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Hi Mandi

Thanks I am glad to be here - after all - this is where I belong. I am also on the norwegian list Vårvei, but not active just receiving their emails to keep up informations.

Well - about the EDTA I will write something about it soon.

Regarding TD-LDN I am not sure what I should do - should I contact Breakspear or Dr. De Mio and how much does it cost and please also tell me what is the easiest way to get it ??

I want to do this LDN thing soon - I have actually wanted that for about a year, but it is not easy to get this stuff.

And yes I would love to hear about the reduced price source of Detoxamin.

I actually considered asking the Norwegian producer of TD-EDTA if he would make them for us (EDTA suppositories as his products dont cost anything ..almost) - should I ask him ??

Which DAN doctor is the best in UK (I know probably hard to tell) - but which doctor are you seing ?

And yes - I also did chelation with my children for a longer period with no doctor (except we saw Dr. Shaw once), but I really like having a doctor to make sure everything is as effecient and safe as possible.

I want to do IV´s because I am alone with my 2 children and they are getting bigger IV is much faster - did you see the before/after video on www.drbuttar.com (click "educational videos" and after that click on "") -

I know positively, that my children are having heavy metal poisoning and I want them to be well sooner. Of course this is only possible if somebody is doing this - if not I will stick with the TD´s and soon some suppositories.

Ulla - Denmark

Re: New to the list

Hi Ulla

am a single mom living in Denmark with my 2 ASD kids.We have done diet and biomeds since year 2000 and I am also a member of chelatingkids2.I have some questions:Where do you guys buy the TD-LDN ??

>>I get mine through the Breakspear now and that comes via College Pharmacy in the USA. I know a source of the tablets with which you can make your own 'LD' out of the 'N' which is what we did for Sam initially. That is by far the cheapest way to get it.

Dr De Mio will do distance stuff and he works with Lee Silsby and then will send anything anywhere for patients of his - according to them at Autism One

What about detoxamin - any alternatives as this is a very expensive product - isnt it ??

>>>I know a very reduced price source of original Detoximin - let me know if you want that info

Are there any doctors in Europe doing IV´s on autistic children ?

>>Not in the UK

How many DAN - docs are there in UK ??

>>5, but one does not do DAN! but he doesn't agree with it (!!!), 2 run waiting lists, the new clinic in Scotland has not long opened so is still taking new patients and one is London who costs more than the others and is grumpy sort LOLI am having a DAN doctor here in Denmark, but she is not very interested in chelation, which is our main focus.

>>We did chelation with no DAN! at all 4 years. Why do you want to do IV's?

Are you still doing the TD-EDTA? Have you looked into NCD?

Several here are trying or about to try the Norweigan EDTA - would you consider writing a bit about how you discovered this and what you saw with it for the folks on this side of the pond?

Thanks Ulla - glad to have you here

Mandi x

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Bonnie,

This is one of the things my son did at first. He felt the urge to lick my

clothing , hair, face, etc,. Than it went to lining up toys, and repeating

everything that was said. It slowly got worse, than all of a sudden he had

unbelievable, horrible non-stop symptoms(I'm thinking PANDAS)

I wish you luck! and Hugs!


mom to Brittany-11-NT -going into 6th gr-high honor student

-Brittany's twin-3-29-95--4-7-95

-9-bp,ocd,adhd,odd,pdd-nos, 50 mg seroquel 75mg trazadone 75mg zoloft

going into reg 5th gr class-504plan

iel 4-ocd, speech problem-going into kindergarten-speech therapy, 2.5mg


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My dd has done that at time, but I figured she was being silly, or trying to get

attention. She hasnt done it enough to concern me and can stop when we tell her



New to the list

Hi. My daughter has been diagnosed with OCD. At first I thought is

was adhd. Now that I have the correct info I just want to learn more.

I need to understand about why she does things to help me deal with

tem The one thing lately shes doing is trying to lick us. What is up

with that?! Ive read alot of books and the only thing I find is

licking door knobs (not the same!) If anyone knows anything about this

one let me know please! I'm really glad I found this group as I really

don't have anyone except her doctor to talk to about this stuff.

Thanks Bonnie

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  • 5 months later...

Welcome this group is awesome, and have answers to almost any questions. I am

sorry to hear you are having such a rough trip, hope things improve a bit soon

for you.

Take care Jaxx (New Zealand)

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Hi , welcome!

I'm a single mom, my OCD son is 17; he also has diagnoses of

Aspergers and dysgraphia (very mild Aspie). His OCD began in 6th

grade, he's now in 12th. I have 2 other sons also, typical (one a

twin to my OCDer, not identical, and then oldest is almost

22...actually my twins will be 18 this month!!).

So you have an " active " 6 yr old boy! I've read from other parents

(who have bipolar kids w/OCD) over the years that medication can get

tricky for bipolar sometimes. Actually I guess the same can be said

for OCD too, as many meds as some kids have to trial to find the

right one or right combination. Sounds like you all have been doing

that too!

I'm wondering with the small classroom - is is structured enough to

keep him busy? Was wondering if he misbehaves when there's nothing

to do or is having some unstructured time/playtime, etc.

Also the helmet - do you think that's an OCD thing or more a stimming

thing? Again, wondering if he has to get some " just right " feeling

with it, which can go along with OCD, doing it " right " , etc. Does he

ever get upset when dropping toys or doing his " thing " with the


Refresh my memory about seizures, his type - is it the type where

he's just...I dunno, " not there " consicously or the type with some

physical type/seizure, on the floor...??

Is his IQ/learning on grade level?

Well, supper to get, sorry for all the questions! More on OCD later!


> Hello -




> My son is six, almost seven, years old. We have recently completed


> scan which revealed major anxiety disorder (bordering on OCD) and


> bipolar. He also has complex partial seizures a few times a

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welcome - this group if so full of info and great people - it is

wonderful - I personally don't have any experience with the things

you mentioned your son is doing but (and I feel repeatitive) if it

helps any new person then why not put knowledge out there -many on

here my daughter included use omega 3 and Inositol powder - it may

help with those quick changing mood swings - we don't use meds though

so check with doc and on here- many on here use them with meds as well

- also since so many meds haven't worked for you

www.nativeremedies.com was mentioned here and their natural products

sound great -and you can ask their experts questions - I just got some

for my non-ocd daughter to help with focus at school - just some info

- welcome again and good luck


Quoting " H. " <amheartfield@...>:

> Hello -




> My son is six, almost seven, years old. We have recently completed a SPECT

> scan which revealed major anxiety disorder (bordering on OCD) and likely

> bipolar. He also has complex partial seizures a few times a month. We are

> currently medicating with Carbatrol, Lamictal, Abilify, and Imipramine.

> While the seizures are fairly under control (last one was 12/24) the

> behaviors are not. We have tried multiple, multiple medications and

> combinations of medications but still have so many issues. For example,

> school is still a big issue. He goes happily but once there is rowdy and

> giddy one minute and sulky and grouchy the next. He is still very impulsive

> with his peers (knocking off glasses or tripping them). This is all in a

> self-contained classroom with a teacher, aide, and 1-3 other kids (the other

> kids have no behavior issues). My son does a tremendous amount of checking,

> in fact I would say that this is his only anxiety/OCD characteristic

> (although I'm still new to this dx). Every toy he picks up is used to

> " stim " (dropping it to see/hear it fall, knocking off hats and helmets).

> Right now he is really into football so he will pick up his helmet, put it

> down, pick it up, put it down, then kneel down on the floor and rock it back

> and forth on the floor. It's not always the same routine, but similar. He

> also seems to do something funny with his eyes, like he's not quite focusing

> on the football, or it's too much stimulation, or something.




> He's had several dx along the way. We started out with autism, then

> pdd-nos, then neurocognitive disorder. He can talk, ride a bike, play

> sports, etc, but his behaviors are a daily obstacle. I feel so bad for him.

> This is already too long but I wanted to introduce ourselves and connect

> with other parents who are in the same boat!




> Take care,







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Eileen is right about the omega 3. Forgot til now, it has been

mentioned for bipolar. I quickly googled some links but you can

research; and, as said, check with doctor about anything tried,

especially with son on other meds. Fish oil thins blood so wouldn't

want two+ things taken that might have same effect, that sort of






000001 & page=2

(may have to copy/paste above link)

Also diet can be looked at too. Some diet changes do amazing

things. Too bad haven't found one yet for OCD!


> welcome - this group if so full of info and great people - it


> wonderful - I personally don't have any experience with the


> you mentioned your son is doing but (and I feel repeatitive) if it

> helps any new person then why not put knowledge out there -many on

> here my daughter included use omega 3 and Inositol powder - it may

> help with those quick changing mood swings - we don't use meds

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Thanks for all the responses! I should add that my son also takes DHA,

Inositol, Zinc, and a few other supplements. We also use Magnesium Sulfite

cream. The doctor we use to manage that aspect of his treatment is kept

aware of any changes in my son's medication. We are also about to do a

great deal of testing; in fact we'll do the draws and urine collection in

the morning. My son is great about taking meds, supplements, etc as well as

getting his blood drawn so at least I don't have to worry about that.

- from what I understand in the classroom, he acts up to get attention

mainly because he does not know how to initiate things appropriately. I

don't think he realizes that he doesn't always have to be DOING something

with a 'friend' and that you can simply sit next to them at the table and do

your work. I think he just gets overwhelmed with anxiety. As far as the

structure of the classroom - my husband and I hired a behavior analyst to

come in and observe and make recommendations; the school was very

supportive; the analyst (who contracts with private families as well as over

20 school districts to set up behavior classrooms/autism units/etc) said

that she has never seen a better model that what we have (2-4 kids maximum

at any time, visual schedules, quiet place, special lighting, etc). I'll

ask though if acting up is more when he's doing his work or when he's

getting a break.

With the helmet, yes, there are times that he has to get it 'just right',

mainly when he wants it to sit at just the right place on his head. There

are other instances when he wants things to be 'just right' but they have

greatly diminished since we started supplementing.

His seizures are complex partial and they occur mostly in waking or going to

sleep, although some have been during the day after something 'strenuous'.

His eyes will pop open and he'll stare for a few moments before they begin

to deviate to the upper left and then they will slowly move to the upper

right. His head will turn as his eyes move and his feet and hands will

tense up and will sometimes move very slowly back and forth. It only lasts

for about 2 minutes. He'll usually fall asleep for a short time but when he

wakes up he's fine.

Thanks for the welcome and your interest!



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, one thought about class. My oldest son was a " social " person.

A problem if he had a strict teacher. One teacher found that

catching him being " good " (doing as he was supposed to, sitting in

his chair, not talking but working...) and praising him worked

wonders. Most kids like being praised, might help some with your son

if they haven't tried that yet.

Regarding any OC type behaviors - does he spend much time doing

them? or getting upset about them often? (can't get it to

feel " right " , whatever)

Seizures - I think a lot of people seem to sleep after them? I know

of some with I guess longer-lasting or perhaps some worse type

seizures will sleep quite a while after. I used to work typing at

our local mental health center in the developmental disabilities dept

(mostly clients with mental retardation) and a few had seizures of

different types. My oldest (now almost 22) had a short seizure when

he was a toddler with a fever once. I still recall how scared I

was. The doctor asked how long it lasted and I couldn't tell him

exactly, it was like time was just frozen or something while I was

watching. It was a short seizure, but the " longest " minute or so

while I was panicking!


> Thanks for all the responses! I should add that my son also takes


> Inositol, Zinc, and a few other supplements. We also use Magnesium


> cream. The doctor we use to manage that aspect of his treatment is


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I was just talking to my neighbor about this the other day - it's

almost 1 year since one of my sons had a seizure with a fever and I

would still panic as much as I did that night - time stood still - it

did seem like forever it was probbaly 5 minutes but the most horrible

ones of my life - my heart goes out to those dealing with that on top

of OCD etc!!


