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WARNING: Those without a sense of humor or willingness to question everything

and call a spade a spade read any and all that I post at their own risk of being

exposed to critical observation.

Mike Murray

Many years ago I read that magnesium depletion was a major factor in hangover

severity. Years before, in my college days, having observed that my drinking

buddies who got the worst hangovers were of strong old Baptist type stock where

as I, who always felt great the morning after, was of lapsed Irish Catholic

stock and had had my fill of the eternal guilt trip I had theorized that it was

old fashioned moral guilt.

Still like the guilt hypothesis. None the less have from empirical evidence,

and personal experiment (discovered the hangover in my early thirties), found

that magnesium supplementation (a tablespoon or two of milk of magnesia, a swig

from the bottle) upon waking quickly eliminated the headache.

The depletion hypothesis would also explain my first food the morning after is

the cold leftover pizza (high sodium) and flat beer (beyond rehydration, why the

leftover beer and not water, I don't know).

I question the over use of the phrase 'detox reaction'.

Is it not possible that what headaches, dizziness, faintness, etc. are symptoms

of electrolytes depletion. That is a very different thing from a toxic exposure

or internal flare. Not to say that a mineral depletion, among other effects, may

not be part of a toxic reaction. Given that dosing with electrolytes brings

relief from headaches, would it not be reasonable to consider that the

electrolytes had simply been depleted (by loss of blood, increased urination, or

concentration in urine, sweat loss) nothing more.

Mike M


> Does anyone suffer from debilitating headaches?

> I have had them for years usually a few days into my cycle. Starts in

> back of neck (where it is painful to pressure) and gets worse

> throughout day until I sleep. Makes me light sensitive and slightly

> nauseous and I have noticed they sometimes occur after taking iodine. I

> can only descrbe them as " toxic " though the amount of iodine I take is

> tiny.

> They do not fit with any descriptions of headaches such as migraine,

> cluster etc. I would love to know if anyone has this problem and what

> causes it.

> Thank you.

> Adrienne.


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The electrolytes in question would be Selenium,

Magnesium, water, and other detox helpers. They

carry toxins out of the body. I've always heard

that a hangover is due to dehydration. So yeah I

reckon it would be electrolyte depletion. Wonder

what would happen if you took an Epsom Salt bath

for a hangover? I've never tired that. But then

again, I'm one of those very lucky people who has

never had a hangover ;>


" The greatest enemy of knowledge is not

ignorance...it is the illusion of knowledge "

~ Hawking

mmurra777 wrote:

> WARNING: Those without a sense of humor or willingness to question

> everything and call a spade a spade read any and all that I post at

> their own risk of being exposed to critical observation.

> Mike Murray

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and at times a headache can just be a headache too LOL If you've had a bromide headache though for me they have always been in a specific location and only after a change in iodine dose. Although long ago (over 20 years) when the very first life extension book came out and I was still drinking I learned that a B-100 1500 mg vit c and 500 mg L-cystenine before drinking would prevent a hangover and the same upon waking would make you feel like you never drank at all. Alcohol turns to sugar in the blood stream and uses up your supply of b-vitamins. So all kinds of headaches could be from various lack of vitamins or minerals at any given time. That’s the thing about iodine, it is antibacterial antiviral and antifungal as well as removing the halides and several toxic metals from the body so there are lots of things that may deplete any given vitamin or mineral when you start using it or raise a dose.


