intron-A therapy very

> well. Other than some thinning of my hair and body

> aches I did pretty well. I took my shots just

> before bedtime. If someone or something would waken

> me I would find that I was awfully nauseated but as

> long as I had an uninterupted nights sleep I had no

> other other side effects other than those already

> stated. Can I expect the same with the pegylated?

> Sure hope this next one works..I hate the thought of

> ever going through a transplant..just don't think I

> could do that....mentally anyway.

> Oh just a bit more about myself for your files *S*

> I am 54 year old female. I have been divorced for

> 28 years and have 3 grown children and 9

> grandchildren. I contracted the virus due to drugs

> I injected in younger days. I have been clean for

> 12 years now as of September 1, 2000 so will

> celebrate 13 years this year...God willing. I have

> a web page online which displays poetry I write and

> I also make graphics on PSP which I also have on a

> web page for people who want to build websites.

> That is pretty much my life. I am a Christian and

> have been ever since coming off of drugs...that is

> where I find my strength and encouragement to make

> it through this life.

> Sorry this has been sort of long. I look forward to

> making friends with whom I have something in

> common...too bad it is the dragon bringing us

> together but lets just tame the danged thing.

> Take care and Walk In Love,

> Tenacious Trish/poetrywrtr

> I CAN do ALL things through Christ, which

> strengtheneth me Phil 4:13


> http://www.geocities.com/poetrywrtr/intro.html

> http://www.geocities.com/tavsdesigns/index.html



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Hi Trish and welcome, you will find non-responders

here, I was told I am. I just don't believe them,

smile. Are you a Genotype 1? You did the Ribavarin

with the Interferon? Trish how did you find the

group, I have been wondering how I did. You know how

the brain fog is.

I started off with 7.5 mill viral load and was

350,000 at about 5 1/2 (Oct. 99) months but last Feb

2000, I was up to 29 mill. I have no idea right now

what my viral load is. I contracted the Hep C in

11/91 from 28 pints of blood given to me during

grafting surgery at a burn unit.

I have seen articles on the pegylated and it is a

long acting Interferon, that is my understanding of

it. There are lots of people here who will help you

with answers to your questions. Welcome Aboard Trish

..................Take Care, Connie


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Hello Trish,

It is nice to meet you. I'm also a

non-responder. I was on the combo from Jan. 1998 to

Jan. 1999, so I have been off for 2 years now. I am a

genotype 1b. I am waiting - not exactly sure for what

though! I'll send in some info on the pegylated

interferons. I am also considering Infergen. It has

worked very well in non-responders when given as daily

injections. I wouldn't waste my time doing either

though without a helper drug with it, like ribavirin.

What I have heard about side effects of the pegs is

that they are about the same, but because there is

more even amount of interferon in your system, no

highs and lows, the sides are easier to handle.

Quality of life is said to be better.

Good luck! I think you will like it here.



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Dear Trish, welcome to the group. You will find much love and support here

as well as Hep-Central. These sies are where I come for help and info and

encouragement. I hope you will find that here too. I too contracted HCv

from my IVDU days back in the late 60's and early 1970 (or so they say....who

knows???) I have been totally drug free for 19 yrs. On Feb.24, it will be

20! But never realized this was lurking inside....was diagnosed in June of

'96 and have been on Combo since Jul.1, 2000. I am awaiting results from my

first PCR since begining Tx and should know very soon.

I gave my life to Christ on my 30th b'day and never did another drug from

that day on. It's quite miraculous as I had used alcohol from age 11 and

then drugs stating at 15. I gave up IVDU at about age 25, but then got

hooked on Cocaine til the morning of my 30th b'day. I am married, have 2

surviving childen (13 & 16) Our oldest died from a 'technical error' during

his first liver tx surgery in 1995 (unrelated to hepc). Another liver

transplant, splenectomy and 13 other surgeries later he lost his battle for

life. He was 19.