Quoting <@...>:

> , one thought about class. My oldest son was a " social " person.

> A problem if he had a strict teacher. One teacher found that

> catching him being " good " (doing as he was supposed to, sitting in

> his chair, not talking but working...) and praising him worked

> wonders. Most kids like being praised, might help some with your son

> if they haven't tried that yet.


> Regarding any OC type behaviors - does he spend much time doing

> them? or getting upset about them often? (can't get it to

> feel " right " , whatever)


> Seizures - I think a lot of people seem to sleep after them? I know

> of some with I guess longer-lasting or perhaps some worse type

> seizures will sleep quite a while after. I used to work typing at

> our local mental health center in the developmental disabilities dept

> (mostly clients with mental retardation) and a few had seizures of

> different types. My oldest (now almost 22) had a short seizure when

> he was a toddler with a fever once. I still recall how scared I

> was. The doctor asked how long it lasted and I couldn't tell him

> exactly, it was like time was just frozen or something while I was

> watching. It was a short seizure, but the " longest " minute or so

> while I was panicking!






>> Thanks for all the responses! I should add that my son also takes

> DHA,

>> Inositol, Zinc, and a few other supplements. We also use Magnesium

> Sulfite

>> cream. The doctor we use to manage that aspect of his treatment is

> kept




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  • 1 year later...

sorry but you need to see someone who deals with structural

issues(Orthopedic).. It sounds to me like a disk issue??


In a message dated 12/1/2008 4:48:42 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

JBrewe@... writes:

Hello all,

My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the

background of my possible problem.

I am a hairstylist, and have been in this biz for about 24 years now.

Recently I took over and bought out the old owner of the salon I worked in. It


just the old owner and I, until she wanted to pursue a different career so

she sold to me and left me her entire clientele that she built up for the last

10 years. When I first took over I didn't think it would be that hard, but I

went from working 12 hours a week to about 48 hours a week all by myself. So

6 day work week, 8 hours a day. After the 6th month, I gave up only have one

day off....made up my mind that I should have 2 days off and posted it on the

window as NEW HOURS. I was still working alone in the salon. Not only was I

killing myself to do about 11 haircuts and or color a day, I was dealing with

crabbiness, pickiness, complaints about my hours, having to listen to " how

Sheila used to do their hair " etc. and on top of that going home to husband

and 2 kids who were not used to me being gone all day long. Needless to say, I

was sinking all that stress into my upper neck/back/shoulder area.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, the place between my upper back started

to bother me. I sought out a chiropractor that was in the same shopping

center as my salon and quickly made friends with him. I told him that my upper

back was killing me by the end of each day and he was able to do some sort of

manuever with me crossing my arms over my chest as I lay flat on my back and

by the next day I would feel much better. We ended up bartering with each

other...I would cut his hair and his wife/childrens and he would give me free

adjustments. That worked out great. I was still feeling the stress and strain


running this business alone, but being able to go get my " back cracked " made

me feel like I could handle it. I still think (looking back) that alot of it

was building up in my shoulders and they were just turning into rock hard

areas. I also started getting weekly massages and they would comment on how

hard my shoulders felt.

In the summer, my chiro came to get his haircut and mentioned that he

" might " be moving to Australia, and sure enough within a couple of weeks he up


moved just like that. I was still feeling really stressed out and tight and

at this point had no one to really understand my pain. I started to feel that

upper back pain come on (between shoulder blades) and I would go home at

night and my neck would just ache with tension. I would try to have someone in

the house massage it, but it just didn't really stop. I began to hate my job

and would cry to my husband that I made a mistake taking over the shop and it's

too much work and I couldn't handle it. He didn't give me much sympathy and

I am locked into a 3 year lease. So back to the grind I went....every day it

would be more stress, and more building up in my shoulders.

In Sept of this year, something odd happened. I just turned my head and

SNAP, and twinging pain in my neck. My hand instantly went up to my neck to


onto it. I thought " wow, that was weird " and it didn't happen again that day.

About a week later, SNAP!! again it happened. I still didn't understand

where this was coming from. Nor did I go see the dr. or chiro. One day after


week, I was sitting in my computer chair typing and eating something and as

I swallowed the food, I felt this odd little pain in my LEFT shoulder blade

area. I thought " hmm, must have slept wrong last night " again swallowed more

food and that area would again hurt as the food passed by that area of my

shoulder blade. I ignored it and figured it would go away. After a month of my

neck spontaneously doing that SNAP, (I think it only happened maybe 6 more

times in the last 3 months) this shoulder blade pain did not go away. I also

noticed that my upper shoulder/neck area was burning as if I had strained it


long. One morning I woke up and had to go to the dentist and it just ached. I

ended up going to Urgent Care on the way home from the dentist.

I told the PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said

was " we need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there

for a moment almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She then

told me that maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my upper

shoulder blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she

said because of the swallowing issue. So I went, told him everything..I told


PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said was " we

need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there for a moment

almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She then told me that

maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my upper shoulder

blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she said because

of the

I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she couldn't help

me because with the 5 days of rest that I had over Thanksgiving break, I

still had/have the neck pain, the upper shoulder blade pain, the lower shoulder

blade pain. The WHOLE left side of my scapula/neck and upper neck are killing

me. IT's a dull pain, but an annoying much like a headache type pain.

I don't know what to do now. I do know I am scared to death of what this

could be. So this is where you guys come in. Any thoughts? Ideas?? I have tried

some things, but most of what I have tried is not working. I thought it could

possibly be a herniated disk in my neck, but my Myopractor said that my

shoulder blade would not have pain, that it would be in my arm and down into my

fingers. For the most part I don't have any numbness or tingling in my

fingers. Occasionally my pinky will kind of act like it wants to numb up, but

once I

move it it's fine.

Plus the swallowing thing really bothers me. It honestly feels like it could

be a nerve, but I don't know.

I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a herniated disk

in my low back and the pain was kind of the same. Dull and achy. As I sit

here typing, and bend my neck to the right touching my chin to my shoulder , I

can feel it almost go from my neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if it's

one long connected burning-on-fire piece.

I am going to the dr. tomorrow, but scared that it would be something bad. A

herniation I can live with and will work to improve. I just always read the

worst into things, and I remember being the same way when I had my low back

pain. I was scared to get that MRI report and found out it was a disk

herniation and that the disk had a tear in it. I ended up having epidural shots


was healed in only 2 shots. I don't know why I am scared to find out what is

really wrong. I guess because it came on so sudden, but reading my

story...maybe it was a build up to something.

So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Hi e

I do not have experience with upper back, shoulder pain, mine is all lumbar and

SI joint, but it could be your shoulder.

Some women do get what they call " frozen shoulder " syndrome and often it takes a

combination of Physical Therapy and Accupuncture to help get the shoulder

unfrozen. I would goggle it and see if it sounds like you.

Also instead of a Myopractor, how about going to a really good massage


Sounds like the stress you are dealing with is making your muscles lock up.

Another thought for you is to hire someone else maybe Part Time to help you at

your Salon. Even if you make less money your mental and physical health will be

much better for it.

If you think it is your cervical your Doctor can order an MRI and take a look to

see if there is something there.

But it could be muscular. Its amazing what stress can do to muscles.

You may want to try some supplements as well, like 1,000mg of norweign fish oil

a couple times a day, magniusm supplements at nite

like 400-600mg at nite, and you can try MSM once a day as well. Those are good

for muscle health.

Anyway- just some suggestions.

I wish you the best.

New to the list

Hello all,

My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the background of

my possible problem.

I am a hairstylist, and have been in this biz for about 24 years now. Recently I

took over and bought out the old owner of the salon I worked in. It was just the

old owner and I, until she wanted to pursue a different career so she sold to me

and left me her entire clientele that she built up for the last 10 years. When I

first took over I didn't think it would be that hard, but I went from working 12

hours a week to about 48 hours a week all by myself. So 6 day work week, 8 hours

a day. After the 6th month, I gave up only have one day off....made up my mind

that I should have 2 days off and posted it on the window as NEW HOURS. I was

still working alone in the salon. Not only was I killing myself to do about 11

haircuts and or color a day, I was dealing with crabbiness, pickiness,

complaints about my hours, having to listen to " how Sheila used to do their

hair " etc. and on top of that going home to husband and 2 kids who were not used

to me being gone all day long. Needless to say, I was sinking all that stress

into my upper neck/back/shoulder area.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, the place between my upper back started to

bother me. I sought out a chiropractor that was in the same shopping center as

my salon and quickly made friends with him. I told him that my upper back was

killing me by the end of each day and he was able to do some sort of manuever

with me crossing my arms over my chest as I lay flat on my back and by the next

day I would feel much better. We ended up bartering with each other...I would

cut his hair and his wife/childrens and he would give me free adjustments. That

worked out great. I was still feeling the stress and strain of running this

business alone, but being able to go get my " back cracked " made me feel like I

could handle it. I still think (looking back) that alot of it was building up in

my shoulders and they were just turning into rock hard areas. I also started

getting weekly massages and they would comment on how hard my shoulders felt.

In the summer, my chiro came to get his haircut and mentioned that he " might " be

moving to Australia, and sure enough within a couple of weeks he up and moved

just like that. I was still feeling really stressed out and tight and at this

point had no one to really understand my pain. I started to feel that upper back

pain come on (between shoulder blades) and I would go home at night and my neck

would just ache with tension. I would try to have someone in the house massage

it, but it just didn't really stop. I began to hate my job and would cry to my

husband that I made a mistake taking over the shop and it's too much work and I

couldn't handle it. He didn't give me much sympathy and I am locked into a 3

year lease. So back to the grind I went....every day it would be more stress,

and more building up in my shoulders.

In Sept of this year, something odd happened. I just turned my head and SNAP,

and twinging pain in my neck. My hand instantly went up to my neck to hold onto

it. I thought " wow, that was weird " and it didn't happen again that day. About a

week later, SNAP!! again it happened. I still didn't understand where this was

coming from. Nor did I go see the dr. or chiro. One day after that week, I was

sitting in my computer chair typing and eating something and as I swallowed the

food, I felt this odd little pain in my LEFT shoulder blade area. I thought

" hmm, must have slept wrong last night " again swallowed more food and that area

would again hurt as the food passed by that area of my shoulder blade. I ignored

it and figured it would go away. After a month of my neck spontaneously doing

that SNAP, (I think it only happened maybe 6 more times in the last 3 months)

this shoulder blade pain did not go away. I also noticed that my upper

shoulder/neck area was burning as if I had strained it too long. One morning I

woke up and had to go to the dentist and it just ached. I ended up going to

Urgent Care on the way home from the dentist.

I told the PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said was

" we need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there for a

moment almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She then told me

that maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my upper shoulder

blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she said because of

the swallowing issue. So I went, told him everything...he didn't seem too

worried but by then I was a nervous wreck. He suggest a Barium Swallow test and

so I went and had that done...that came out normal too. I also had bloodwork

done, still all normal. Now...I am going into the 4th month with this. I began

see a Myopractor. She deals with Myofascial pain. I only saw her maybe 4 times

and she thought that I should have seen/felt some relief by now.

I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she couldn't help me

because with the 5 days of rest that I had over Thanksgiving break, I still

had/have the neck pain, the upper shoulder blade pain, the lower shoulder blade

pain. The WHOLE left side of my scapula/neck and upper neck are killing me. IT's

a dull pain, but an annoying much like a headache type pain.

I don't know what to do now. I do know I am scared to death of what this could

be. So this is where you guys come in. Any thoughts? Ideas?? I have tried some

things, but most of what I have tried is not working. I thought it could

possibly be a herniated disk in my neck, but my Myopractor said that my shoulder

blade would not have pain, that it would be in my arm and down into my fingers.

For the most part I don't have any numbness or tingling in my fingers.

Occasionally my pinky will kind of act like it wants to numb up, but once I move

it it's fine.

