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Re: beet kvass--OK for Candida?

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hi harmony! i've tried beet kvass in the past (nourishing trad.recipe) i

didn't react very well. really not sure if it was a detox reaction though.

we're s'posed to be avoiding beets, so i'm thinking it's not so great. you

could always try it yourself and see what you think. it may or may not be right

for you. sorry to not have a definite answer for you:-)


> I have conflicting information. Sally Fallon says Beet Kvass is helpful for

candida sufferers, Bee sources Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon's book, and

says that it is too sweet for candida sufferers. Which is it?


> Here are my sources:


> From Sally:

> Question: I read your recipe for a beet kvass and would like to make it. I am

on Candida diet and try to avoid a lot of sugar and yeast and wheat food. Would

kvass be helpful? I hope it will help with my constipation. - Lana


> Answer: Yes! The beet kvass is very helpful for candida. In fact, we had a

letter from someone who had suffered for years from candida, and had tried all

the diets. What turned her around was beet kvass. I think you will also find it

useful for constipation. Personally, I drink about 4 ounces beet kvass morning

and night–it is a tonic I swear by!


> From Bee:

> Note: Candida sufferers are intolerant of Beet Kvass because it contains too

much sugar.


> Source: Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically

Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon with G. Enig,

Ph.D., Washington, D.C., New Trends Publishing, Inc., Revised Second Edition,

2001, p. 610.


> thanks!

> harmony


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> I have conflicting information. Sally Fallon says Beet Kvass is helpful for

candida sufferers, Bee sources Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon's book, and

says that it is too sweet for candida sufferers. Which is it?


> Here are my sources:


> From Sally:

> Question: I read your recipe for a beet kvass and would like to make it. I am

on Candida diet and try to avoid a lot of sugar and yeast and wheat food. Would

kvass be helpful? I hope it will help with my constipation. - Lana


> Answer: Yes! The beet kvass is very helpful for candida. In fact, we had a

letter from someone who had suffered for years from candida, and had tried all

the diets. What turned her around was beet kvass. I think you will also find it

useful for constipation. Personally, I drink about 4 ounces beet kvass morning

and night–it is a tonic I swear by!


> From Bee:

> Note: Candida sufferers are intolerant of Beet Kvass because it contains too

much sugar.


> Source: Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically

Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon with G. Enig,

Ph.D., Washington, D.C., New Trends Publishing, Inc., Revised Second Edition,

2001, p. 610.

+++Hi Harmony,

Unfortunately the Weston A. Price Foundation doesn't understand how to treat

candida, so none of their recommendations should be relied upon. Like most

others who advise about candida they believe candida can be cured by " killing it

off. "

However, candida, bacteria and even cancer are only cured by building up the

immune system, which is done by:

1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (diet plus supplements),

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods, and

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

When the immune system is strong enough it will automatically " make " candida (or

any bug, cancer, etc.) change back into the organism it is supposed to be when

the body is healthy.

Beets are very high in sugar, which feeds candida, bacteria, cancer, etc. so

anyone who is unhealthy shouldn't have it. As Sally writes it IS a tonic, and

tonics may not cause problems for healthy people but they will in unhealthy

people. That's because tonics stimulate the body, and since your body is

already very stressed out it doesn't need more stimulation or stress, and of

course sugars feeds candida.

Also WAPF doesn't understand how the body heals itself naturally, which means

doing the above as I recommend, and not over-stimulating the body by taking too

many things, or doing too many treatments, nor even too much exercise.

People on this program are having miraculous successes as they progress on this

program, and they aren't taking any kind of tonics. The main thing that helps

the body heal is " proper nutrients! " See these Success Stories:



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