If I didn't have God in my life, I surely would have ended it at that

point. Faith has sustained me, my husband and children during the last 5

yrs. There simply is no other explanation. God Bless you as you travel this

road. Love, gee

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Thank you Connie for your reply to my message. Your viral count was much much

higher than mine and you are still hanging in there so thanks for the hope you

have given me. I found this group through a PSP class I am taking in which

Tatezi is the moderator and she told me about this group as she is a Hepper

also. I am looking forward to being part of this group and making new friends.

It helps to lift one another up doesn't it. Helps also to feel no so alone.

Take care talk to you soon.



I CAN do ALL things through Christ, which strengtheneth me Phil 4:13



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Thank you Gee for your e-mail. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your son.

That has to be the hardest thing a parent has to go through and yes I agree it

was by the grace of God that you made it through that time without turning back

to drugs. It sounds as if we have much in common through our backgrounds. I

sure am thankful each and every day that I remain clean. I too did cocaine.

Shot it up too. Thought why waste it snuffing it up my nose when I could inject

it straight into the blood stream. How very stupid I was in those days!!!

Anyway by the grace of God I too remain clean. So we danced and now we much pay

the band so to speak. But we are not alone through this. It sure helps to be

reminded of this. Good group this is..I am glad that I found it. Now when I

get discouraged or feel overcome I have ppl I can talk with who will understand.

I once belonged to another group. They were such nice ppl too but lots of them

used alot of Pot/marijuana to calm their side effects and I didn't feel like I

fit in with them since I don't do ANY drugs anymore...besides most of the time

the only time they chatted was late at night and I am not a night person

anymore. I went to bed too early to be part of that group *S* So now it looks

like I have found a group that I can correspond with during the day time *S*

Anyway thanks for your mail and sharing some of your history with me. Looking

forward to getting to know you better.



I CAN do ALL things through Christ, which strengtheneth me Phil 4:13



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Yes I know Tatezi from here, very, very nice person.

I was told that my viral count was so high because I

received a high concentration from the blood

transfused. I was showing side effects as early as 1

year after the transfusions. Which started me

wondering lately, if the 3 pints I received in 81 with

the birth of my daughter, were the culprits. But,

from a very knowledgable person I was told no, that 1

year was right for the length of time for sides to

show. Well, welcome again Trish......and forgive the

doubled and tripled e mail on things, my computer says

it has not sent mail even though it has, :-) Take



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Hi Trish

Understand you are a new member;

however, there are many religions

of the world and not all of us are


This group is for HCV support vs

any individual political and/or

religious agenda. Thanks!

--- Patrice Vicory <poetrywrtr@...> wrote:

> Thank you Claudine for your reply to my e-mail and

> the welcome. I am looking forward to being a part

> of the group.

> Take care,

> Hugs,

> Trish

> I CAN do ALL things through Christ, which

> strengtheneth me Phil 4:13


> http://www.geocities.com/poetrywrtr/intro.html

> http://www.geocities.com/tavsdesigns/index.html



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Hi Trish

Understand you are a new member;

however, there are many religions

of the world and not all of us are


This group is for HCV support vs

any individual political and/or

religious agenda. Thanks!

--- Patrice Vicory <poetrywrtr@...> wrote:

> Thank you Claudine for your reply to my e-mail and

> the welcome. I am looking forward to being a part

> of the group.

> Take care,

> Hugs,

> Trish

> I CAN do ALL things through Christ, which

> strengtheneth me Phil 4:13


> http://www.geocities.com/poetrywrtr/intro.html

> http://www.geocities.com/tavsdesigns/index.html



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

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Well...I have to agree. It's like saying one 'SHOULDN'T' talk about which TX

is helping or not....Seems like folks can say ANYTHING in the world....except

GOD. Very interesting. gee

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I may have missed something, but I believe that Trish was introducing

herself and her belieifs and what she believes has helped her fight this

dragon. In no way did I read into her post anything else other than that

is what she believes and that she believes her God has helped her with

life's struggles. Trish was introducing herself and her beliefs and in

my opinion there is nothing wrong with that. In no way did she preach or

lecture anyone on this list.