Plus the swallowing thing really bothers me. It honestly feels like it could be

a nerve, but I don't know.

I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a herniated disk in

my low back and the pain was kind of the same. Dull and achy. As I sit here

typing, and bend my neck to the right touching my chin to my shoulder , I can

feel it almost go from my neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if it's one long

connected burning-on-fire piece.

I am going to the dr. tomorrow, but scared that it would be something bad. A

herniation I can live with and will work to improve. I just always read the

worst into things, and I remember being the same way when I had my low back

pain. I was scared to get that MRI report and found out it was a disk herniation

and that the disk had a tear in it. I ended up having epidural shots and was

healed in only 2 shots. I don't know why I am scared to find out what is really

wrong. I guess because it came on so sudden, but reading my story...maybe it was

a build up to something.

So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.


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Hi Tom, thanks for the reply. Yeah, I am thinking disk issue too. In fact, I had

talked to a Physical Therapist online somewhere and first thing he said was to

get disc pathology done. The neck snapping thing baffles me. I have NEVER in my

life up until this past 4 months, had this happen so it has to be part of the

issue. Plus I am a stomach sleeper with my neck turned to the left. That is

supposed to be hard on your neck. We'll see what my doc says tomorrow. He is

just a primary care doc, no specialty but he might recommend PT and then I can

ask them what they think.


Re: New to the list

sorry but you need to see someone who deals with structural

issues(Orthopedic).. It sounds to me like a disk issue??


In a message dated 12/1/2008 4:48:42 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

JBrewe@... writes:

Hello all,

My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the

background of my possible problem.

I am a hairstylist, and have been in this biz for about 24 years now.

Recently I took over and bought out the old owner of the salon I worked in. It


just the old owner and I, until she wanted to pursue a different career so

she sold to me and left me her entire clientele that she built up for the last

10 years. When I first took over I didn't think it would be that hard, but I

went from working 12 hours a week to about 48 hours a week all by myself. So

6 day work week, 8 hours a day. After the 6th month, I gave up only have one

day off....made up my mind that I should have 2 days off and posted it on the

window as NEW HOURS. I was still working alone in the salon. Not only was I

killing myself to do about 11 haircuts and or color a day, I was dealing with

crabbiness, pickiness, complaints about my hours, having to listen to " how

Sheila used to do their hair " etc. and on top of that going home to husband

and 2 kids who were not used to me being gone all day long. Needless to say, I

was sinking all that stress into my upper neck/back/shoulder area.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, the place between my upper back started

to bother me. I sought out a chiropractor that was in the same shopping

center as my salon and quickly made friends with him. I told him that my upper

back was killing me by the end of each day and he was able to do some sort of

manuever with me crossing my arms over my chest as I lay flat on my back and

by the next day I would feel much better. We ended up bartering with each

other...I would cut his hair and his wife/childrens and he would give me free

adjustments. That worked out great. I was still feeling the stress and strain


running this business alone, but being able to go get my " back cracked " made

me feel like I could handle it. I still think (looking back) that alot of it

was building up in my shoulders and they were just turning into rock hard

areas. I also started getting weekly massages and they would comment on how

hard my shoulders felt.

In the summer, my chiro came to get his haircut and mentioned that he

" might " be moving to Australia, and sure enough within a couple of weeks he up


moved just like that. I was still feeling really stressed out and tight and

at this point had no one to really understand my pain. I started to feel that

upper back pain come on (between shoulder blades) and I would go home at

night and my neck would just ache with tension. I would try to have someone in

the house massage it, but it just didn't really stop. I began to hate my job

and would cry to my husband that I made a mistake taking over the shop and


too much work and I couldn't handle it. He didn't give me much sympathy and

I am locked into a 3 year lease. So back to the grind I went....every day it

would be more stress, and more building up in my shoulders.

In Sept of this year, something odd happened. I just turned my head and

SNAP, and twinging pain in my neck. My hand instantly went up to my neck to


onto it. I thought " wow, that was weird " and it didn't happen again that day.

About a week later, SNAP!! again it happened. I still didn't understand

where this was coming from. Nor did I go see the dr. or chiro. One day after


week, I was sitting in my computer chair typing and eating something and as

I swallowed the food, I felt this odd little pain in my LEFT shoulder blade

area. I thought " hmm, must have slept wrong last night " again swallowed more

food and that area would again hurt as the food passed by that area of my

shoulder blade. I ignored it and figured it would go away. After a month of my

neck spontaneously doing that SNAP, (I think it only happened maybe 6 more

times in the last 3 months) this shoulder blade pain did not go away. I also

noticed that my upper shoulder/neck area was burning as if I had strained it


long. One morning I woke up and had to go to the dentist and it just ached. I

ended up going to Urgent Care on the way home from the dentist.

I told the PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said

was " we need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there

for a moment almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She then

told me that maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my upper

shoulder blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she

said because of the swallowing issue. So I went, told him everything..I told


PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said was " we

need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there for a


almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She then told me that

maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my upper shoulder

blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she said because

of the

I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she couldn't help

me because with the 5 days of rest that I had over Thanksgiving break, I

still had/have the neck pain, the upper shoulder blade pain, the lower


blade pain. The WHOLE left side of my scapula/neck and upper neck are killing

me. IT's a dull pain, but an annoying much like a headache type pain.

I don't know what to do now. I do know I am scared to death of what this

could be. So this is where you guys come in. Any thoughts? Ideas?? I have


some things, but most of what I have tried is not working. I thought it could

possibly be a herniated disk in my neck, but my Myopractor said that my

shoulder blade would not have pain, that it would be in my arm and down into


fingers. For the most part I don't have any numbness or tingling in my

fingers. Occasionally my pinky will kind of act like it wants to numb up, but

once I

move it it's fine.

Plus the swallowing thing really bothers me. It honestly feels like it could

be a nerve, but I don't know.

I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a herniated disk

in my low back and the pain was kind of the same. Dull and achy. As I sit

here typing, and bend my neck to the right touching my chin to my shoulder , I

can feel it almost go from my neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if it's

one long connected burning-on-fire piece.

I am going to the dr. tomorrow, but scared that it would be something bad. A

herniation I can live with and will work to improve. I just always read the

worst into things, and I remember being the same way when I had my low back

pain. I was scared to get that MRI report and found out it was a disk

herniation and that the disk had a tear in it. I ended up having epidural

shots and

was healed in only 2 shots. I don't know why I am scared to find out what is

really wrong. I guess because it came on so sudden, but reading my

story...maybe it was a build up to something.

So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.


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Hi , thanks for the reply. I have tried magnesium and the first night I

took it it did feel like it helped some. I don't know if it's frozen shoulder. I

can lift it up and down just fine, so not sure if frozen shoulder lets you move


At this point I agree with physical therapy, going to the gym to strengthen neck

and shoulders/upper back and possibly some accupuncture. My insurance will end

in FEB so I need to figure out what this is ASAP.


New to the list

Hello all,

My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the background

of my possible problem.

I am a hairstylist, and have been in this biz for about 24 years now. Recently

I took over and bought out the old owner of the salon I worked in. It was just

the old owner and I, until she wanted to pursue a different career so she sold

to me and left me her entire clientele that she built up for the last 10 years.

When I first took over I didn't think it would be that hard, but I went from

working 12 hours a week to about 48 hours a week all by myself. So 6 day work

week, 8 hours a day. After the 6th month, I gave up only have one day

off....made up my mind that I should have 2 days off and posted it on the window

as NEW HOURS. I was still working alone in the salon. Not only was I killing

myself to do about 11 haircuts and or color a day, I was dealing with

crabbiness, pickiness, complaints about my hours, having to listen to " how

Sheila used to do their hair " etc. and on top of that going home to husband and

2 kids who were not used to me being gone all day long. Needless to say, I was

sinking all that stress into my upper neck/back/shoulder area.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, the place between my upper back started

to bother me. I sought out a chiropractor that was in the same shopping center

as my salon and quickly made friends with him. I told him that my upper back was

killing me by the end of each day and he was able to do some sort of manuever

with me crossing my arms over my chest as I lay flat on my back and by the next

day I would feel much better. We ended up bartering with each other...I would

cut his hair and his wife/childrens and he would give me free adjustments. That

worked out great. I was still feeling the stress and strain of running this

business alone, but being able to go get my " back cracked " made me feel like I

could handle it. I still think (looking back) that alot of it was building up in

my shoulders and they were just turning into rock hard areas. I also started

getting weekly massages and they would comment on how hard my shoulders felt.

In the summer, my chiro came to get his haircut and mentioned that he " might "

be moving to Australia, and sure enough within a couple of weeks he up and moved

just like that. I was still feeling really stressed out and tight and at this

point had no one to really understand my pain. I started to feel that upper back

pain come on (between shoulder blades) and I would go home at night and my neck

would just ache with tension. I would try to have someone in the house massage

it, but it just didn't really stop. I began to hate my job and would cry to my

husband that I made a mistake taking over the shop and it's too much work and I

couldn't handle it. He didn't give me much sympathy and I am locked into a 3

year lease. So back to the grind I went....every day it would be more stress,

and more building up in my shoulders.

In Sept of this year, something odd happened. I just turned my head and SNAP,

and twinging pain in my neck. My hand instantly went up to my neck to hold onto

it. I thought " wow, that was weird " and it didn't happen again that day. About a

week later, SNAP!! again it happened. I still didn't understand where this was

coming from. Nor did I go see the dr. or chiro. One day after that week, I was

sitting in my computer chair typing and eating something and as I swallowed the

food, I felt this odd little pain in my LEFT shoulder blade area. I thought

" hmm, must have slept wrong last night " again swallowed more food and that area

would again hurt as the food passed by that area of my shoulder blade. I ignored

it and figured it would go away. After a month of my neck spontaneously doing

that SNAP, (I think it only happened maybe 6 more times in the last 3 months)

this shoulder blade pain did not go away. I also noticed that my upper

shoulder/neck area was burning as if I had strained it too long. One morning I

woke up and had to go to the dentist and it just ached. I ended up going to

Urgent Care on the way home from the dentist.

I told the PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said

was " we need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there for a

moment almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She then told me

that maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my upper shoulder

blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she said because of

the swallowing issue. So I went, told him everything...he didn't seem too

worried but by then I was a nervous wreck. He suggest a Barium Swallow test and

so I went and had that done...that came out normal too. I also had bloodwork

done, still all normal. Now...I am going into the 4th month with this. I began

see a Myopractor. She deals with Myofascial pain. I only saw her maybe 4 times

and she thought that I should have seen/felt some relief by now.

I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she couldn't help me

because with the 5 days of rest that I had over Thanksgiving break, I still

had/have the neck pain, the upper shoulder blade pain, the lower shoulder blade

pain. The WHOLE left side of my scapula/neck and upper neck are killing me. IT's

a dull pain, but an annoying much like a headache type pain.

I don't know what to do now. I do know I am scared to death of what this could

be. So this is where you guys come in. Any thoughts? Ideas?? I have tried some

things, but most of what I have tried is not working. I thought it could

possibly be a herniated disk in my neck, but my Myopractor said that my shoulder

blade would not have pain, that it would be in my arm and down into my fingers.

For the most part I don't have any numbness or tingling in my fingers.

Occasionally my pinky will kind of act like it wants to numb up, but once I move

it it's fine.

Plus the swallowing thing really bothers me. It honestly feels like it could

be a nerve, but I don't know.

I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a herniated disk in

my low back and the pain was kind of the same. Dull and achy. As I sit here

typing, and bend my neck to the right touching my chin to my shoulder , I can

feel it almost go from my neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if it's one long

connected burning-on-fire piece.

