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Vitamin K

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Here is some info from 2 months ago from a list member.

In a message dated 4/19/2000 4:04:23 PM Central Daylight Time,

lucasjt@... writes:

<< I have 2 new midwives and they both believe in routine Vitamin K just in

case. I don't want to give this routinely--it feels the same as " lets just

give the vaccination routinely " . Any thoughts or good links? >>

Here are my thoughts: The routine use of vitamin K was coincidental with the

rise in jaundice in newborns. Vitamin K affects the liver. Vitamin K is not

normally needed by babies, and generally, their bodies are able to produce

enough (it doesn't take much) by the end of the first week of life, along

with the mother's bm, that's enough. My daughter reacted to the shot. It

shut down her liver. Her bili shot up to 18 by her 3rd day. Through the

whole mess, we ended up back in emergency, spending a week + in children's,

and 30+ days of daily blood draws. I was told at the time, the jaundice was

a " normal " reaction. the disease they are trying to prevent (inability of

the blood to clot) is genetic, and found in less than 1 in 200,000. If you

have a history of bleeders in your family, the shot is probably necessary.

Most people, however, don't need it. Here are some of the links I have left:

<A HREF= " http://www.birthpsychology.com/messages/vitamink/vitamink.html " >Vita

min K</A> -- geesh. Sorry. I'll put some of the bith ones up, and perhaps

they'll link to the vitamin k: <A

HREF= " http://ahsc.arizona.edu/~msrgsn/pract/praclist.htm " >MSRGSNet/Newborn

Screening Practitioner's Man...</A> // <A

HREF= " http://users.aol.com/kristachan/prenatal.htm " >Prenatal Testing...Do you

" need " it?</A> // <A HREF= " http://detnews.com/menu/stories/32348.htm " >Pren

atal Care: Ultrasounds should be reserved...</A> // <A

HREF= " http://www.birthpsychology.com/messages/push/push.html " > " Push " !/ " Don't

Push " !</A> // <A

HREF= " http://www.birthpsychology.com/messages/washing/washing.html " >Washing

the Baby</A> // <A

HREF= " http://www.birthpsychology.com/messages/eye/eye.html " >Prophylactic Eye

Treatment</A> // <A

HREF= " http://www.efn.org/~djz/birth/birthindex.html#topics " >Midwifery,

Pregnancy. Birth, Childbirth, Brea...</A> // <A

HREF= " http://www.birthpsychology.com/messages/intro.html " >Standard Birth

Procedures</A> // <A HREF= " http://home.hkstar.com/~joewoo/safecamp.htm " >Ul

trasound and Delayed Speech</A>

Hope this helps. You are right. It should never be " routine " . And it

should never be given " just becuase " , or " just in case " , or even as a " safety

precaution " . the numbers don't warrant this type of intervention, and it

generally causes reactions in most babies (jaundice) to varying degrees. l

look at it this way: up to my daughter's generation, no one in my family had

had jaundice (my mother had 6 kids, the other families were as large). In my

dd's generation, all the babies but one have had jaundice - several severely

- except one. My son. I refused the Vit K. What's sad is, most parents

don't recognize that they're even having a reaction, or it is explained away

as something else. i was lucky to have a doctor who told us ahead of time

about the shot. I refused it, but the hospital disregarded my instructions.

se la vie.


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Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA




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At 03:45 PM 06/24/2000 EDT, you wrote:

>Sheri,thanks that helped a


When you think it about it, its quite the setup for disaster

VIT K & Hep B in the nursery


Vit K at birth and Hep B 2 months later.

The world is insane.


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


Bookstore - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/bookstor.htm

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KVMR Broadcaster/Programmer/Investigative Reporter, Nevada City CA

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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  • 4 weeks later...
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In a message dated 7/22/00 8:07:18 AM Central Daylight Time,

camermer@... writes:

<< This is not true, unfortunately. Formula is fortified with tremendous

amounts of vitamin K to prevent a K deficiency. This may not necessarily be

safe, nor what nature intended.

