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  • 1 month later...
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Just stab your husband with an infected needle and see what he thinks now

that he has it!

I'm sorry, (not) but I can see why you want to drink- having to live with

that demeaning attitude is bound to get to you and make you depressed.

Take charge of your health because no one else seems to love you enough to

do it for you.

I wish I could help you, other than give advice.

I'm not a pro-divorce person but you have given me a second thought on the

benefits of it.

I am happily married (23 years) and I love my wife. Thats not to say that we

don't bicker, occasionally, but when it really matters I want to protect

her. You must really love him to stay with him and put up with that crap. I

have known couples who have separated for a while and it seemed to help

their marriage. You know- " absence makes the heart grow fonder " .

Bob Simons

Sr. Commander

Royal Rangers

Tucson, Az.



For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the LORD, " plans to prosper

you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer 29:11


Re: just checking in

> Tree,

> That wasn't me that posted about her husband chugging beer. That was

> Sherry...my husband just refuses to acknowledge my illness. I am a

> recovering alcoholic and have had many relapses even though I know its not

> good for me. Sometimes I think I do it so that something major may happen


> get my husbands attention. (as I wrote in an earlier post) I used to take

> milk thistle and should start again. I take St. s Wort which is a


> enhancer, all natural and I have to hide that from my husband.

> He is against all medication, says I'm pill happy.

> Thanks for your post, take care and hang in there.....that's all we can




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I am really insulted by what you have said, although at some degree I can

understand. You have no idea what I put m husband and family through with my

drinking and drugging. How can I just leave? I have a child who is

handicapped and she loves and needs me.......

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, are you insulted by what I said? Geez, I hope not. I never meant to

insult you. Please believe me, I have been there. I also have kids. 2 of them

and 2 handicapped brothers, one of which lives with me. I'm sorry if you mean

me, and what exactly did I say to offend you? I am very out spoken and never

meant to hurt you. Janet

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In a message dated 5/28/00 10:50:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

scooby759@... writes:

I am really insulted by what you have said, although at some degree I can


You have no idea what I put m husband and family through with my

drinking and drugging. How can I just leave? I have a child who is

handicapped and she loves and needs me.......


Don`t be insulted. i`m certain she only meant concern for YOU. you don`t

deserve this crap form your mate.

(and if you leave, of course, your child would accompany you)

You are only recieving posts, full of love and support...Please don`t turn

against us.

love, and well wishes,


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Deb that is exactly what I meant, only concern. Sometimes I come off a little

too harsh and for that I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to offend her at all.

I only want to help. Janet

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: Of course your husband has been hurt by the things alcohol made you

do (been there...hated mine). We spouses often use " detachment " to protect

ourselves. But it's a family disease, and everyone close to the alcoholic

really should participate in the treatment. Did your husband attend Alanon

meetings, etc? The more the non-drinker learns about alcoholism and the role

they may have played, the more they can turn their wrath on the disease and

not the alcoholic.

By the way, you may run into doctors who consciously or subconsciously feel

you are to blame for your Hep C because of your lifestyle. Drop 'em if you

sense that.

I hear a lot of similarities on this list. Don't know if these are unique to

Hep C or if this list just mirrors the general population. Tree

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My husband went to Alanon while I was in treatment but then stopped. It's

almost as if he doesn't want to acknowledge my alcoholism or my hep C.

(sometimes I feel the same way)

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Hope you, don't get tired of hearing from me. I have to say something about

the feelings from the person who doesn't have this disease. I as said before,

I do not have this disease, and when my husband came home from a dr.'s appt.

and said he had this I just looked at him and said OH Well. All the memories

from his past drinking years came flooding back. I was very, very angry. Kept

thinking about myself and how dare He do this to ME !!!! When I went to the

DR.'S with him and was explained exactly what was what, I felt like a big

JERK. His DOC was very good at explaining. He wrote a letter for my Husband

to get emergency medical help. Reading this letter became a REALITY, right

there in BLACK and WHITE...

We have always had good communication between us and I was in limbo as to

what to say to this man who I have been married to for 26 years and had 5

children with. I did manage to tell him how I felt and then learned How HE

felt. He was scared to death literally. Now Thank God and Our Love for each

other we talk about this and the future a lot more and honestly. Our Kids

know and so do Our family members, they each chose to believe what ever they

want, Not OUR problem. I hope this helps some for you to try and understand

the other end of this. Now I am on all the time to help find what ever I can

and then He and I go over it together and decide what to do next. Irish :)

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Merrill: Good point, and no offense taken. (Please don't ever worry about

upsetting me. I trust everyone on this list.) Have a good trip. Tree

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In a message dated 5/29/00 12:10:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

allennco@... writes:

Hey Tree....

Could I make a small correction without upsetting you????

" been hurt by the things alcohol made you do.... "

I really prefer to see that as:

" things you did while under the influence of alcohol.... "

I am not/have not been an alcoholic, and barely ever drank, but have a

recovering alcoholic in the family and have attended Al-Anon meetings

and even went to a couple of AA meetings. Attitude is everything in any



Well, I AM an alcoholic...and alcoholand/or the disease of addiction, makes

us insane. (step #2......came to believe that a power greater than ourselves

could restore us to sanity).........so YES, the first statement is very

true..... " been hurt by the things alcohol made you do.... "

I hope I`m not upsetting YOU...but after the booze & chemicals are removed,

we all are amazed, at the things we did..while under the control of a


Yes, we are responsible for our recovery....and our actions..but to say, we

just ran out and " did " these things, is not a fact....although it may seem

like that, to the outsider.