I am going to the dr. tomorrow, but scared that it would be something bad. A

herniation I can live with and will work to improve. I just always read the

worst into things, and I remember being the same way when I had my low back

pain. I was scared to get that MRI report and found out it was a disk herniation

and that the disk had a tear in it. I ended up having epidural shots and was

healed in only 2 shots. I don't know why I am scared to find out what is really

wrong. I guess because it came on so sudden, but reading my story...maybe it was

a build up to something.

So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.


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What is a myopractor?


From: neck pain

[mailto:neck pain ] On Behalf Of e

Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 10:21 PM

neck pain

Subject: Re: New to the list

Hi , thanks for the reply. I have tried magnesium and the first night I

took it it did feel like it helped some. I don't know if it's frozen

shoulder. I can lift it up and down just fine, so not sure if frozen

shoulder lets you move it.

At this point I agree with physical therapy, going to the gym to strengthen

neck and shoulders/upper back and possibly some accupuncture. My insurance

will end in FEB so I need to figure out what this is ASAP.


New to the list

Hello all,

My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the

background of my possible problem.

I am a hairstylist, and have been in this biz for about 24 years now.

Recently I took over and bought out the old owner of the salon I worked in.

It was just the old owner and I, until she wanted to pursue a different

career so she sold to me and left me her entire clientele that she built up

for the last 10 years. When I first took over I didn't think it would be

that hard, but I went from working 12 hours a week to about 48 hours a week

all by myself. So 6 day work week, 8 hours a day. After the 6th month, I

gave up only have one day off....made up my mind that I should have 2 days

off and posted it on the window as NEW HOURS. I was still working alone in

the salon. Not only was I killing myself to do about 11 haircuts and or

color a day, I was dealing with crabbiness, pickiness, complaints about my

hours, having to listen to " how Sheila used to do their hair " etc. and on

top of that going home to husband and 2 kids who were not used to me being

gone all day long. Needless to say, I was sinking all that stress into my

upper neck/back/shoulder area.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, the place between my upper back started

to bother me. I sought out a chiropractor that was in the same shopping

center as my salon and quickly made friends with him. I told him that my

upper back was killing me by the end of each day and he was able to do some

sort of manuever with me crossing my arms over my chest as I lay flat on my

back and by the next day I would feel much better. We ended up bartering

with each other...I would cut his hair and his wife/childrens and he would

give me free adjustments. That worked out great. I was still feeling the

stress and strain of running this business alone, but being able to go get

my " back cracked " made me feel like I could handle it. I still think

(looking back) that alot of it was building up in my shoulders and they were

just turning into rock hard areas. I also started getting weekly massages

and they would comment on how hard my shoulders felt.

In the summer, my chiro came to get his haircut and mentioned that he

" might " be moving to Australia, and sure enough within a couple of weeks he

up and moved just like that. I was still feeling really stressed out and

tight and at this point had no one to really understand my pain. I started

to feel that upper back pain come on (between shoulder blades) and I would

go home at night and my neck would just ache with tension. I would try to

have someone in the house massage it, but it just didn't really stop. I

began to hate my job and would cry to my husband that I made a mistake

taking over the shop and it's too much work and I couldn't handle it. He

didn't give me much sympathy and I am locked into a 3 year lease. So back to

the grind I went....every day it would be more stress, and more building up

in my shoulders.

In Sept of this year, something odd happened. I just turned my head and

SNAP, and twinging pain in my neck. My hand instantly went up to my neck to

hold onto it. I thought " wow, that was weird " and it didn't happen again

that day. About a week later, SNAP!! again it happened. I still didn't

understand where this was coming from. Nor did I go see the dr. or chiro.

One day after that week, I was sitting in my computer chair typing and

eating something and as I swallowed the food, I felt this odd little pain in

my LEFT shoulder blade area. I thought " hmm, must have slept wrong last

night " again swallowed more food and that area would again hurt as the food

passed by that area of my shoulder blade. I ignored it and figured it would

go away. After a month of my neck spontaneously doing that SNAP, (I think it

only happened maybe 6 more times in the last 3 months) this shoulder blade

pain did not go away. I also noticed that my upper shoulder/neck area was

burning as if I had strained it too long. One morning I woke up and had to

go to the dentist and it just ached. I ended up going to Urgent Care on the

way home from the dentist.

I told the PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said

was " we need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there

for a moment almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She

then told me that maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my

upper shoulder blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well

she said because of the swallowing issue. So I went, told him

everything...he didn't seem too worried but by then I was a nervous wreck.

He suggest a Barium Swallow test and so I went and had that done...that came

out normal too. I also had bloodwork done, still all normal. Now...I am

going into the 4th month with this. I began see a Myopractor. She deals with

Myofascial pain. I only saw her maybe 4 times and she thought that I should

have seen/felt some relief by now.

I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she couldn't help

me because with the 5 days of rest that I had over Thanksgiving break, I

still had/have the neck pain, the upper shoulder blade pain, the lower

shoulder blade pain. The WHOLE left side of my scapula/neck and upper neck

are killing me. IT's a dull pain, but an annoying much like a headache type


I don't know what to do now. I do know I am scared to death of what this

could be. So this is where you guys come in. Any thoughts? Ideas?? I have

tried some things, but most of what I have tried is not working. I thought

it could possibly be a herniated disk in my neck, but my Myopractor said

that my shoulder blade would not have pain, that it would be in my arm and

down into my fingers. For the most part I don't have any numbness or

tingling in my fingers. Occasionally my pinky will kind of act like it wants

to numb up, but once I move it it's fine.

Plus the swallowing thing really bothers me. It honestly feels like it could

be a nerve, but I don't know.

I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a herniated disk

in my low back and the pain was kind of the same. Dull and achy. As I sit

here typing, and bend my neck to the right touching my chin to my shoulder ,

I can feel it almost go from my neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if

it's one long connected burning-on-fire piece.

I am going to the dr. tomorrow, but scared that it would be something bad. A

herniation I can live with and will work to improve. I just always read the

worst into things, and I remember being the same way when I had my low back

pain. I was scared to get that MRI report and found out it was a disk

herniation and that the disk had a tear in it. I ended up having epidural

shots and was healed in only 2 shots. I don't know why I am scared to find

out what is really wrong. I guess because it came on so sudden, but reading

my story...maybe it was a build up to something.

So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.


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I will tell you that people that have fusions and stuff on c3 thru c6 have

problems swallowing.....the nerves for swallowing are in your neck...you

need a MRI....you can call your primary and ask...or make an appt with a


Deb RN

From: neck pain

[mailto:neck pain ] On Behalf Of tomhfsu@...

Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 10:05 PM

neck pain

Subject: Re: New to the list

sorry but you need to see someone who deals with structural

issues(Orthopedic).. It sounds to me like a disk issue??


In a message dated 12/1/2008 4:48:42 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

JBrewe@... <mailto:JBrewe%40cox.net> writes:

Hello all,

My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the

background of my possible problem.

I am a hairstylist, and have been in this biz for about 24 years now.

Recently I took over and bought out the old owner of the salon I worked in.

It was

just the old owner and I, until she wanted to pursue a different career so

she sold to me and left me her entire clientele that she built up for the


10 years. When I first took over I didn't think it would be that hard, but I

went from working 12 hours a week to about 48 hours a week all by myself. So

6 day work week, 8 hours a day. After the 6th month, I gave up only have one

day off....made up my mind that I should have 2 days off and posted it on


window as NEW HOURS. I was still working alone in the salon. Not only was I

killing myself to do about 11 haircuts and or color a day, I was dealing


crabbiness, pickiness, complaints about my hours, having to listen to " how

Sheila used to do their hair " etc. and on top of that going home to husband

and 2 kids who were not used to me being gone all day long. Needless to say,


was sinking all that stress into my upper neck/back/shoulder area.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, the place between my upper back started

to bother me. I sought out a chiropractor that was in the same shopping

center as my salon and quickly made friends with him. I told him that my


back was killing me by the end of each day and he was able to do some sort


manuever with me crossing my arms over my chest as I lay flat on my back and

by the next day I would feel much better. We ended up bartering with each

other...I would cut his hair and his wife/childrens and he would give me


adjustments. That worked out great. I was still feeling the stress and

strain of

running this business alone, but being able to go get my " back cracked " made

me feel like I could handle it. I still think (looking back) that alot of it

was building up in my shoulders and they were just turning into rock hard

areas. I also started getting weekly massages and they would comment on how

hard my shoulders felt.

In the summer, my chiro came to get his haircut and mentioned that he

" might " be moving to Australia, and sure enough within a couple of weeks he

up and

moved just like that. I was still feeling really stressed out and tight and

at this point had no one to really understand my pain. I started to feel


upper back pain come on (between shoulder blades) and I would go home at

night and my neck would just ache with tension. I would try to have someone


the house massage it, but it just didn't really stop. I began to hate my job

and would cry to my husband that I made a mistake taking over the shop and


too much work and I couldn't handle it. He didn't give me much sympathy and

I am locked into a 3 year lease. So back to the grind I went....every day it

would be more stress, and more building up in my shoulders.

In Sept of this year, something odd happened. I just turned my head and

SNAP, and twinging pain in my neck. My hand instantly went up to my neck to


onto it. I thought " wow, that was weird " and it didn't happen again that


About a week later, SNAP!! again it happened. I still didn't understand

where this was coming from. Nor did I go see the dr. or chiro. One day after


week, I was sitting in my computer chair typing and eating something and as

I swallowed the food, I felt this odd little pain in my LEFT shoulder blade

area. I thought " hmm, must have slept wrong last night " again swallowed more

food and that area would again hurt as the food passed by that area of my

shoulder blade. I ignored it and figured it would go away. After a month of


neck spontaneously doing that SNAP, (I think it only happened maybe 6 more

times in the last 3 months) this shoulder blade pain did not go away. I also

noticed that my upper shoulder/neck area was burning as if I had strained it


long. One morning I woke up and had to go to the dentist and it just ached.


ended up going to Urgent Care on the way home from the dentist.

I told the PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said

was " we need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there

for a moment almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She


told me that maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my


shoulder blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she

said because of the swallowing issue. So I went, told him everything..I told


PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said was " we

need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there for a


almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She then told me


maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my upper shoulder

blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she said


of the

I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she couldn't help

me because with the 5 days of rest that I had over Thanksgiving break, I

still had/have the neck pain, the upper shoulder blade pain, the lower


blade pain. The WHOLE left side of my scapula/neck and upper neck are


me. IT's a dull pain, but an annoying much like a headache type pain.

I don't know what to do now. I do know I am scared to death of what this

could be. So this is where you guys come in. Any thoughts? Ideas?? I have


some things, but most of what I have tried is not working. I thought it


possibly be a herniated disk in my neck, but my Myopractor said that my

shoulder blade would not have pain, that it would be in my arm and down into


fingers. For the most part I don't have any numbness or tingling in my

fingers. Occasionally my pinky will kind of act like it wants to numb up,

but once I

move it it's fine.

Plus the swallowing thing really bothers me. It honestly feels like it could

be a nerve, but I don't know.

I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a herniated disk

in my low back and the pain was kind of the same. Dull and achy. As I sit

here typing, and bend my neck to the right touching my chin to my shoulder ,


can feel it almost go from my neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if it's

one long connected burning-on-fire piece.

I am going to the dr. tomorrow, but scared that it would be something bad. A

herniation I can live with and will work to improve. I just always read the

worst into things, and I remember being the same way when I had my low back

pain. I was scared to get that MRI report and found out it was a disk

herniation and that the disk had a tear in it. I ended up having epidural

shots and

was healed in only 2 shots. I don't know why I am scared to find out what is

really wrong. I guess because it came on so sudden, but reading my

story...maybe it was a build up to something.

So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.


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Hi Debra,

Well does it make a difference if I don't have " trouble " swallowing? Food goes

down fine and I don't feel like it's getting stuck anywhere.

I just feel a pain in my shoulder blade that is already there, but intensifys

as the food passes down. I found one lady on the internet that had the same

EXACT symptoms just last month and I don't know anymore about her...but I

thought I was the only one who ever had that sensation.