Vitamin K deficiency bleeding does not occurr often, but on the rare

occasions that it does it occurs mostly in breastfed babies (where mothers

are deficient or on medication). >>

Vitamin K in formula is chemically made. The body does not, therefore,

readily absorb it... hence the " tremendous " amounts necessary to get the job

done. I'm not sure that Vitamin K is absorbed anyway, it must be made by the

body using other " ingredients " . Very little vitamin k is needed to " do the

job " . Most babies will begin to develop it within 5 to 8 days after birth

(one of the reasons circ's are done at this time and not always immediately

following birth). The body must produce it's own vitamin k, the breastmilk

only helps. Vitamin K deficiency is genetic. 1 in 200,000 or more babies

will have this predisposition. Very small number. And most middle class

parents will know that they have a " bleeder " problem in their family. You

can also have a test done. This is the one shot our doctor recommended

AGAINST. It is totally unneccessary for healthy people and in over 1,200

births he claimed it caused more problems than good (my daughter was one).

And those problems were in babies that didn't need the shot in the first

place. It is generally low income mothers whose children have the

deficiencies, mostly because they can't afford the medical care that would've

given them a clue. For those people who are planning on circumcising, the

hospital will almost always insist on the shot - unless you are going to wait

the week. I believe there are several websites (in addition to books) that

explain this. Here are some of mine:

<A HREF= " http://www.birthpsychology.com/messages/vitamink/vitamink.html " >Vita

min K</A> oops. I only see one. Well, it's a start.


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This is not true, unfortunately. Formula is fortified with tremendous amounts of vitamin K to prevent a K deficiency. This may not necessarily be safe, nor what nature intended.

Vitamin K deficiency bleeding does not occurr often, but on the rare occasions that it does it occurs mostly in breastfed babies (where mothers are deficient or on medication).


vitamin K

I had a home birth and didn't do any vitamin K. I read somewhere (here?) recently that said vitamin K shots were developed to give to babes who were not going to be breastfed. Otherwise, something in breastmilk does the job instead - duh, whoda thunk it? ;) ~Odrade~

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My daughter had the shot by reccomendation of my midwife and developed

jaundice soon after. It was like 20 below zero and we had to keep going to

the hospital to have her blood drawn. This time we are having a home birth

with no Vit. K.

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In a message dated 7/22/00 8:02:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

odrade@... writes:

<< had a home birth and didn't do any vitamin K. I read somewhere

(here?) recently that said vitamin K shots were developed to give to

babes who were not going to be breastfed. Otherwise, something in

breastmilk does the job instead - duh, whoda thunk it? ;)

~Odrade~ >>

Not really, Vit. K is to help clot the blood in the first 24 hours before the

babies body can do it themselves. If you are planningon circing you have to

have vit k. if you aren't you can pass.


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In a message dated 7/22/00 1:51:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

teresav26@... writes:

<< Not really, Vit. K is to help clot the blood in the first 24 hours before


babies body can do it themselves. If you are planningon circing you have to

have vit k. >>

Actually, it's the first 7 days. We did not get the Vit. K shot and waited

until after the 8th day (which is biblical, by the way) to circ.


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When I had my son circumsised, I wasn't going to use the Vitamin K at all.

The only reason we decided was because he had a skull condition and was

severly bruised. He had surgery at 3 months. Anyway, immediately after the

Vit. K he became a tad jaundiced. I know it was from that, but with this

one circumsised or not, I will refuse the K.

Diane edd 3-1-2001

Blake 12-25-1997

Re: vitamin K

>In a message dated 7/22/00 8:02:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

>odrade@... writes:


><< had a home birth and didn't do any vitamin K. I read somewhere

> (here?) recently that said vitamin K shots were developed to give to

> babes who were not going to be breastfed. Otherwise, something in

> breastmilk does the job instead - duh, whoda thunk it? ;)

> ~Odrade~ >>

>Not really, Vit. K is to help clot the blood in the first 24 hours before


>babies body can do it themselves. If you are planningon circing you have to

>have vit k. if you aren't you can pass.







