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RE: and Chris

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So what did you do when you daughter was like this a few years ago? Did you

know it was OCD then? Any tips or strategies? It is good to know it gets


I've never even heard of Aspergers Syndrome, but I'll look into it now

that you mention it.


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  • 3 years later...

I never knew I raised movie stars! The Ferguson's all our naturally gorgeous aphrodisiacs!

and Chris

Dear Daryl and Doug:

Oh my God these guys are gorgeous!!! They probably have a million girls after them and don't even know it.

Too good looking. I think when I start working again, I will work for a dating service and send pictures of and Chris. I probably make a fortune.

Love, Vicki

--- Ferguson

--- vcferguson@...

--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.

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  • 1 year later...
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As always, you have so much insight into our teens' situations.

Experience is such a good teacher! Since Rob is my one and only, I have

no other child to compare him with.

I'm so glad that and you are here to remind me of these things about

'growing into' their responsibilities. Thanks again for listening! I've

always felt like Rob and were so similar...and not just because

they both have AS.

How's college going for Chris??

and Rob 16 Spondy

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:02:43 -0500 " Tepper, Michele "

<MTepper@...> writes:

- I am right there with you. I know and understand totally your

frustration. I wish I knew the answer to the " I'm fine " syndrome we have

so often talked about. Amazing that Rob could go that long and not say

anything about the pain. Perhaps he doesn't want you to worry or maybe

he thinks you would make him quit his job? When I have my moments like

this about I try to hold on to what told me a few months

back when I was venting about Chris. Basically, she told me that it

would come in time, as they mature and realize that they must take care

of themselves, that parents can't do it forever. We can worry, but at

some point they must learn to deal with this on their own. For me, I try

to make sure I provide a positive role model with getting regular check

ups and taking care of my health. I wish I could get my husband to do

the same, as I think that would have more of an impact on but for

now it is me. I hope that Rob's knee improves. Hugs to you, vent

whenever you need to, I sure do! Michele ( 18, spondy)

Update on Rob

Again, thank you all for the prayers for Rob's cousin, . We were

pretty scared yesterday when he was actively bleeding, but thank God


has apparently ceased with treatment and now he can be managed with GERD

medications. I think that there is a lesson to be learned: NSAIDS and

pain meds can really do a number on your stomach, and if you are on them

long-term or have a history of GERD, you really need to be on something

to protect your stomach.

Rob has been complaining of his knees a lot lately. He is vague with his

complaints, but one thing with Rob: if he is complaining, you'd better

sit up and take notice because SOMETHING IS WRONG. Monday, we went to a

mall, and while we were walking in he complained about his right knee.


had a followup due with the orthopedist today, to monitor his

spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis (back issues), and I made him


me that we'd have his knee looked at. He readily agreed.

Last night, I was at our church working for our ministry, and got a call

from Rob. His knee had given out, and he fell into the closet door

between his bedroom and ours. He hit the door with such force, that he

caused a hole in it! Of course, the door is hollow, but ...

Anyway, he hit the front part of his head and he doesn't even have a

bruise today. We've been calling him Hard Head all day!

This really scared me. So, we go to the orthopedist today and had great

news about his spine. His scoliosis is still at 15%, and his

spondylolysis and listhesis appear to be status quo as well. Then we

moved on to his knee. Rob then finally admits that his knee has been

giving out on him, and he's having trouble when he's working at Target.

He says its been pretty painful for about 3 MONTHS!

They did plain xrays and they looked ok, so he's being scheduled for an

MRI. I don't know whether to think its his arthritis, tendonitis, or


torn something.

But I think that the most shocking part was that he hadn't really

complained until about a week ago! We had a talk about how the doctor


to pull all that out of him, but yet, he told the doctor more than he'd

been telling me. I told Rob that the doctor has to be given information

so he can figure out what's wrong. You can't expect them to just know!

Anyway, the doctor said for him to take NSAIDS, but Rob can't even take

them because of his kidney disease. So, we wait for the MRI. If it's

normal I guess its back to the physical therapist.

Sorry for the long-winded post! I just got frustrated that Rob doesn't

yet take measures to take care of himself! Hopefully this is something

that will come in time!

and Rob 16 Spondy

" Have no fear for what tomorrow may bring. The same loving God who cares

for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. God will

either shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear

it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and

imaginations. "

-St Francis DeSales

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I too have often thought Rob and were similar kind of guys. I

loved the spit comment in your other email to . Laughed because

that sounded just like Chris! When his asthma was bad at Christmas, and

he was wheezing even in his sleep, there was always some other reason

for it, surely not his asthma flaring, even though we had an extra cat

in the house and 2 was just too many. is doing ok in school,

getting good grades, but he has begged us to let him take a break, so

next semester he will only take one or two night classes. I am not happy

about it, but he is miserable going to school full time, and just wants

to work (he has two jobs right now). He still loves detailing cars and

will be applying for full time jobs (perhaps at car dealerships?) where

he can do this. I know getting a degree is so important, so I will

continue to push in that direction. My oldest is set to graduate from

Marquette next month, so I think that is a good example for to

keep in mind. I cannot believe how fast these four years of college have

gone for her; I wish would see how soon he could be done and have

that degree. Well, for now, he has to figure it out on his own, with

lots of worrying and praying by mom behind the scenes! Michele ( &


Update on Rob

Again, thank you all for the prayers for Rob's cousin, . We were

pretty scared yesterday when he was actively bleeding, but thank God


has apparently ceased with treatment and now he can be managed with GERD

medications. I think that there is a lesson to be learned: NSAIDS and

pain meds can really do a number on your stomach, and if you are on them

long-term or have a history of GERD, you really need to be on something

to protect your stomach.

Rob has been complaining of his knees a lot lately. He is vague with his

complaints, but one thing with Rob: if he is complaining, you'd better

sit up and take notice because SOMETHING IS WRONG. Monday, we went to a

mall, and while we were walking in he complained about his right knee.


had a followup due with the orthopedist today, to monitor his

spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis (back issues), and I made him


me that we'd have his knee looked at. He readily agreed.

Last night, I was at our church working for our ministry, and got a call

from Rob. His knee had given out, and he fell into the closet door

between his bedroom and ours. He hit the door with such force, that he

caused a hole in it! Of course, the door is hollow, but ...

Anyway, he hit the front part of his head and he doesn't even have a

bruise today. We've been calling him Hard Head all day!

This really scared me. So, we go to the orthopedist today and had great

news about his spine. His scoliosis is still at 15%, and his

spondylolysis and listhesis appear to be status quo as well. Then we

moved on to his knee. Rob then finally admits that his knee has been

giving out on him, and he's having trouble when he's working at Target.

He says its been pretty painful for about 3 MONTHS!

They did plain xrays and they looked ok, so he's being scheduled for an

MRI. I don't know whether to think its his arthritis, tendonitis, or


torn something.

But I think that the most shocking part was that he hadn't really

complained until about a week ago! We had a talk about how the doctor


to pull all that out of him, but yet, he told the doctor more than he'd

been telling me. I told Rob that the doctor has to be given information

so he can figure out what's wrong. You can't expect them to just know!

Anyway, the doctor said for him to take NSAIDS, but Rob can't even take

them because of his kidney disease. So, we wait for the MRI. If it's

normal I guess its back to the physical therapist.

Sorry for the long-winded post! I just got frustrated that Rob doesn't

yet take measures to take care of himself! Hopefully this is something

that will come in time!

and Rob 16 Spondy

" Have no fear for what tomorrow may bring. The same loving God who cares

for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. God will

either shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear

it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and

imaginations. "

-St Francis DeSales

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