From: mmurra777

Sent: Sunday, February 07, 2010 1:21 PM


Subject: Re: headaches

WARNING: Those without a sense of humor or willingness to question everything and call a spade a spade read any and all that I post at their own risk of being exposed to critical observation.Mike MurrayMany years ago I read that magnesium depletion was a major factor in hangover severity. Years before, in my college days, having observed that my drinking buddies who got the worst hangovers were of strong old Baptist type stock where as I, who always felt great the morning after, was of lapsed Irish Catholic stock and had had my fill of the eternal guilt trip I had theorized that it was old fashioned moral guilt.Still like the guilt hypothesis. None the less have from empirical evidence, and personal experiment (discovered the hangover in my early thirties), found that magnesium supplementation (a tablespoon or two of milk of magnesia, a swig from the bottle) upon waking quickly eliminated the headache.The depletion hypothesis would also explain my first food the morning after is the cold leftover pizza (high sodium) and flat beer (beyond rehydration, why the leftover beer and not water, I don't know).I question the over use of the phrase 'detox reaction'.Is it not possible that what headaches, dizziness, faintness, etc. are symptoms of electrolytes depletion. That is a very different thing from a toxic exposure or internal flare. Not to say that a mineral depletion, among other effects, may not be part of a toxic reaction. Given that dosing with electrolytes brings relief from headaches, would it not be reasonable to consider that the electrolytes had simply been depleted (by loss of blood, increased urination, or concentration in urine, sweat loss) nothing more.Mike M>> Does anyone suffer from debilitating headaches?> I have had them for years usually a few days into my cycle. Starts in > back of neck (where it is painful to pressure) and gets worse > throughout day until I sleep. Makes me light sensitive and slightly > nauseous and I have noticed they sometimes occur after taking iodine. I > can only descrbe them as "toxic" though the amount of iodine I take is > tiny.> They do not fit with any descriptions of headaches such as migraine, > cluster etc. I would love to know if anyone has this problem and what > causes it.> Thank you. > Adrienne.>

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What I discovered was that after I had a glass or two of red wine I awoke with a headache.

Then I discovered by chance that if before going to bed I drank a glass of water, no headache!

No magnesium needed for me.

I rarely drink maybe once a year, I just never liked the taste.

Maybe" iodine headaches" are really dehydration?


From: mmurra777 <mmurra777@...>Subject: Re: headachesiodine Date: Sunday, 7 February, 2010, 20:21

WARNING: Those without a sense of humor or willingness to question everything and call a spade a spade read any and all that I post at their own risk of being exposed to critical observation.Mike MurrayMany years ago I read that magnesium depletion was a major factor in hangover severity. Years before, in my college days, having observed that my drinking buddies who got the worst hangovers were of strong old Baptist type stock where as I, who always felt great the morning after, was of lapsed Irish Catholic stock and had had my fill of the eternal guilt trip I had theorized that it was old fashioned moral guilt.Still like the guilt hypothesis. None the less have from empirical evidence, and personal experiment (discovered the hangover in my early thirties), found that magnesium supplementation (a tablespoon or two of milk of magnesia, a swig from the bottle) upon waking quickly eliminated the headache.The depletion

hypothesis would also explain my first food the morning after is the cold leftover pizza (high sodium) and flat beer (beyond rehydration, why the leftover beer and not water, I don't know).I question the over use of the phrase 'detox reaction'.Is it not possible that what headaches, dizziness, faintness, etc. are symptoms of electrolytes depletion. That is a very different thing from a toxic exposure or internal flare. Not to say that a mineral depletion, among other effects, may not be part of a toxic reaction. Given that dosing with electrolytes brings relief from headaches, would it not be reasonable to consider that the electrolytes had simply been depleted (by loss of blood, increased urination, or concentration in urine, sweat loss) nothing more.Mike M>> Does anyone suffer from debilitating headaches?> I have had them for years usually a few days into my cycle. Starts in > back of neck (where it is painful to pressure) and gets worse > throughout day until I sleep. Makes me light sensitive and slightly > nauseous and I have noticed they sometimes occur after taking iodine. I > can only descrbe them as "toxic" though the amount of iodine I take is > tiny.> They do not fit with any descriptions of headaches such as migraine, > cluster etc. I would love to know if anyone has this problem and what > causes it.> Thank you. > Adrienne.>

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maybe iodine headaches are from wrong dose? not enough iodine?


david kenna wrote:



> Mike,

> What I discovered was that after I had a glass or two of red wine I

> awoke with a headache.