Re: New to the list

sorry but you need to see someone who deals with structural

issues(Orthopedic).. It sounds to me like a disk issue??


In a message dated 12/1/2008 4:48:42 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

JBrewe@... <mailto:JBrewe%40cox.net> writes:

Hello all,

My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the

background of my possible problem.

I am a hairstylist, and have been in this biz for about 24 years now.

Recently I took over and bought out the old owner of the salon I worked in.

It was

just the old owner and I, until she wanted to pursue a different career so

she sold to me and left me her entire clientele that she built up for the


10 years. When I first took over I didn't think it would be that hard, but I

went from working 12 hours a week to about 48 hours a week all by myself. So

6 day work week, 8 hours a day. After the 6th month, I gave up only have one

day off....made up my mind that I should have 2 days off and posted it on


window as NEW HOURS. I was still working alone in the salon. Not only was I

killing myself to do about 11 haircuts and or color a day, I was dealing


crabbiness, pickiness, complaints about my hours, having to listen to " how

Sheila used to do their hair " etc. and on top of that going home to husband

and 2 kids who were not used to me being gone all day long. Needless to say,


was sinking all that stress into my upper neck/back/shoulder area.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, the place between my upper back started

to bother me. I sought out a chiropractor that was in the same shopping

center as my salon and quickly made friends with him. I told him that my


back was killing me by the end of each day and he was able to do some sort


manuever with me crossing my arms over my chest as I lay flat on my back and

by the next day I would feel much better. We ended up bartering with each

other...I would cut his hair and his wife/childrens and he would give me


adjustments. That worked out great. I was still feeling the stress and

strain of

running this business alone, but being able to go get my " back cracked " made

me feel like I could handle it. I still think (looking back) that alot of it

was building up in my shoulders and they were just turning into rock hard

areas. I also started getting weekly massages and they would comment on how

hard my shoulders felt.

In the summer, my chiro came to get his haircut and mentioned that he

" might " be moving to Australia, and sure enough within a couple of weeks he

up and

moved just like that. I was still feeling really stressed out and tight and

at this point had no one to really understand my pain. I started to feel


upper back pain come on (between shoulder blades) and I would go home at

night and my neck would just ache with tension. I would try to have someone


the house massage it, but it just didn't really stop. I began to hate my job

and would cry to my husband that I made a mistake taking over the shop and


too much work and I couldn't handle it. He didn't give me much sympathy and

I am locked into a 3 year lease. So back to the grind I went....every day it

would be more stress, and more building up in my shoulders.

In Sept of this year, something odd happened. I just turned my head and

SNAP, and twinging pain in my neck. My hand instantly went up to my neck to


onto it. I thought " wow, that was weird " and it didn't happen again that


About a week later, SNAP!! again it happened. I still didn't understand

where this was coming from. Nor did I go see the dr. or chiro. One day after


week, I was sitting in my computer chair typing and eating something and as

I swallowed the food, I felt this odd little pain in my LEFT shoulder blade

area. I thought " hmm, must have slept wrong last night " again swallowed more

food and that area would again hurt as the food passed by that area of my

shoulder blade. I ignored it and figured it would go away. After a month of


neck spontaneously doing that SNAP, (I think it only happened maybe 6 more

times in the last 3 months) this shoulder blade pain did not go away. I also

noticed that my upper shoulder/neck area was burning as if I had strained it


long. One morning I woke up and had to go to the dentist and it just ached.


ended up going to Urgent Care on the way home from the dentist.

I told the PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said

was " we need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there

for a moment almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She


told me that maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my


shoulder blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she

said because of the swallowing issue. So I went, told him everything..I told


PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said was " we

need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there for a


almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She then told me


maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my upper shoulder

blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she said


of the

I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she couldn't help

me because with the 5 days of rest that I had over Thanksgiving break, I

still had/have the neck pain, the upper shoulder blade pain, the lower


blade pain. The WHOLE left side of my scapula/neck and upper neck are


me. IT's a dull pain, but an annoying much like a headache type pain.

I don't know what to do now. I do know I am scared to death of what this

could be. So this is where you guys come in. Any thoughts? Ideas?? I have


some things, but most of what I have tried is not working. I thought it


possibly be a herniated disk in my neck, but my Myopractor said that my

shoulder blade would not have pain, that it would be in my arm and down into


fingers. For the most part I don't have any numbness or tingling in my

fingers. Occasionally my pinky will kind of act like it wants to numb up,

but once I

move it it's fine.

Plus the swallowing thing really bothers me. It honestly feels like it could

be a nerve, but I don't know.

I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a herniated disk

in my low back and the pain was kind of the same. Dull and achy. As I sit

here typing, and bend my neck to the right touching my chin to my shoulder ,


can feel it almost go from my neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if it's

one long connected burning-on-fire piece.

I am going to the dr. tomorrow, but scared that it would be something bad. A

herniation I can live with and will work to improve. I just always read the

worst into things, and I remember being the same way when I had my low back

pain. I was scared to get that MRI report and found out it was a disk

herniation and that the disk had a tear in it. I ended up having epidural

shots and

was healed in only 2 shots. I don't know why I am scared to find out what is

really wrong. I guess because it came on so sudden, but reading my

story...maybe it was a build up to something.

So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.


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Hi Debra,

Well does it make a difference if I don't have " trouble " swallowing? Food goes

down fine and I don't feel like it's getting stuck anywhere.

I just feel a pain in my shoulder blade that is already there, but intensifys

as the food passes down. I found one lady on the internet that had the same

EXACT symptoms just last month and I don't know anymore about her...but I

thought I was the only one who ever had that sensation.

Re: New to the list

sorry but you need to see someone who deals with structural

issues(Orthopedic).. It sounds to me like a disk issue??


In a message dated 12/1/2008 4:48:42 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

JBrewe@... <mailto:JBrewe%40cox.net> writes:

Hello all,

My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the

background of my possible problem.

I am a hairstylist, and have been in this biz for about 24 years now.

Recently I took over and bought out the old owner of the salon I worked in.

It was

just the old owner and I, until she wanted to pursue a different career so

she sold to me and left me her entire clientele that she built up for the


10 years. When I first took over I didn't think it would be that hard, but I

went from working 12 hours a week to about 48 hours a week all by myself. So

6 day work week, 8 hours a day. After the 6th month, I gave up only have one

day off....made up my mind that I should have 2 days off and posted it on


window as NEW HOURS. I was still working alone in the salon. Not only was I

killing myself to do about 11 haircuts and or color a day, I was dealing


crabbiness, pickiness, complaints about my hours, having to listen to " how

Sheila used to do their hair " etc. and on top of that going home to husband

and 2 kids who were not used to me being gone all day long. Needless to say,


was sinking all that stress into my upper neck/back/shoulder area.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, the place between my upper back started

to bother me. I sought out a chiropractor that was in the same shopping

center as my salon and quickly made friends with him. I told him that my


back was killing me by the end of each day and he was able to do some sort


manuever with me crossing my arms over my chest as I lay flat on my back and

by the next day I would feel much better. We ended up bartering with each

other...I would cut his hair and his wife/childrens and he would give me


adjustments. That worked out great. I was still feeling the stress and

strain of

running this business alone, but being able to go get my " back cracked " made

me feel like I could handle it. I still think (looking back) that alot of it

was building up in my shoulders and they were just turning into rock hard

areas. I also started getting weekly massages and they would comment on how

hard my shoulders felt.

In the summer, my chiro came to get his haircut and mentioned that he

" might " be moving to Australia, and sure enough within a couple of weeks he

up and

moved just like that. I was still feeling really stressed out and tight and

at this point had no one to really understand my pain. I started to feel


upper back pain come on (between shoulder blades) and I would go home at

night and my neck would just ache with tension. I would try to have someone


the house massage it, but it just didn't really stop. I began to hate my job

and would cry to my husband that I made a mistake taking over the shop and


too much work and I couldn't handle it. He didn't give me much sympathy and

I am locked into a 3 year lease. So back to the grind I went....every day it

would be more stress, and more building up in my shoulders.

In Sept of this year, something odd happened. I just turned my head and

SNAP, and twinging pain in my neck. My hand instantly went up to my neck to


onto it. I thought " wow, that was weird " and it didn't happen again that


About a week later, SNAP!! again it happened. I still didn't understand

where this was coming from. Nor did I go see the dr. or chiro. One day after


week, I was sitting in my computer chair typing and eating something and as

I swallowed the food, I felt this odd little pain in my LEFT shoulder blade

area. I thought " hmm, must have slept wrong last night " again swallowed more

food and that area would again hurt as the food passed by that area of my

shoulder blade. I ignored it and figured it would go away. After a month of


neck spontaneously doing that SNAP, (I think it only happened maybe 6 more

times in the last 3 months) this shoulder blade pain did not go away. I also

noticed that my upper shoulder/neck area was burning as if I had strained it


long. One morning I woke up and had to go to the dentist and it just ached.


ended up going to Urgent Care on the way home from the dentist.

I told the PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said

was " we need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there

for a moment almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She


told me that maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my


shoulder blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she

said because of the swallowing issue. So I went, told him everything..I told


PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said was " we

need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there for a


almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She then told me


maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my upper shoulder

blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she said


of the

I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she couldn't help

me because with the 5 days of rest that I had over Thanksgiving break, I

still had/have the neck pain, the upper shoulder blade pain, the lower


blade pain. The WHOLE left side of my scapula/neck and upper neck are


me. IT's a dull pain, but an annoying much like a headache type pain.

I don't know what to do now. I do know I am scared to death of what this

could be. So this is where you guys come in. Any thoughts? Ideas?? I have


some things, but most of what I have tried is not working. I thought it


possibly be a herniated disk in my neck, but my Myopractor said that my

shoulder blade would not have pain, that it would be in my arm and down into


fingers. For the most part I don't have any numbness or tingling in my

fingers. Occasionally my pinky will kind of act like it wants to numb up,

but once I

move it it's fine.

Plus the swallowing thing really bothers me. It honestly feels like it could

be a nerve, but I don't know.

I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a herniated disk

in my low back and the pain was kind of the same. Dull and achy. As I sit

here typing, and bend my neck to the right touching my chin to my shoulder ,


can feel it almost go from my neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if it's

one long connected burning-on-fire piece.

I am going to the dr. tomorrow, but scared that it would be something bad. A

herniation I can live with and will work to improve. I just always read the

worst into things, and I remember being the same way when I had my low back

pain. I was scared to get that MRI report and found out it was a disk

herniation and that the disk had a tear in it. I ended up having epidural

shots and

was healed in only 2 shots. I don't know why I am scared to find out what is

really wrong. I guess because it came on so sudden, but reading my

story...maybe it was a build up to something.

So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.


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A Myopractor is like a chiropractor but instead of moving or adjusting bone, she

deals with muscles.

I felt like she was doing the same type of adjustments as a chiro though.

New to the list

Hello all,

My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the

background of my possible problem.

I am a hairstylist, and have been in this biz for about 24 years now.

Recently I took over and bought out the old owner of the salon I worked in.

It was just the old owner and I, until she wanted to pursue a different

career so she sold to me and left me her entire clientele that she built up

for the last 10 years. When I first took over I didn't think it would be

that hard, but I went from working 12 hours a week to about 48 hours a week

all by myself. So 6 day work week, 8 hours a day. After the 6th month, I

gave up only have one day off....made up my mind that I should have 2 days

off and posted it on the window as NEW HOURS. I was still working alone in

the salon. Not only was I killing myself to do about 11 haircuts and or

color a day, I was dealing with crabbiness, pickiness, complaints about my

hours, having to listen to " how Sheila used to do their hair " etc. and on

top of that going home to husband and 2 kids who were not used to me being

gone all day long. Needless to say, I was sinking all that stress into my

upper neck/back/shoulder area.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, the place between my upper back started

to bother me. I sought out a chiropractor that was in the same shopping

center as my salon and quickly made friends with him. I told him that my

upper back was killing me by the end of each day and he was able to do some

sort of manuever with me crossing my arms over my chest as I lay flat on my

back and by the next day I would feel much better. We ended up bartering

with each other...I would cut his hair and his wife/childrens and he would

give me free adjustments. That worked out great. I was still feeling the

stress and strain of running this business alone, but being able to go get

my " back cracked " made me feel like I could handle it. I still think

(looking back) that alot of it was building up in my shoulders and they were

just turning into rock hard areas. I also started getting weekly massages

and they would comment on how hard my shoulders felt.

