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Re: hello, new here..to Jill R.

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Hi Jill! I just wanted to say how scary it must have been for you

with Tommy's cord wrapped around his neck! These babies really know

how to test even before they are born!

Unfortunately, I don't have any hints for you about the use of

binkys. We have been trying (unsuccessfully, I might add) to wean

our 2 and 1/2 year old from using the pacifier.

We also Ferberized the twins when it came to bedtime. We have 2

older boys who we didn't ferberize and my oldest still comes into our

bed during the night. I finally wised up by the time the twins came

along. I felt bad listening to them cry, even if it was just for a

couple of minutes here or there. But I am happy to say that it has

worked! The twins go to bed around 7:30 at night and don't get up

until 7 the next morning. They have been sleeping this way since

they were three months old. Yippee!

Its really nice talking to other twin moms! Feel free to email or

instant message me anytime! My address is IrishEyes175@...!

Looking forward to talking to you again!

Take Care,


Kaylie & Danny

Phila., PA

> Niki,

> Thanks for replying! I do plan to have Gavin's head measured next

week, and

> what you wrote (quoted?) made a lot of sense. It's just that every

time I

> think we're done with all the preemie problems something else

always comes up

> (5 weeks preemie, C-section)!

> Tommy was pretty squashed in there...his head was engaged at

about 30

> weeks on but the cord wrapped around his neck (twice!) kept yanking

him back.

> His feet were in my ribs and he had this habit (still does) of

arching his

> back. Gavin, although the smaller baby by one ounce, was a total

space hog!

> My baby B is definitely the more outgoing one!

> On another note, any recommendations for getting twins to sleep


> benefit of bottle or Binky? I am sort of following the Ferber

sleep method,

> but they wake each other up when they do their

little " screamouts " . Also, do

> yours sleep thrpugh the night?

> Jill Ramos, Gavin and Tommy, Ventura, CA.

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