> Then I discovered by chance that if before going to bed I drank a

> glass of water, no headache!

> No magnesium needed for me.

> I rarely drink maybe once a year, I just never liked the taste.

> Maybe " iodine headaches " are really dehydration?



> .


> -


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maybe both?

> >> Mike,> What I discovered was that after I had a glass or two of red wine I > awoke with a headache.> Then I discovered by chance that if before going to bed I drank a > glass of water, no headache!> No magnesium needed for me.> I rarely drink maybe once a year, I just never liked the taste.> Maybe" iodine headaches" are really dehydration?> > > . >> ->

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The classic red wine headache.

Many friends experience it; some from as little as half a wine glass.

It is characterized by; drink red wine - get headache always.

By hangover I'm talking the after affects of a couple of bottles of cheap wine,

or a pint, or more, of colourless spirits, or half that of those sugar ladened


The red wine headache is akin to, and may be, an allergic reaction. That glass

of water may be enough to dilute the wine in the stomach to below the reaction

trigger threshold.

On that, it would be interesting to look for correlations between headache

occurrence and iodine ingestion recording iodine type (Lugol's, iodoral), brand,

dosing, etc.


P.S. I'll suggest the glass of water to friends having red wine intolerance.

For acceptable definition of 'electrolyte' see;


If iodine - headache is a direct cause - effect relationship, given that the

body has some iodine before supp., would that not imply that adding iodine

(i.e., overdose not under dose) is the cause of the headache. I've read nothing

indicating any ill effects of iodine at the dosages we are potentially using. I

started at 50mg Lugol's early October '08. I noticed three things;

1) Increased energy within 24 hours of first dose,

2) day 2, did not remember to take until around 7:30PM; took despite warning on

Brownstein site, tossed and turned all night true to warning,

3) was unable to walk (more like drag my right leg) more than a 100 yards before

starting the Lugol's, on day 5 I was hiking 15k a day with my best friend (he's

6'3 " and active, I'm 5'4.5 " and shrinking). A totally unexpected side affect

which I have tested, and confirmed, by going off Lugol's four times to date.


> Mike,

> What I discovered was that after I had a glass or two of red wine I awoke with

a headache.

> Then I discovered by chance that if before going to bed I drank a glass of

water, no headache!

> No magnesium needed for me.

> I rarely drink maybe once a year, I just never liked the taste.

> Maybe " iodine headaches " are really dehydration?


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Electrolytes are salts of which magnesium is one. Electrolyte issues are usually

a question of balance.

You can take it from here if you like:


....Many years ago I read that magnesium depletion was a major factor in hangover

severity. ...

> Is it not possible that what headaches, dizziness, faintness, etc. are

symptoms of electrolytes depletion. ... would it not be reasonable to consider

that the electrolytes had simply been depleted (by loss of blood, increased

urination, or concentration in urine, sweat loss) nothing more.


> Mike M

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Thanks, Should the salt be taken at the same time as the iodine or it doesn't matter?Joanna2010/2/7 ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...>


Yes take more unrefined salt, vit c and magnesium.







Hello,I started iodoral 5 days ago and was wondering if headaches are typical detox symptoms?

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Of course it might be as you note an allegic reaction?

to some of the additives they put in red wine?

maybe more water with iodine would help?

From: mmurra777 <mmurra777@...>Subject: Re: headachesiodine Date: Monday, 8 February, 2010, 1:39

The classic red wine headache.Many friends experience it; some from as little as half a wine glass.It is characterized by; drink red wine - get headache always.By hangover I'm talking the after affects of a couple of bottles of cheap wine, or a pint, or more, of colourless spirits, or half that of those sugar ladened poisons.The red wine headache is akin to, and may be, an allergic reaction. That glass of water may be enough to dilute the wine in the stomach to below the reaction trigger threshold. On that, it would be interesting to look for correlations between headache occurrence and iodine ingestion recording iodine type (Lugol's, iodoral), brand, dosing, etc.MikeMP.S. I'll suggest the glass of water to friends having red wine intolerance.For acceptable definition of 'electrolyte' see; http://en.wikipedia