In the summer, my chiro came to get his haircut and mentioned that he

" might " be moving to Australia, and sure enough within a couple of weeks he

up and moved just like that. I was still feeling really stressed out and

tight and at this point had no one to really understand my pain. I started

to feel that upper back pain come on (between shoulder blades) and I would

go home at night and my neck would just ache with tension. I would try to

have someone in the house massage it, but it just didn't really stop. I

began to hate my job and would cry to my husband that I made a mistake

taking over the shop and it's too much work and I couldn't handle it. He

didn't give me much sympathy and I am locked into a 3 year lease. So back to

the grind I went....every day it would be more stress, and more building up

in my shoulders.

In Sept of this year, something odd happened. I just turned my head and

SNAP, and twinging pain in my neck. My hand instantly went up to my neck to

hold onto it. I thought " wow, that was weird " and it didn't happen again

that day. About a week later, SNAP!! again it happened. I still didn't

understand where this was coming from. Nor did I go see the dr. or chiro.

One day after that week, I was sitting in my computer chair typing and

eating something and as I swallowed the food, I felt this odd little pain in

my LEFT shoulder blade area. I thought " hmm, must have slept wrong last

night " again swallowed more food and that area would again hurt as the food

passed by that area of my shoulder blade. I ignored it and figured it would

go away. After a month of my neck spontaneously doing that SNAP, (I think it

only happened maybe 6 more times in the last 3 months) this shoulder blade

pain did not go away. I also noticed that my upper shoulder/neck area was

burning as if I had strained it too long. One morning I woke up and had to

go to the dentist and it just ached. I ended up going to Urgent Care on the

way home from the dentist.

I told the PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said

was " we need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there

for a moment almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She

then told me that maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my

upper shoulder blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well

she said because of the swallowing issue. So I went, told him

everything...he didn't seem too worried but by then I was a nervous wreck.

He suggest a Barium Swallow test and so I went and had that done...that came

out normal too. I also had bloodwork done, still all normal. Now...I am

going into the 4th month with this. I began see a Myopractor. She deals with

Myofascial pain. I only saw her maybe 4 times and she thought that I should

have seen/felt some relief by now.

I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she couldn't help

me because with the 5 days of rest that I had over Thanksgiving break, I

still had/have the neck pain, the upper shoulder blade pain, the lower

shoulder blade pain. The WHOLE left side of my scapula/neck and upper neck

are killing me. IT's a dull pain, but an annoying much like a headache type


I don't know what to do now. I do know I am scared to death of what this

could be. So this is where you guys come in. Any thoughts? Ideas?? I have

tried some things, but most of what I have tried is not working. I thought

it could possibly be a herniated disk in my neck, but my Myopractor said

that my shoulder blade would not have pain, that it would be in my arm and

down into my fingers. For the most part I don't have any numbness or

tingling in my fingers. Occasionally my pinky will kind of act like it wants

to numb up, but once I move it it's fine.

Plus the swallowing thing really bothers me. It honestly feels like it could

be a nerve, but I don't know.

I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a herniated disk

in my low back and the pain was kind of the same. Dull and achy. As I sit

here typing, and bend my neck to the right touching my chin to my shoulder ,

I can feel it almost go from my neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if

it's one long connected burning-on-fire piece.

I am going to the dr. tomorrow, but scared that it would be something bad. A

herniation I can live with and will work to improve. I just always read the

worst into things, and I remember being the same way when I had my low back

pain. I was scared to get that MRI report and found out it was a disk

herniation and that the disk had a tear in it. I ended up having epidural

shots and was healed in only 2 shots. I don't know why I am scared to find

out what is really wrong. I guess because it came on so sudden, but reading

my story...maybe it was a build up to something.

So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.


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A Myopractor is like a chiropractor but instead of moving or adjusting bone, she

deals with muscles.

I felt like she was doing the same type of adjustments as a chiro though.

New to the list

Hello all,

My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the

background of my possible problem.

I am a hairstylist, and have been in this biz for about 24 years now.

Recently I took over and bought out the old owner of the salon I worked in.

It was just the old owner and I, until she wanted to pursue a different

career so she sold to me and left me her entire clientele that she built up

for the last 10 years. When I first took over I didn't think it would be

that hard, but I went from working 12 hours a week to about 48 hours a week

all by myself. So 6 day work week, 8 hours a day. After the 6th month, I

gave up only have one day off....made up my mind that I should have 2 days

off and posted it on the window as NEW HOURS. I was still working alone in

the salon. Not only was I killing myself to do about 11 haircuts and or

color a day, I was dealing with crabbiness, pickiness, complaints about my

hours, having to listen to " how Sheila used to do their hair " etc. and on

top of that going home to husband and 2 kids who were not used to me being

gone all day long. Needless to say, I was sinking all that stress into my

upper neck/back/shoulder area.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, the place between my upper back started

to bother me. I sought out a chiropractor that was in the same shopping

center as my salon and quickly made friends with him. I told him that my

upper back was killing me by the end of each day and he was able to do some

sort of manuever with me crossing my arms over my chest as I lay flat on my

back and by the next day I would feel much better. We ended up bartering

with each other...I would cut his hair and his wife/childrens and he would

give me free adjustments. That worked out great. I was still feeling the

stress and strain of running this business alone, but being able to go get

my " back cracked " made me feel like I could handle it. I still think

(looking back) that alot of it was building up in my shoulders and they were

just turning into rock hard areas. I also started getting weekly massages

and they would comment on how hard my shoulders felt.

In the summer, my chiro came to get his haircut and mentioned that he

" might " be moving to Australia, and sure enough within a couple of weeks he

up and moved just like that. I was still feeling really stressed out and

tight and at this point had no one to really understand my pain. I started

to feel that upper back pain come on (between shoulder blades) and I would

go home at night and my neck would just ache with tension. I would try to

have someone in the house massage it, but it just didn't really stop. I

began to hate my job and would cry to my husband that I made a mistake

taking over the shop and it's too much work and I couldn't handle it. He

didn't give me much sympathy and I am locked into a 3 year lease. So back to

the grind I went....every day it would be more stress, and more building up

in my shoulders.

In Sept of this year, something odd happened. I just turned my head and

SNAP, and twinging pain in my neck. My hand instantly went up to my neck to

hold onto it. I thought " wow, that was weird " and it didn't happen again

that day. About a week later, SNAP!! again it happened. I still didn't

understand where this was coming from. Nor did I go see the dr. or chiro.

One day after that week, I was sitting in my computer chair typing and

eating something and as I swallowed the food, I felt this odd little pain in

my LEFT shoulder blade area. I thought " hmm, must have slept wrong last

night " again swallowed more food and that area would again hurt as the food

passed by that area of my shoulder blade. I ignored it and figured it would

go away. After a month of my neck spontaneously doing that SNAP, (I think it

only happened maybe 6 more times in the last 3 months) this shoulder blade

pain did not go away. I also noticed that my upper shoulder/neck area was

burning as if I had strained it too long. One morning I woke up and had to

go to the dentist and it just ached. I ended up going to Urgent Care on the

way home from the dentist.

I told the PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said

was " we need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there

for a moment almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She

then told me that maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my

upper shoulder blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well

she said because of the swallowing issue. So I went, told him

everything...he didn't seem too worried but by then I was a nervous wreck.

He suggest a Barium Swallow test and so I went and had that done...that came

out normal too. I also had bloodwork done, still all normal. Now...I am

going into the 4th month with this. I began see a Myopractor. She deals with

Myofascial pain. I only saw her maybe 4 times and she thought that I should

have seen/felt some relief by now.

I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she couldn't help

me because with the 5 days of rest that I had over Thanksgiving break, I

still had/have the neck pain, the upper shoulder blade pain, the lower

shoulder blade pain. The WHOLE left side of my scapula/neck and upper neck

are killing me. IT's a dull pain, but an annoying much like a headache type


I don't know what to do now. I do know I am scared to death of what this

could be. So this is where you guys come in. Any thoughts? Ideas?? I have

tried some things, but most of what I have tried is not working. I thought

it could possibly be a herniated disk in my neck, but my Myopractor said

that my shoulder blade would not have pain, that it would be in my arm and

down into my fingers. For the most part I don't have any numbness or

tingling in my fingers. Occasionally my pinky will kind of act like it wants

to numb up, but once I move it it's fine.

Plus the swallowing thing really bothers me. It honestly feels like it could

be a nerve, but I don't know.

I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a herniated disk

in my low back and the pain was kind of the same. Dull and achy. As I sit

here typing, and bend my neck to the right touching my chin to my shoulder ,

I can feel it almost go from my neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if

it's one long connected burning-on-fire piece.

I am going to the dr. tomorrow, but scared that it would be something bad. A

herniation I can live with and will work to improve. I just always read the

worst into things, and I remember being the same way when I had my low back

pain. I was scared to get that MRI report and found out it was a disk

herniation and that the disk had a tear in it. I ended up having epidural

shots and was healed in only 2 shots. I don't know why I am scared to find

out what is really wrong. I guess because it came on so sudden, but reading

my story...maybe it was a build up to something.

So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.


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You definitely should see an Orthopedist or a Neurosurgeon. Pain in your

shoulder blades can be cause by your neck. I should know as I have had similiar

pain that you are experiencing for years. I had a cervical spine fusion from C5

- C7 2 years ago and I still have pain in my shoulder blades. Given the line of

work that you do, I would think this would be common. I too saw a chiro for a

year. He only helped make the pain bearable but they can never fix it. Also,

some of the things that your Chiro told you are NOT true! Just because you don't

have tingling or numbing in certain parts of your arms, hands, and fingers

doesn't mean that you don't have a disc or nerve issue. You definitely should

get an EMG (nerve test) to make sure all of your nerves are good, then have an

MRI or CT. Those are three very important tests that can rule in or out what is

going on with your neck (of if your neck is even the issue). Don't waste your

time going to doctor after

doctor. See an Orthopedist and they can send you to to have all of those tests

done. I even have a pain management specialist in the same office as my

Orthopedist and he has been wonderful!


if your insurance is running out soon then you definitely don't have time to

waste going to doctor after doctor...


Good luck!!


From: e <JBrewe@...>

Subject: New to the list

neck pain

Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 6:48 PM

Hello all,

My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the background of

my possible problem.

I am a hairstylist, and have been in this biz for about 24 years now. Recently I

took over and bought out the old owner of the salon I worked in. It was just the

old owner and I, until she wanted to pursue a different career so she sold to me

and left me her entire clientele that she built up for the last 10 years. When I

first took over I didn't think it would be that hard, but I went from working 12

hours a week to about 48 hours a week all by myself. So 6 day work week, 8 hours

a day. After the 6th month, I gave up only have one day off....made up my mind

that I should have 2 days off and posted it on the window as NEW HOURS. I was

still working alone in the salon. Not only was I killing myself to do about 11

haircuts and or color a day, I was dealing with crabbiness, pickiness,

complaints about my hours, having to listen to " how Sheila used to do their

hair " etc. and on top of that going home to husband and 2 kids who were not used

to me being gone

all day long. Needless to say, I was sinking all that stress into my upper

neck/back/shoulder area.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, the place between my upper back started to

bother me. I sought out a chiropractor that was in the same shopping center as

my salon and quickly made friends with him. I told him that my upper back was

killing me by the end of each day and he was able to do some sort of manuever

with me crossing my arms over my chest as I lay flat on my back and by the next

day I would feel much better. We ended up bartering with each other...I would

cut his hair and his wife/childrens and he would give me free adjustments. That

worked out great. I was still feeling the stress and strain of running this

business alone, but being able to go get my " back cracked " made me feel like I

could handle it. I still think (looking back) that alot of it was building up in

my shoulders and they were just turning into rock hard areas. I also started

getting weekly massages and they would comment on how hard my shoulders felt.