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In a message dated 7/22/00 3:49:34 PM Central Daylight Time,

teresav26@... writes:

<< Not really, Vit. K is to help clot the blood in the first 24 hours before


babies body can do it themselves. >>

Terry, colostrum is rich in Vitamin K, which is the milk delivered from

mother to babe in the first 24 hours. After that, you're right, breastmilk

does not have vitamin k. However, very little is needed, and actually, the

body should manufacture it for itself. The vitamin k injections are

chemical, and therefore foreign or toxic to the human body. Very highly

un-absorbable. I'll bet infant's pee is rich in Vitamin K -- just like most

adults who take a lot of synthetic vitamins have bright yellow. The body

just flushes what it can't use.

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We did not allow our last child to get the K shot at birth at had to go to a

lot of trouble to avoid it. I also did a lot of research on it and wrote a

very long article on it. Mothering magazine printed a VERY abridged version

of it last year.

I have to correct some of the confusion and misinformation going around.

First of all, breastmilk does have vitamin K, although it varies widely

between women. A Japanese study looked at about 10 children or so from a

certain hospital who had vitamin K deficiency bleeding. ALL of them were

breastfed. However, samples were taken from all of their and were all found

to be on the very low side of the range.

Another point is that the K from the injection is definitely absorbed. THAT

IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST PROBLEMS. Following the injection, serum (blood)

levels of have been found to rise to 10,000 times their normal level!!!

Althought this dramatic effect is short-lived and levels come down rapidly,

this high levels of K may have negative effects. One theory, proposed by

some Canadian researchers is that low levels of K in newborn is actually a

protective mecanism which prevents " growth dysregulation "

(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve & db=PubMed & list_u

ids=9190038 & dopt=Abstract).

To quote " Questions arise as to why the level of vitamin K is so rigidly

controlled and why the placental gradient in humans and other mammals

maintains the fetus in a K- " deficient " state. " In other words why do

nearly all mammals, including humans, have babies who are born with very low

levels of K? The authors answer with " Increased stimuli may result in

growth dysregulation... " By " increased stimuli " they mean increased levels

of vitamin K.

Lastly, there are 3 distictly different disorders which are collectively

known as " Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding " (VKDB). They are Early (first 24

hours or so), Classical (up to one or 2 weeks, I believe) and Late VKDB (up

to 6 months).

Early VKDB is usually caused by the mother taking certain medications and

the shots often don't help.

Anyway, enough on this for now.

Take care.


Re: vitamin K

> In a message dated 7/22/00 3:49:34 PM Central Daylight Time,

> teresav26@... writes:


> << Not really, Vit. K is to help clot the blood in the first 24 hours


> the

> babies body can do it themselves. >>

> Terry, colostrum is rich in Vitamin K, which is the milk delivered from

> mother to babe in the first 24 hours. After that, you're right,


> does not have vitamin k. However, very little is needed, and actually,


> body should manufacture it for itself. The vitamin k injections are

> chemical, and therefore foreign or toxic to the human body. Very highly

> un-absorbable. I'll bet infant's pee is rich in Vitamin K -- just like


> adults who take a lot of synthetic vitamins have bright yellow. The body

> just flushes what it can't use.


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  • 2 months later...

At 11:23 AM 10/5/00 -0700, you wrote:

>In a message dated 4/19/2000 4:04:23 PM Central Daylight Time,

>lucasjt@... writes:


><< I have 2 new midwives and they both believe in routine Vitamin K just in

>case. I don't want to give this routinely--it feels the same as " lets just

>give the vaccination routinely " . Any thoughts or good links? >>


>Here are my thoughts: The routine use of vitamin K was coincidental with the

>rise in jaundice in newborns. Vitamin K affects the liver. Vitamin K is not

>normally needed by babies, and generally, their bodies are able to produce

Wow. Sheri! Thanks for sharing this information. My duaghter had severe

jaundice as well. It was attributed to 3 things: my breastfeeding -- don't

get me started, her low birth weight, and our ABO blood type

incompatability -- which is valid. However, I'm pretty certain she got

this Vitamin K shot, and who knows how much that contributed. Now I've got

something else to fully research and discuss with my midwife and put in my

birth plan.


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  • 4 months later...