..org/wiki/ ElectrolyteIf iodine - headache is a direct cause - effect relationship, given that the body has some iodine before supp., would that not imply that adding iodine (i.e., overdose not under dose) is the cause of the headache. I've read nothing indicating any ill effects of iodine at the dosages we are potentially using. I started at 50mg Lugol's early October '08. I noticed three things;1) Increased energy within 24 hours of first dose,2) day 2, did not remember to take until around 7:30PM; took despite warning on Brownstein site, tossed and turned all night true to warning,3) was unable to walk (more like drag my right leg) more than a 100 yards before starting the Lugol's, on day 5 I was hiking 15k a day with my best friend (he's 6'3" and active, I'm 5'4.5" and shrinking). A totally unexpected side affect which I have tested, and confirmed, by going off Lugol's four times to date.>> Mike,> What I discovered was that after I had a glass or two of red wine I awoke with a headache.> Then I discovered by chance that if before going to bed I drank a glass of water, no headache!> No magnesium needed for me.> I rarely drink maybe once a year, I just never liked the taste.> Maybe" iodine headaches" are really dehydration?>

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For those who don't know it's a diuretic it needs saying,yes.

From: Busse <cynthia.busse@...>Subject: Re: Headachesiodine Date: Monday, 8 February, 2010, 11:03

Alcohol is a diuretic and most headaches are from dehydration, so it goes without saying that you should drink extra water when you drink alcohol.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Yes - if I eat too much. I only take about a tsp at a time and am o.k. with that

amount (tsp in coffee; cook with about 1 TBLS). Feels like my blood

pressure/energy goes too high all at once if I take a large amount (ex 1-3 TBLS)

and I'll get a headache. I also get a stomach ache too if I eat too much. The

same goes with butter and nuts. They say you need to work up to a larger amount

but my stomach is so sensitive, I'd rather keep it as is right now. Jen


> I always seems to get a headache after eating coconut oil. Has anyone

> had this happen?


> Gigi

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  • 9 months later...



> Hi Bee,

> I have been fully on the Candida diet and supplements since January 1st. One

of my symptoms that I want to clear are headaches which typically occur around

my menses. I was very thrilled because after one week on the diet I started my

period and had no headache. That was awesome, since they typically happened the

day before my period would start. Then at the very end of the period I had a

rather sleepless night due to emotional upset and then got a headache the next

day. I took a Motrin after trying to rest a bit and it went away within 15

minutes and I slept fine last night. Today my head is a bit sore and tight neck.


> Is there anything I could do besides take Motrin and how will I know if I am

starting to retrace headaches or if I am just still toxic?

+++Hi ,

Headaches are caused by toxins being released, and during retracing you will

also get detoxifying reactions. I know it seems confusing, however any and all

reactions you get on this program are due to healing, which is includes

detoxification, repair, and rebuilding.

Sometimes it helps to do deep breathing exercises when you get a headache since

tension can cause your body to run on its fight/flight nervous system:


Instead of Motrin take White Willow Bark, available at the health store, and

take it according to directions on the label.

Also you can also try these things:

1) Lay down and put a warm wet cloth on your forehead.

2) Massage your head, neck, forehead, temples, etc.

3) Sniff frequently from a bottle of full strength oil of oregano.

3) Mix oil of oregano 50/50 with olive oil in a small dropper bottle, and rub it

into your forehead, temples, and the back of your neck - be careful not to get

it in your eyes. Oil of oregano is as strong a pain killer as morphine, without

the bad effects. Also soak a small cloth or gauze with it and sniff it many

times, breathing deeply through your nose.

I hope that helps.


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


I'm going through healing readtions and have a terrible headache. I read

that a drop of clove oil will help with headaches. I only have whole cloves

and ground cloves. Will they help? Should I chew on a clove or would that

be too strong?