In the summer, my chiro came to get his haircut and mentioned that he " might " be

moving to Australia, and sure enough within a couple of weeks he up and moved

just like that. I was still feeling really stressed out and tight and at this

point had no one to really understand my pain. I started to feel that upper back

pain come on (between shoulder blades) and I would go home at night and my neck

would just ache with tension. I would try to have someone in the house massage

it, but it just didn't really stop. I began to hate my job and would cry to my

husband that I made a mistake taking over the shop and it's too much work and I

couldn't handle it. He didn't give me much sympathy and I am locked into a 3

year lease. So back to the grind I went....every day it would be more stress,

and more building up in my shoulders.

In Sept of this year, something odd happened. I just turned my head and SNAP,

and twinging pain in my neck. My hand instantly went up to my neck to hold onto

it. I thought " wow, that was weird " and it didn't happen again that day. About a

week later, SNAP!! again it happened. I still didn't understand where this was

coming from. Nor did I go see the dr. or chiro. One day after that week, I was

sitting in my computer chair typing and eating something and as I swallowed the

food, I felt this odd little pain in my LEFT shoulder blade area. I thought

" hmm, must have slept wrong last night " again swallowed more food and that area

would again hurt as the food passed by that area of my shoulder blade. I ignored

it and figured it would go away. After a month of my neck spontaneously doing

that SNAP, (I think it only happened maybe 6 more times in the last 3 months)

this shoulder blade pain did not go away. I also noticed that my upper

shoulder/neck area was

burning as if I had strained it too long. One morning I woke up and had to go

to the dentist and it just ached. I ended up going to Urgent Care on the way

home from the dentist.

I told the PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said was

" we need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there for a

moment almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She then told me

that maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my upper shoulder

blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she said because of

the swallowing issue. So I went, told him everything.. .he didn't seem too

worried but by then I was a nervous wreck. He suggest a Barium Swallow test and

so I went and had that done...that came out normal too. I also had bloodwork

done, still all normal. Now...I am going into the 4th month with this. I began

see a Myopractor. She deals with Myofascial pain. I only saw her maybe 4 times

and she thought that I should have seen/felt some relief by now.

I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she couldn't help me

because with the 5 days of rest that I had over Thanksgiving break, I still

had/have the neck pain, the upper shoulder blade pain, the lower shoulder blade

pain. The WHOLE left side of my scapula/neck and upper neck are killing me. IT's

a dull pain, but an annoying much like a headache type pain.

I don't know what to do now. I do know I am scared to death of what this could

be. So this is where you guys come in. Any thoughts? Ideas?? I have tried some

things, but most of what I have tried is not working. I thought it could

possibly be a herniated disk in my neck, but my Myopractor said that my shoulder

blade would not have pain, that it would be in my arm and down into my fingers.

For the most part I don't have any numbness or tingling in my fingers.

Occasionally my pinky will kind of act like it wants to numb up, but once I move

it it's fine.

Plus the swallowing thing really bothers me. It honestly feels like it could be

a nerve, but I don't know.

I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a herniated disk in

my low back and the pain was kind of the same. Dull and achy. As I sit here

typing, and bend my neck to the right touching my chin to my shoulder , I can

feel it almost go from my neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if it's one long

connected burning-on-fire piece.

I am going to the dr. tomorrow, but scared that it would be something bad. A

herniation I can live with and will work to improve. I just always read the

worst into things, and I remember being the same way when I had my low back

pain. I was scared to get that MRI report and found out it was a disk herniation

and that the disk had a tear in it. I ended up having epidural shots and was

healed in only 2 shots. I don't know why I am scared to find out what is really

wrong. I guess because it came on so sudden, but reading my story...maybe it was

a build up to something.

So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.


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Thanks for your reply . Yes, I truly believe it's in my neck too. Plus

that random snapping thing just came on right as this all started. That to me is

not normal. I had someone tell me " oh that's just your bones popping out fluid

etc "

This snapping thing was not just your little neck pop, it was a jolt. It is

enough for me to literally grab my neck and hold it still because it scares me.

I just had it happen again on this past Saturday as I was walking into a grocery


I am seeing my primary dr. today but I have to because I can't go to a

specialist without a referral (HMO). I may have to go through the HMO crap where

they want you to try physical therapy and NSAIDS first. 8 years ago I had a

herniation in my low back L4-5 and before I was approved for an MRI I had to do

6 weeks of PT and try NSAIDS and all that for weeks before I could get it done.

New to the list

neck pain

Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 6:48 PM

Hello all,

My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the background

of my possible problem.

I am a hairstylist, and have been in this biz for about 24 years now. Recently

I took over and bought out the old owner of the salon I worked in. It was just

the old owner and I, until she wanted to pursue a different career so she sold

to me and left me her entire clientele that she built up for the last 10 years.

When I first took over I didn't think it would be that hard, but I went from

working 12 hours a week to about 48 hours a week all by myself. So 6 day work

week, 8 hours a day. After the 6th month, I gave up only have one day

off....made up my mind that I should have 2 days off and posted it on the window

as NEW HOURS. I was still working alone in the salon. Not only was I killing

myself to do about 11 haircuts and or color a day, I was dealing with

crabbiness, pickiness, complaints about my hours, having to listen to " how

Sheila used to do their hair " etc. and on top of that going home to husband and

2 kids who were not used to me being gone

all day long. Needless to say, I was sinking all that stress into my upper

neck/back/shoulder area.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, the place between my upper back started

to bother me. I sought out a chiropractor that was in the same shopping center

as my salon and quickly made friends with him. I told him that my upper back was

killing me by the end of each day and he was able to do some sort of manuever

with me crossing my arms over my chest as I lay flat on my back and by the next

day I would feel much better. We ended up bartering with each other...I would

cut his hair and his wife/childrens and he would give me free adjustments. That

worked out great. I was still feeling the stress and strain of running this

business alone, but being able to go get my " back cracked " made me feel like I

could handle it. I still think (looking back) that alot of it was building up in

my shoulders and they were just turning into rock hard areas. I also started

getting weekly massages and they would comment on how hard my shoulders felt.

In the summer, my chiro came to get his haircut and mentioned that he " might "

be moving to Australia, and sure enough within a couple of weeks he up and moved

just like that. I was still feeling really stressed out and tight and at this

point had no one to really understand my pain. I started to feel that upper back

pain come on (between shoulder blades) and I would go home at night and my neck

would just ache with tension. I would try to have someone in the house massage

it, but it just didn't really stop. I began to hate my job and would cry to my

husband that I made a mistake taking over the shop and it's too much work and I

couldn't handle it. He didn't give me much sympathy and I am locked into a 3

year lease. So back to the grind I went....every day it would be more stress,

and more building up in my shoulders.

In Sept of this year, something odd happened. I just turned my head and SNAP,

and twinging pain in my neck. My hand instantly went up to my neck to hold onto

it. I thought " wow, that was weird " and it didn't happen again that day. About a

week later, SNAP!! again it happened. I still didn't understand where this was

coming from. Nor did I go see the dr. or chiro. One day after that week, I was

sitting in my computer chair typing and eating something and as I swallowed the

food, I felt this odd little pain in my LEFT shoulder blade area. I thought

" hmm, must have slept wrong last night " again swallowed more food and that area

would again hurt as the food passed by that area of my shoulder blade. I ignored

it and figured it would go away. After a month of my neck spontaneously doing

that SNAP, (I think it only happened maybe 6 more times in the last 3 months)

this shoulder blade pain did not go away. I also noticed that my upper

shoulder/neck area was

burning as if I had strained it too long. One morning I woke up and had to go

to the dentist and it just ached. I ended up going to Urgent Care on the way

home from the dentist.

I told the PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said

was " we need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there for a

moment almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She then told me

that maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my upper shoulder

blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she said because of

the swallowing issue. So I went, told him everything.. .he didn't seem too

worried but by then I was a nervous wreck. He suggest a Barium Swallow test and

so I went and had that done...that came out normal too. I also had bloodwork

done, still all normal. Now...I am going into the 4th month with this. I began

see a Myopractor. She deals with Myofascial pain. I only saw her maybe 4 times

and she thought that I should have seen/felt some relief by now.

I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she couldn't help me

because with the 5 days of rest that I had over Thanksgiving break, I still

had/have the neck pain, the upper shoulder blade pain, the lower shoulder blade

pain. The WHOLE left side of my scapula/neck and upper neck are killing me. IT's

a dull pain, but an annoying much like a headache type pain.

I don't know what to do now. I do know I am scared to death of what this could

be. So this is where you guys come in. Any thoughts? Ideas?? I have tried some

things, but most of what I have tried is not working. I thought it could

possibly be a herniated disk in my neck, but my Myopractor said that my shoulder

blade would not have pain, that it would be in my arm and down into my fingers.

For the most part I don't have any numbness or tingling in my fingers.

Occasionally my pinky will kind of act like it wants to numb up, but once I move

it it's fine.

Plus the swallowing thing really bothers me. It honestly feels like it could

be a nerve, but I don't know.

I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a herniated disk in

my low back and the pain was kind of the same. Dull and achy. As I sit here

typing, and bend my neck to the right touching my chin to my shoulder , I can

feel it almost go from my neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if it's one long

connected burning-on-fire piece.

I am going to the dr. tomorrow, but scared that it would be something bad. A

herniation I can live with and will work to improve. I just always read the

worst into things, and I remember being the same way when I had my low back

pain. I was scared to get that MRI report and found out it was a disk herniation

and that the disk had a tear in it. I ended up having epidural shots and was

healed in only 2 shots. I don't know why I am scared to find out what is really

wrong. I guess because it came on so sudden, but reading my story...maybe it was

a build up to something.

So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.


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thats a new one for me too. I believe they deal with myofascial stuff as

opposed to bone.

Id never heard of it before either.


New to the list

Hello all,

My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the

background of my possible problem.

I am a hairstylist, and have been in this biz for about 24 years now.

Recently I took over and bought out the old owner of the salon I worked in.

It was just the old owner and I, until she wanted to pursue a different

career so she sold to me and left me her entire clientele that she built up

for the last 10 years. When I first took over I didn't think it would be

that hard, but I went from working 12 hours a week to about 48 hours a week

all by myself. So 6 day work week, 8 hours a day. After the 6th month, I

gave up only have one day off....made up my mind that I should have 2 days

off and posted it on the window as NEW HOURS. I was still working alone in

the salon. Not only was I killing myself to do about 11 haircuts and or

color a day, I was dealing with crabbiness, pickiness, complaints about my

hours, having to listen to " how Sheila used to do their hair " etc. and on

top of that going home to husband and 2 kids who were not used to me being

gone all day long. Needless to say, I was sinking all that stress into my

upper neck/back/shoulder area.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, the place between my upper back started

to bother me. I sought out a chiropractor that was in the same shopping

center as my salon and quickly made friends with him. I told him that my

upper back was killing me by the end of each day and he was able to do some

sort of manuever with me crossing my arms over my chest as I lay flat on my

back and by the next day I would feel much better. We ended up bartering

with each other...I would cut his hair and his wife/childrens and he would

give me free adjustments. That worked out great. I was still feeling the

stress and strain of running this business alone, but being able to go get

my " back cracked " made me feel like I could handle it. I still think

(looking back) that alot of it was building up in my shoulders and they were

just turning into rock hard areas. I also started getting weekly massages

and they would comment on how hard my shoulders felt.