The substance is in control....NOT us, nor any Higher Power. If WE were in

control, we would not have committed the acts that hurt our loved ones so

deeply. We would not have allowed our lives to be ruled by a

substance/drink/pill. We surely would not have lost/given up, the many things

we did.......



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Hey Tree....

Could I make a small correction without upsetting you????

" been hurt by the things alcohol made you do.... "

I really prefer to see that as:

" things you did while under the influence of alcohol.... "

I am not/have not been an alcoholic, and barely ever drank, but have a

recovering alcoholic in the family and have attended Al-Anon meetings

and even went to a couple of AA meetings. Attitude is everything in any


or just in life. When I work with teens who have been in trouble with

the law, I teach ownership and responsibility and then at the end of the

day give them a key that has the word ATTITUDE engraved on the shank.

Sometimes it is SO hard to have a positive attitude. Ask me...I know.

HUGS... Merril

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> I am really insulted by what you have said, although at some degree I can

> understand. You have no idea what I put m husband and family through with


> drinking and drugging. How can I just leave? I have a child who is

> handicapped and she loves and needs me.......

I take it your talking to me. I didn't see a name though. I only gathered

from what you said about the way he treated you-like quit faking it. I see

red when someone implies that I or someone else is pretending this Hep-C

thing is a joke or nothing to worry about.

If you're giving him a hard time then maybe you deserve some of the

treatment, but He should also realize that we act " crabby " when we're not

feeling good.

I never said to leave your daughter & kids. Don't know where that came from.

I said seperate for a time-not divorce or leave for good. If someone is

treating someone else pretty rotten I don't consider it wise to stay there

and take it, especially if theres physical abuse. I know there are a lot of

determining factors and some people drive each other into a fight, but if

you need help and aren't getting it because your husband thinks its a

joke-he needs to wake up.

If I'm off the wall-I'm sorry, but thats the way I feel. I've seen people

die from this stuff because they didn't think it was important enough to get

help and too stubborn to do what was necessary to stay alive.

If you're suicidal, thats one thing, but if you really want to get help then

nothing should stop you from getting that help. Especially not your husband

(spouse). He should be trying to get you to where you need to be. If your

drugging and drinking still-than you are killing yourself.

My wife is 100% supportive of me getting healed of this, just as I was 100%

behind her getting healed of breast cancer. I was there for her-getting her

special stuff and attention all the way through the Chemo and radiation and

surgery. I personally would feel real bad if I had let down in some way and

she died cause of it. Thats what I'm talking about. It's not a time for


Life would be very hard on me without my wife, and I expect others to feel

the same way about each other. Its called love. Love is not words and having

sex, its committment to that person for the rest of their life, in sickness

and in health, for better or for worse, in richness or poorness, to death us

do part!

I try to be a man of my word. If I make a decision to do something and I

don't follow through with what I have promised to someone-I feel bad. I feel

embarrased and kind of cheap.

Thats the way I figure everyone should be but it's obvious that's not gonna


Apparently not too many people have a conscience anymore.

Ok enough of the soapbox.

Bob Simons

Sr. Commander

Royal Rangers

Tucson, Az.



For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the LORD, " plans to prosper

you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer 29:11



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  • 5 months later...


I've recently related that was physically abused in a private daycare.

How I came to know about it is because one of the teachers called me. I

found out later that it was a teacher. She pretended to be a parent and

said she wanted to remain anonymous, but her daughter had come home telling

her of all the ways the teachers abused her. This lady sounds like you.

She loved her job, was the only special needs child in the class room,

and I really think she felt like she was protecting other children. I've

never liked rotation care. They did it with because they said no one

would be able to stay with him all the time without getting burned out, that

they needed the change of scenery.

If you can't do anything else, call the parents and let them know what is

going on. The parents can request observation. I had a time when I wanted

signed to. I requested observations from 5 totally disinterested

parties to evaluate whether he needed sign in the class. (of course, even

though 4 out of 5 said he did, the teacher refused on the basis that she

didn't sign for her other kids and wasn't going to with .)

This just sounds so bad, there has to be something that can be done to stop



Wife to Dewight

Mom to , 10 years, DS-ASD, ADHD, ODD, possibly to lose all but DS and

gain Celiac

And , 17 months and Strong Willed

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  • 3 weeks later...

In a message dated 12/9/00 5:41:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

texasbluebonnets@... writes:

<< I hold tons of respect foreach and every one of you and pray along with

you guys every night.

L. >>

, you seem to be an awesome person! I wish everyone who worked with or

for Seth had your heart and BRAINS!!!!!!!!!!! LOL


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  • 2 weeks later...

cindy i ocasionally recieve duplicate emails from the

egroups in general, not just you. shawna.

--- Lee <texasbluebonnets@...> wrote:

> hi everyone,


> It has been brought to my attention by several

> people that they are receiving double emails from

> me. I am not sure if this is coming over from any of

> the other family accounts or if it's just mine.


> I have written to @home to let them know of this.

> Usually if I call a telephone # I can find out which

> parts of the country are down or having

> difficulties. They and I are aware of it.


> If you continue to receive duplicate emails from me

> please let me know.



> thanks







> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



> -------------------------- eGroups Sponsor





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