In a message dated 2/15/01 5:50:47 PM Pacific Standard Time,

blakester97@... writes:

<< When my

son was born I denied the Vit. K due to the fact that he was posterior and

had MAJOR bruising of the head and the fact that he had a head deformity

(see link below my name for more info). >>

My dd had a hematoma which was not noticed till swelling developed 2-3 days

later,nothing was done for it just had to wait for it to heal.After her

birth,when we went to the ER, I also turned down the vitK . She became

jaundiced around day 4,but I just kept bfing and it went away on it's own.


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You should search the archives, there has been a tone of info shared on



btw... I confidently skipped it.

Y Z wrote:


> Greetings to all!

> I'm 20 weeks along with baby #3. My first two are

> both partially vaxed, although #2 probably only got

> one round, if that. I just haven't taken him back to

> the doctor. I don't want anything done to my next

> baby when he/she is born, other than feeding and

> loving and I know I shouldn't have too much of a time

> doing what I have to because I'll be at a birth center

> with midwives (although they are all CNM's). Anyway,

> I have not doubts about the vaccine issue, but the

> last thing I found myself being conflicted about is

> the Vitamin K issue. I'm an aspiring midwife and have

> read so many different views on the necessity of it,

> but what it really comes down to for me is, what kind

> of faith do I have in my God and myself, if I really

> believe that I need to give him/her this shot right

> after birth? My question to you all it, do you have

> any personal stories regarding Vitamin K injections,

> and do you have any suggestions for boosting the

> baby's vitamin K before the birth and through

> breastfeeding. I know of alfalfa and chlorophyll,

> etc. Any other suggestions? Thanks!

> Peace & Blessings,

> Yahmeema, Washington DC

> Mother of Ben Zachoor (12/28/97), Giboriel (11/22/99)

> and baby #3 EDD (7/17/01)


> __________________________________________________


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I've asked this same question recently since I am 38 weeks along. When my

son was born I denied the Vit. K due to the fact that he was posterior and

had MAJOR bruising of the head and the fact that he had a head deformity

(see link below my name for more info). Within a few hours, he immediately

became jaundiced which I believe was totally due to the shot. The baby I am

carrying may also end up with the same head condition, but this time I don't

think I will have the baby receive the shot under any condition. I make

sure I eat enough Vit K so there will be enough in my system for baby also.

I've also questioned the whole need of it. If babies are born with low

levels of it, I have to wonder if that is because they are not supposed to

have a lot anyway initially.

Diane edd of " Pinto " is March 1st, 2001

Blake 12-25-1997 (saggital CS)


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I just read my previous post and realized it didn't make sense. I

originally denied the Vit K and they after seeing my son agreed to it.

Diane edd of " Pinto " is March 1st, 2001

Blake 12-25-1997 (saggital CS)


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< \I/ >


_| |_

Because I'm the mom, that's why!

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> I've also questioned the whole need of it. If babies are born with


> levels of it, I have to wonder if that is because they are not

supposed to

> have a lot anyway initially.


That is how I feel. I have 3 children, none received the vit. K shot

or anything else. I know that our bodies and our babys bodies are

not inherently defective. All too often people want to fix things

that are not broken, I just do not understand. Jill

> Diane edd of " Pinto " is March 1st, 2001

> Blake 12-25-1997 (saggital CS)

> blakester97@m...

> Visit our webpage at:

> http://theemericks.homestead.com/CS.html

> 0

> < \I/ >

> _/_\_

> _| |_


> Because I'm the mom, that's why!

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I used a wait and see approach. I delivered my daughter at home, drug free

after 36 diffucult hours. Because her head was engaged in my pelvis for so

long she had moderated bruising . At that point I decided to let my midwife

give her an oral vitamin K. Congratulations on all of your children. Jana

and Jude

Vitamin K

> Greetings to all!

> I'm 20 weeks along with baby #3. My first two are

> both partially vaxed, although #2 probably only got

> one round, if that. I just haven't taken him back to

> the doctor. I don't want anything done to my next

> baby when he/she is born, other than feeding and

> loving and I know I shouldn't have too much of a time

> doing what I have to because I'll be at a birth center

> with midwives (although they are all CNM's). Anyway,

> I have not doubts about the vaccine issue, but the

> last thing I found myself being conflicted about is

> the Vitamin K issue. I'm an aspiring midwife and have

> read so many different views on the necessity of it,

> but what it really comes down to for me is, what kind

> of faith do I have in my God and myself, if I really

> believe that I need to give him/her this shot right

> after birth? My question to you all it, do you have

> any personal stories regarding Vitamin K injections,

> and do you have any suggestions for boosting the

> baby's vitamin K before the birth and through

> breastfeeding. I know of alfalfa and chlorophyll,

> etc. Any other suggestions? Thanks!