In the summer, my chiro came to get his haircut and mentioned that he

" might " be moving to Australia, and sure enough within a couple of weeks he

up and moved just like that. I was still feeling really stressed out and

tight and at this point had no one to really understand my pain. I started

to feel that upper back pain come on (between shoulder blades) and I would

go home at night and my neck would just ache with tension. I would try to

have someone in the house massage it, but it just didn't really stop. I

began to hate my job and would cry to my husband that I made a mistake

taking over the shop and it's too much work and I couldn't handle it. He

didn't give me much sympathy and I am locked into a 3 year lease. So back to

the grind I went....every day it would be more stress, and more building up

in my shoulders.

In Sept of this year, something odd happened. I just turned my head and

SNAP, and twinging pain in my neck. My hand instantly went up to my neck to

hold onto it. I thought " wow, that was weird " and it didn't happen again

that day. About a week later, SNAP!! again it happened. I still didn't

understand where this was coming from. Nor did I go see the dr. or chiro.

One day after that week, I was sitting in my computer chair typing and

eating something and as I swallowed the food, I felt this odd little pain in

my LEFT shoulder blade area. I thought " hmm, must have slept wrong last

night " again swallowed more food and that area would again hurt as the food

passed by that area of my shoulder blade. I ignored it and figured it would

go away. After a month of my neck spontaneously doing that SNAP, (I think it

only happened maybe 6 more times in the last 3 months) this shoulder blade

pain did not go away. I also noticed that my upper shoulder/neck area was

burning as if I had strained it too long. One morning I woke up and had to

go to the dentist and it just ached. I ended up going to Urgent Care on the

way home from the dentist.

I told the PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said

was " we need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there

for a moment almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She

then told me that maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my

upper shoulder blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well

she said because of the swallowing issue. So I went, told him

everything...he didn't seem too worried but by then I was a nervous wreck.

He suggest a Barium Swallow test and so I went and had that done...that came

out normal too. I also had bloodwork done, still all normal. Now...I am

going into the 4th month with this. I began see a Myopractor. She deals with

Myofascial pain. I only saw her maybe 4 times and she thought that I should

have seen/felt some relief by now.

I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she couldn't help

me because with the 5 days of rest that I had over Thanksgiving break, I

still had/have the neck pain, the upper shoulder blade pain, the lower

shoulder blade pain. The WHOLE left side of my scapula/neck and upper neck

are killing me. IT's a dull pain, but an annoying much like a headache type


I don't know what to do now. I do know I am scared to death of what this

could be. So this is where you guys come in. Any thoughts? Ideas?? I have

tried some things, but most of what I have tried is not working. I thought

it could possibly be a herniated disk in my neck, but my Myopractor said

that my shoulder blade would not have pain, that it would be in my arm and

down into my fingers. For the most part I don't have any numbness or

tingling in my fingers. Occasionally my pinky will kind of act like it wants

to numb up, but once I move it it's fine.

Plus the swallowing thing really bothers me. It honestly feels like it could

be a nerve, but I don't know.

I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a herniated disk

in my low back and the pain was kind of the same. Dull and achy. As I sit

here typing, and bend my neck to the right touching my chin to my shoulder ,

I can feel it almost go from my neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if

it's one long connected burning-on-fire piece.

I am going to the dr. tomorrow, but scared that it would be something bad. A

herniation I can live with and will work to improve. I just always read the

worst into things, and I remember being the same way when I had my low back

pain. I was scared to get that MRI report and found out it was a disk

herniation and that the disk had a tear in it. I ended up having epidural

shots and was healed in only 2 shots. I don't know why I am scared to find

out what is really wrong. I guess because it came on so sudden, but reading

my story...maybe it was a build up to something.

So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.


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I was describing " swallowing: as not in swallowing as in eating but the

movement which becomes impaired because of the nerve. I didn't explain that


Deb RN

From: neck pain

[mailto:neck pain ] On Behalf Of e

Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 1:10 PM

neck pain

Subject: Re: New to the list

Hi Debra,

Well does it make a difference if I don't have " trouble " swallowing? Food

goes down fine and I don't feel like it's getting stuck anywhere.

I just feel a pain in my shoulder blade that is already there, but

intensifys as the food passes down. I found one lady on the internet that

had the same EXACT symptoms just last month and I don't know anymore about

her...but I thought I was the only one who ever had that sensation.

Re: New to the list

sorry but you need to see someone who deals with structural

issues(Orthopedic).. It sounds to me like a disk issue??


In a message dated 12/1/2008 4:48:42 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,

JBrewe@... <mailto:JBrewe%40cox.net> <mailto:JBrewe%40cox.net> writes:

Hello all,

My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the

background of my possible problem.

I am a hairstylist, and have been in this biz for about 24 years now.

Recently I took over and bought out the old owner of the salon I worked in.

It was

just the old owner and I, until she wanted to pursue a different career so

she sold to me and left me her entire clientele that she built up for the


10 years. When I first took over I didn't think it would be that hard, but I

went from working 12 hours a week to about 48 hours a week all by myself. So

6 day work week, 8 hours a day. After the 6th month, I gave up only have one

day off....made up my mind that I should have 2 days off and posted it on


window as NEW HOURS. I was still working alone in the salon. Not only was I

killing myself to do about 11 haircuts and or color a day, I was dealing


crabbiness, pickiness, complaints about my hours, having to listen to " how

Sheila used to do their hair " etc. and on top of that going home to husband

and 2 kids who were not used to me being gone all day long. Needless to say,


was sinking all that stress into my upper neck/back/shoulder area.

Somewhere in the middle of all this, the place between my upper back started

to bother me. I sought out a chiropractor that was in the same shopping

center as my salon and quickly made friends with him. I told him that my


back was killing me by the end of each day and he was able to do some sort


manuever with me crossing my arms over my chest as I lay flat on my back and

by the next day I would feel much better. We ended up bartering with each

other...I would cut his hair and his wife/childrens and he would give me


adjustments. That worked out great. I was still feeling the stress and

strain of

running this business alone, but being able to go get my " back cracked " made

me feel like I could handle it. I still think (looking back) that alot of it

was building up in my shoulders and they were just turning into rock hard

areas. I also started getting weekly massages and they would comment on how

hard my shoulders felt.

In the summer, my chiro came to get his haircut and mentioned that he

" might " be moving to Australia, and sure enough within a couple of weeks he

up and

moved just like that. I was still feeling really stressed out and tight and

at this point had no one to really understand my pain. I started to feel


upper back pain come on (between shoulder blades) and I would go home at

night and my neck would just ache with tension. I would try to have someone


the house massage it, but it just didn't really stop. I began to hate my job

and would cry to my husband that I made a mistake taking over the shop and


too much work and I couldn't handle it. He didn't give me much sympathy and

I am locked into a 3 year lease. So back to the grind I went....every day it

would be more stress, and more building up in my shoulders.

In Sept of this year, something odd happened. I just turned my head and

SNAP, and twinging pain in my neck. My hand instantly went up to my neck to


onto it. I thought " wow, that was weird " and it didn't happen again that


About a week later, SNAP!! again it happened. I still didn't understand

where this was coming from. Nor did I go see the dr. or chiro. One day after


week, I was sitting in my computer chair typing and eating something and as

I swallowed the food, I felt this odd little pain in my LEFT shoulder blade

area. I thought " hmm, must have slept wrong last night " again swallowed more

food and that area would again hurt as the food passed by that area of my

shoulder blade. I ignored it and figured it would go away. After a month of


neck spontaneously doing that SNAP, (I think it only happened maybe 6 more

times in the last 3 months) this shoulder blade pain did not go away. I also

noticed that my upper shoulder/neck area was burning as if I had strained it


long. One morning I woke up and had to go to the dentist and it just ached.


ended up going to Urgent Care on the way home from the dentist.

I told the PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said

was " we need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there

for a moment almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She


told me that maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my


shoulder blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she

said because of the swallowing issue. So I went, told him everything..I told


PA about my job and that I use my left arm ALOT and all she said was " we

need to do a chest x-ray and EKG " and then I got scared. Sat there for a


almost crying and she came back in, results are normal. She then told me


maybe I should go have my stomach checked. Hmm, okay so my upper shoulder

blade and neck hurt and you want me to go see a GI dr?? Well she said


of the

I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she couldn't help

me because with the 5 days of rest that I had over Thanksgiving break, I

still had/have the neck pain, the upper shoulder blade pain, the lower


blade pain. The WHOLE left side of my scapula/neck and upper neck are


me. IT's a dull pain, but an annoying much like a headache type pain.

I don't know what to do now. I do know I am scared to death of what this

could be. So this is where you guys come in. Any thoughts? Ideas?? I have


some things, but most of what I have tried is not working. I thought it


possibly be a herniated disk in my neck, but my Myopractor said that my

shoulder blade would not have pain, that it would be in my arm and down into


fingers. For the most part I don't have any numbness or tingling in my

fingers. Occasionally my pinky will kind of act like it wants to numb up,

but once I

move it it's fine.

Plus the swallowing thing really bothers me. It honestly feels like it could

be a nerve, but I don't know.

I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a herniated disk

in my low back and the pain was kind of the same. Dull and achy. As I sit

here typing, and bend my neck to the right touching my chin to my shoulder ,


can feel it almost go from my neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if it's

one long connected burning-on-fire piece.

I am going to the dr. tomorrow, but scared that it would be something bad. A

herniation I can live with and will work to improve. I just always read the

worst into things, and I remember being the same way when I had my low back

pain. I was scared to get that MRI report and found out it was a disk

herniation and that the disk had a tear in it. I ended up having epidural

shots and

was healed in only 2 shots. I don't know why I am scared to find out what is

really wrong. I guess because it came on so sudden, but reading my

story...maybe it was a build up to something.

So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.


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At 06:48 PM 12/1/2008, you wrote:

>Hello all,

>My name is e and I'm 43 year old female. Let me give you the

>background of my possible problem.



>I went in to see her today and basically she told me that she

>couldn't help me because with the 5 days of rest that I had over

>Thanksgiving break, I still had/have the neck pain, the upper

>shoulder blade pain, the lower shoulder blade pain. The WHOLE left

>side of my scapula/neck and upper neck are killing me. IT's a dull

>pain, but an annoying much like a headache type pain.



>I am basing this on the pain I felt 8 years ago when I had a

>herniated disk in my low back and the pain was kind of the same.

>Dull and achy. As I sit here typing, and bend my neck to the right

>touching my chin to my shoulder , I can feel it almost go from my

>neck, clear into my shoulder blade as if it's one long connected

>burning-on-fire piece.



>So anyway..there is my intro. Thanks for any insight.



e my name is Dave . I'm a long term member of this board and a

long term sufferer. I experience the same pain you do. My doctor

did a 2 level fusion on my neck after cleaning out bone spurs that

were pinching nerves and removing 2 herniated disks. He told me that

this would cure my neck and shoulder pain. The minute I woke up from

the surgery I knew something was wrong. I was in more pain than

before the surgery. This was in December of 2000 8 years ago on

December 28th. If you go to our groups home page on ,

then go to files, member stories or something like that, then Dave's

story you'll get my whole long story. Bottom line I've been in

extreme pain since then. I've had every test under the sun. They

can't find the cause of the pain and tell me also that it can't be

from my neck! All they can offer is exploratory surgery to look for

hidden damage that MRI, Scans, and X-rays won't show. I also have 4

levels fused in my lower back. So I can relate. I'm on 24 x 7 pain

meds plus I use gelled ice packs wrapped in light towels on my should

blade around the clock to dull the pain. Plus my wife gives me

massages with a hand held percussion massager made by homedics. Like

Bill Clinton " I feel your Pain! " Dave in Reading, PA

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