It seems that maybe you are being a bit overly sensitive. I too am not

christian....I am a pagan. However, I do not take offense to anyone's

beliefs, be they Mohammad, Buddha, the Goddess, God, the Great Spirit,

etc. And I accept everyone for who they are. If anyone wants to discuss

how their spiritual supreme being (whatever name they use for that

being) has helped them face their trials in life, I do not take offense

as those beliefs are part of what makes each of us the unique

individuals we are.

I often think of all people as a quartz cluster. Each point is unique

and beautiful in it's own right and all these unique and individual

points live in perfect harmony with each other. Too bad humyns cannot

learn that lesson from something that has been around longer than humyn


Hopefully I am not out of line with this post, but this is the first

time since I have been on this list that I have found someone being

judgemental to another member. Spirituality is a very important part of

each of our lives...no matter what form that spirituality takes.

Hopefully the tone of your post was only the crankiness of the rebetron

and not what it appeared to be on the surface. I do not mean to make

trouble over this, but felt I had to speak my mind.

Mitakuye oyasin (we are all related(


caban cirene wrote:

> Hi Trish

> Understand you are a new member;

> however, there are many religions

> of the world and not all of us are

> Christian.

> This group is for HCV support vs

> any individual political and/or

> religious agenda. Thanks!


> --- Patrice Vicory <poetrywrtr@...> wrote:

> > Thank you Claudine for your reply to my e-mail and

> > the welcome. I am looking forward to being a part

> > of the group.

> > Take care,

> > Hugs,

> > Trish

> > I CAN do ALL things through Christ, which

> > strengtheneth me Phil 4:13

> >

> > http://www.geocities.com/poetrywrtr/intro.html

> > http://www.geocities.com/tavsdesigns/index.html

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >


> __________________________________________________


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I may have missed something, but I believe that Trish was introducing

herself and her belieifs and what she believes has helped her fight this

dragon. In no way did I read into her post anything else other than that

is what she believes and that she believes her God has helped her with

life's struggles. Trish was introducing herself and her beliefs and in

my opinion there is nothing wrong with that. In no way did she preach or

lecture anyone on this list.

It seems that maybe you are being a bit overly sensitive. I too am not

christian....I am a pagan. However, I do not take offense to anyone's

beliefs, be they Mohammad, Buddha, the Goddess, God, the Great Spirit,

etc. And I accept everyone for who they are. If anyone wants to discuss

how their spiritual supreme being (whatever name they use for that

being) has helped them face their trials in life, I do not take offense

as those beliefs are part of what makes each of us the unique

individuals we are.

I often think of all people as a quartz cluster. Each point is unique

and beautiful in it's own right and all these unique and individual

points live in perfect harmony with each other. Too bad humyns cannot

learn that lesson from something that has been around longer than humyn


Hopefully I am not out of line with this post, but this is the first

time since I have been on this list that I have found someone being

judgemental to another member. Spirituality is a very important part of

each of our lives...no matter what form that spirituality takes.

Hopefully the tone of your post was only the crankiness of the rebetron

and not what it appeared to be on the surface. I do not mean to make

trouble over this, but felt I had to speak my mind.

Mitakuye oyasin (we are all related(


caban cirene wrote:

> Hi Trish

> Understand you are a new member;

> however, there are many religions

> of the world and not all of us are

> Christian.

> This group is for HCV support vs

> any individual political and/or

> religious agenda. Thanks!


> --- Patrice Vicory <poetrywrtr@...> wrote:

> > Thank you Claudine for your reply to my e-mail and

> > the welcome. I am looking forward to being a part

> > of the group.