> Peace & Blessings,

> Yahmeema, Washington DC

> Mother of Ben Zachoor (12/28/97), Giboriel (11/22/99)

> and baby #3 EDD (7/17/01)


> __________________________________________________


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Hi...I just found out I'm pregnant with #2! Anyway, I have already decided

that I am not allowing the vitamin K shot when the baby is born. A mother

has to be malnourished to not have ample supply of vitamin K to pass on to

the baby, and I am not malnourished. Also, not only is the shot synthetic,

but one of the side effects is jaundice. I just recently found this out, and

it answered why my son developed jaundice a few days after he was born. I

had no interventions during his birth, he nursed immediately, and was in

beautiful color. Within 2 days, he developed jaundice, and even though we

set him in the sun, it was still bad enough that they put a bilirubin

blanket on him. (Thank God I have seen no side effects of that). I firmly

believe that it was from the vitamin K shot...

Sharon, Quakertown PA

Vitamin K

> Greetings to all!

> I'm 20 weeks along with baby #3. My first two are

> both partially vaxed, although #2 probably only got

> one round, if that. I just haven't taken him back to

> the doctor. I don't want anything done to my next

> baby when he/she is born, other than feeding and

> loving and I know I shouldn't have too much of a time

> doing what I have to because I'll be at a birth center

> with midwives (although they are all CNM's). Anyway,

> I have not doubts about the vaccine issue, but the

> last thing I found myself being conflicted about is

> the Vitamin K issue. I'm an aspiring midwife and have

> read so many different views on the necessity of it,

> but what it really comes down to for me is, what kind

> of faith do I have in my God and myself, if I really

> believe that I need to give him/her this shot right

> after birth? My question to you all it, do you have

> any personal stories regarding Vitamin K injections,

> and do you have any suggestions for boosting the

> baby's vitamin K before the birth and through

> breastfeeding. I know of alfalfa and chlorophyll,

> etc. Any other suggestions? Thanks!

> Peace & Blessings,

> Yahmeema, Washington DC

> Mother of Ben Zachoor (12/28/97), Giboriel (11/22/99)

> and baby #3 EDD (7/17/01)


> __________________________________________________


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If you do choose to skip the newborn vitamin K injection beware. If you are taking antiepileptic drugs--dilantin, Tegretol, etc., please do not refuse the newborn vitamin K. The rare cases of newborn hemorrhage often occur in people taking AEDs. This may also hold true of other medications that increase bleeding in the mother. Please check with whomever prescribed your medication.



Mom of (9 years) and Olivia Rose (2 years) and baby

phine (12 weeks).

Colossians 2

8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after

the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

This is info I got of the mothering.com site about Vit K.

Well for both of my children we refused the Vitamin K, PKU and eye


Here is an article that may help. I posted it on my webpage since it

is so long.


Here is another article:


More info:


British Medical Journal volume 305 August 8, 1992 and BMJ volume 310


11,1995 are studies that connect vitamin K to childhood cancers such

as leukemia.

Dr. Mendelsohn on Vitamin K:

" Many doctors routinely give vitamin K to newborn babies because they


been taught that infants are born with a deficiency of this vitamin,


influences how rapidly the baby's blood will clot. That's nonsense,


the mother is severely malnourished; but most doctors do it anyway.

Administration of vitamin K to the newborn may produce jauncice,

which prompts the

pediatrician to treat it with bilirubin lights (phototherapy). These


expose the baby to a dozen documented hazards that may require still

further treatement and possibly affect him for the rest of his life. "

Please read it at:


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Re: vitamin k

: This is info I got of the mothering.com site about Vit K.




: Well for both of my children we refused the Vitamin K, PKU and eye

: drops.

: Here is an article that may help. I posted it on my webpage since it

: is so long.