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Guest guest

I found another place on the website that also talked about headaches and

other symptoms. I took everything listed. Niacin, zinc, B complex , Vit C

every hour and tea from ground cloves but I don't feel any better. (I

didn't take HCl because I don't need it). Can the veterans here please

share if there's anyhting else that helps them in addition to all this? The

pain in my head, in my eyeballs, across my temples and in my neck is very

intense. Thank you,


On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 11:40 AM, april m <aprilmaybemay@...> wrote:

> Hello,

> I'm going through healing readtions and have a terrible headache. I read

> that a drop of clove oil will help with headaches. I only have whole cloves

> and ground cloves. Will they help? Should I chew on a clove or would that

> be too strong?


> April


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Guest guest


> Hello,

> I'm going through healing readtions and have a terrible headache. I read

> that a drop of clove oil will help with headaches. I only have whole cloves

> and ground cloves. Will they help? Should I chew on a clove or would that

> be too strong?


Hi April,

It is a good idea to read the messages on the group since I posted one yesterday

to someone about their migraine headaches, OR you could search our messages.

No, do not chew on clove.


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> I found another place on the website that also talked about headaches and

> other symptoms. I took everything listed. Niacin, zinc, B complex , Vit C

> every hour and tea from ground cloves but I don't feel any better. (I

> didn't take HCl because I don't need it). Can the veterans here please

> share if there's anyhting else that helps them in addition to all this? The

> pain in my head, in my eyeballs, across my temples and in my neck is very

> intense. Thank you,

+++Hi> April,

Please be patient since I'm having a difficult time because my 90 year old

mother had a bad spell last Friday, and I also have to get my taxes done by Apr.


Please read my reply to your earlier message, and do not do the treatments in

that article. Please know that my website isn't just for people on my health


On this program you do not need zinc. Read my reply first.


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I'm very sorry to hear about your mother and I hope she's doing better now.

I knew you were busy anyway. I was going through a severe headache and was

asking if someone else here might have been able to help. I you can't be

online all the time looking after all our needs, you have a life :-)

Prayers for your mom.


On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:






> >

> > I found another place on the website that also talked about headaches and

> > other symptoms. I took everything listed. Niacin, zinc, B complex , Vit C

> > every hour and tea from ground cloves but I don't feel any better. (I

> > didn't take HCl because I don't need it). Can the veterans here please

> > share if there's anyhting else that helps them in addition to all this?

> The

> > pain in my head, in my eyeballs, across my temples and in my neck is very

> > intense. Thank you,


> +++Hi> April,


> Please be patient since I'm having a difficult time because my 90 year old

> mother had a bad spell last Friday, and I also have to get my taxes done by

> Apr. 30th.


> Please read my reply to your earlier message, and do not do the treatments

> in that article. Please know that my website isn't just for people on my

> health programs.


> On this program you do not need zinc. Read my reply first.


> Bee






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Sorry Bee,

I missed that message. I searched for headaches, didn't think of searching

migraines :-)


On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 8:57 AM, Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:




> >

> > Hello,

> > I'm going through healing readtions and have a terrible headache. I read

> > that a drop of clove oil will help with headaches. I only have whole

> cloves

> > and ground cloves. Will they help? Should I chew on a clove or would that

> > be too strong?

> >

> Hi April,

> It is a good idea to read the messages on the group since I posted one

> yesterday to someone about their migraine headaches, OR you could search our

> messages.


> No, do not chew on clove.


> Bee






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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi thank you so much !!!!!

Started magnesium last week and the migraines have stopped (TOUCH WOOD)

Love Debbie xx



> Headaches can also be a magnesium deficiency. If you take magnesium 400 mgs as

soon as you feel a headache coming on, this often relieves them. I recommend

everyone take 400mgs a day of magnesium anyway. You can also try 5HTP for



> If they are caused by trigeminal neuralgia, you'll have to take gabapentin.


> Cheers,



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