> > Take care,

> > Hugs,

> > Trish

> > I CAN do ALL things through Christ, which

> > strengtheneth me Phil 4:13

> >

> > http://www.geocities.com/poetrywrtr/intro.html

> > http://www.geocities.com/tavsdesigns/index.html

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >


> __________________________________________________


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Hi Claudine,

I respect your right to believe the way you choose to believe, whether I agree

with it or not, it is your right. But dear I didn't try to evangelize you in my

e-mail, not that I am aware of anyway. I did put a bible verse at the end of my

e-mail but that is in my signature block and goes out with all of my mail to

everyone. I change it occasionally. Same as you I have the right to do that

and put whatever I would like in the signature block. Thank you for your



I CAN do ALL things through Christ, which strengtheneth me Phil 4:13



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Hi Claudine,

I respect your right to believe the way you choose to believe, whether I agree

with it or not, it is your right. But dear I didn't try to evangelize you in my

e-mail, not that I am aware of anyway. I did put a bible verse at the end of my

e-mail but that is in my signature block and goes out with all of my mail to

everyone. I change it occasionally. Same as you I have the right to do that

and put whatever I would like in the signature block. Thank you for your



I CAN do ALL things through Christ, which strengtheneth me Phil 4:13



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Thank you Tatezi for sharing your thoughts with me and others. I do appreciate

that and I hope that I have not caused a conflict within this group by my reply

to Claudine as I surely didn't mean any harm. I must admit when I first read

her post it did hurt my feelings a bit but then sometimes I can be overly

sensitive but also I never carry a grudge or keep my feelings on my sleeve for

long. I am over it and hope we can get along. If there is a problem here I

will leave the group and it can go back to as it was before I came along. But I

do thank my God for sending to you people as I surely needed some upliftment at

this time. It really knocked me for a loop when I got the word that I was a

non-responder and I needed to reach out to others for support...which I do feel

that I received. I thank Claudine for sending the information on the pegylated

treatments and have found it informative. Thank you all for you kindness and




I CAN do ALL things through Christ, which strengtheneth me Phil 4:13



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Thank you Tatezi for sharing your thoughts with me and others. I do appreciate

that and I hope that I have not caused a conflict within this group by my reply

to Claudine as I surely didn't mean any harm. I must admit when I first read

her post it did hurt my feelings a bit but then sometimes I can be overly

sensitive but also I never carry a grudge or keep my feelings on my sleeve for

long. I am over it and hope we can get along. If there is a problem here I

will leave the group and it can go back to as it was before I came along. But I

do thank my God for sending to you people as I surely needed some upliftment at

this time. It really knocked me for a loop when I got the word that I was a

non-responder and I needed to reach out to others for support...which I do feel

that I received. I thank Claudine for sending the information on the pegylated

treatments and have found it informative. Thank you all for you kindness and




I CAN do ALL things through Christ, which strengtheneth me Phil 4:13



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Just want to strongly encourage you to NOT leave the group over

this. I assure you that - as with any other group/organization - there are

bound to be disagreements. But the bottom line is that we continue to learn

from each other and to support each other. Therefore, please consider this

reply a form of support and hang in there, OK?

Re: New Member

> Thank you Tatezi for sharing your thoughts with me and others. I do

appreciate that and I hope that I have not caused a conflict within this

group by my reply to Claudine as I surely didn't mean any harm. I must

admit when I first read her post it did hurt my feelings a bit but then

sometimes I can be overly sensitive but also I never carry a grudge or keep

my feelings on my sleeve for long. I am over it and hope we can get along.

If there is a problem here I will leave the group and it can go back to as

it was before I came along. But I do thank my God for sending to you people

as I surely needed some upliftment at this time. It really knocked me for a

loop when I got the word that I was a non-responder and I needed to reach

out to others for support...which I do feel that I received. I thank

Claudine for sending the information on the pegylated treatments and have

found it informative. Thank you all for you kindness and understanding.

> Hugs,

> Trish

> I CAN do ALL things through Christ, which strengtheneth me Phil 4:13


> http://www.geocities.com/poetrywrtr/intro.html

> http://www.geocities.com/tavsdesigns/index.html




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Isn't this a list for support and for people to share what has helped

THEM recover or deal with this awful disease? I did not take it as

trying to get anyone to join anything.

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