: http://www.geocities.com/mom2q/vitamink.htm


: Here is another article:

: http://www.geocities.com/mom2q/vitamink2.htm


: More info:

: http://www.fensende.com/Users/swnymph/Midwife/vitktop.html#Controversy



: British Medical Journal volume 305 August 8, 1992 and BMJ volume 310

: March

: 11,1995 are studies that connect vitamin K to childhood cancers such

: as leukemia.


: Dr. Mendelsohn on Vitamin K:


: " Many doctors routinely give vitamin K to newborn babies because they

: have

: been taught that infants are born with a deficiency of this vitamin,

: which

: influences how rapidly the baby's blood will clot. That's nonsense,

: unless

: the mother is severely malnourished; but most doctors do it anyway.


: Administration of vitamin K to the newborn may produce jauncice,

: which prompts the

: pediatrician to treat it with bilirubin lights (phototherapy). These

: lights

: expose the baby to a dozen documented hazards that may require still

: further treatement and possibly affect him for the rest of his life. "


: Please read it at:

: http://www.geocities.com/mom2q/vitkinsert.htm






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How did you refuse eye drops and PKU??? I have delivered 9 in SC and 1 in TN

and the laws in both states require them. PKU tests for 4 other problems in

both of these states. My midwives have used the eye ointment just maybe

accidentally missed the eye???? ael was an un-assisted home birth and

he got an infection and my doc asked if " they " put any ointment/drops in.

Wrote me scrip and said this or breastmilk will clear it up.

Also, why refuse the testing??

Love and Blessings,



I believe that what is right is not always popular and what is popular is

not always right.


Wrongfully Imprisoned for 25 years


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I delivered via caesarian at St. Luke's Hospital in Texas. I refused the

PKU and TO MY KNOWLEDGE it was not done. Though I have heard that some

hospitals do what they want anyway. I believe they were telling me to take

the baby to the pediatrician for the PKU after I was discharged from the



In a message dated 6/12/2001 10:04:36 AM Central Daylight Time,

dina.mason@... writes:

> I delivered in Tx at a hospitol with a midwife. I refused eyedrops with no

> problem. But there was NO WAY to get out of the PKU. I would love to hear

> more if it possible. Just in case there is another baby in the future for

> me.


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I delivered in Tx at a hospitol with a midwife. I refused eyedrops with no

problem. But there was NO WAY to get out of the PKU. I would love to hear

more if it possible. Just in case there is another baby in the future for


Re: Re: vitamin k

How did you refuse eye drops and PKU??? I have delivered 9 in SC and 1 in TN

and the laws in both states require them. PKU tests for 4 other problems in

both of these states. My midwives have used the eye ointment just maybe

accidentally missed the eye???? ael was an un-assisted home birth and

he got an infection and my doc asked if " they " put any ointment/drops in.

Wrote me scrip and said this or breastmilk will clear it up.

Also, why refuse the testing??

Love and Blessings,



I believe that what is right is not always popular and what is popular is

not always right.


Wrongfully Imprisoned for 25 years


Learn more about the CROATAN/LUMBEE Indians


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I delivered at home in California and did not have the PKU testing. I

received phone calls and letters from Oakland Childrens Hospital offering

free testing , which I refused. Finally they asked me to sign a waiver

releasing ? from liability. It must be some kind of state funded program.

Also..from what my midwife told me there are symptoms of PKU early on, so if

the infant does have it , and you know what to look for it is not a

problem. These include vomiting and weight loss. Personally I am opposed to

unnecessary invasions to childrens bodies, so that was my reasoning.


New Port Richey FL

Re: Re: vitamin k



> How did you refuse eye drops and PKU??? I have delivered 9 in SC and 1 in


> and the laws in both states require them. PKU tests for 4 other problems


> both of these states. My midwives have used the eye ointment just maybe

> accidentally missed the eye???? ael was an un-assisted home birth


> he got an infection and my doc asked if " they " put any ointment/drops in.

> Wrote me scrip and said this or breastmilk will clear it up.


> Also, why refuse the testing??



> Love and Blessings,

> Ellen

> ladylumbee@...

> I believe that what is right is not always popular and what is popular is

> not always right.



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