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Re: Digest Number 277

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Hang in there girl - I do believe the bursting out crying is not only from

the treatment but it is stressful knowing that you are living with a chronic

illness also. My husband had a terrible time dealing with it and was like

you and very upset about that to then so like always I thank the

antidepressants that have helped him so much. Stay positive!!!


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Hang in there girl - I do believe the bursting out crying is not only from

the treatment but it is stressful knowing that you are living with a chronic

illness also. My husband had a terrible time dealing with it and was like

you and very upset about that to then so like always I thank the

antidepressants that have helped him so much. Stay positive!!!


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  • 6 months later...
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Dear Patty,

Thanks so much for the info on Canola oil. I sure do feel that this is

important to let others know about! I am placing your letter on the

prayer forum so that the women there will also be enlighted and

appreciate your info so much.

Thanks for letting us know!


SBI Prayer Forum

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  • 3 months later...
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I was talking to someone at my son's speech therapy ( a mom) and she said

that there is an apraxial nerve that runs from the brain the the mouth ( for

oral motor) and that sometimes it can be damaged causing a misfire from brain

to mouth functions.

Sometimes this can happen at birth she said through a rough delivery. Did

anyone else hear of this? or was anyone told that this may have been a cause

to their child's speech apraxia problem? I never heard of it? Any answers?


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I would like to know about the various medications you parents have

knowledge about. Is Proefa a brand name? Is Cormega? And am I to assume

these both contain the Omega Essential Fatty Oils? And is Flaxseed oil the

same, or different? And what is DHA? I have a daughter with Magenis

Syndrome, who is 44. She cannot talk and no one has ever diagnosed this.

Everything has always been blamed on mental retardation. We have learned to

dissect every diagnosis because things are not always what they seem. We

have been seeing something of late with Kim, that I find hard to even

mention for fear it will go away.........and this is that she is hearing

sounds......as before she could/would not, I often caught that she could

distinguish a high pitch sound. In fact, when I want to get her attention

as in warning of danger, I yell in high pitch very loudly, and it is enough

to startle her to stop, look, listen. But only sometimes. Lately, there

have been other things. Like when I am playing the CD player in my bedroom,

and sometimes she wanders in to say something.......signing, gesturing, or

whining, taking my hand, whatever it takes,,,,,,,then all of a sudden, she

seems to notice the music and puts her hands over her ears. I am trying to

watch this closer, as sometimes the light flickers on the stereo, or the

cabinet door is left open, or other telltale signs. So, I am checking it

out. She is very good with vibrating sounds, and I think stereos with

speakers setting outside the cabinet, vibrate the floor or furniture. I,

too, have a hearing impairment and I am always aware of others who are,

also. Sometimes before they even realize it.

When I first started to wear eyeglasses, even though Kim did too, she did

not like my needing them. She knew, I think, that I was her ears, eyes, and

voice, and she knew she depended on me to be sharp. It gave her some

insecurity for a spell. But it led to my being able to teach her better

care of her own glasses, as I let her learn to care for mine. Learning to

lay them just right. Learning to clean them, and how sacred they are. Kim

has no sense of the value of money$$$$.

This Apraxia, and the other words with Apraxia in them, I am trying to

determine their differences. I hate going in on the website and trying to

pull up this area of interest and then waiting, and then the next, I just

don't have the lifestyle required to do that.......please help me. I need

a quick crash course. And I live in South-Central PA, so where and who can

I turn to?

has been on supplements for over 15 years. I will forward to the

list, a rundown of such. We have seen many miracles revolving around the

usage of magnesium, B6, and Calcium, especially.

I will want to try her on the Omega Oils. So I need quick info. Kim also

has diabetes, and do others who take this supplement?

Sandy Tome in Pennsylvania, Mother of four, one diagnosed with

-Magenis in 98. Thanx!

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  • 6 months later...
  • 11 months later...

In a message dated 1/28/2003 9:02:43 AM Eastern Standard Time,


> Post Opt Update



Hooray for you s! I'm so proud and happy for you. Drs. rarely know it

all and it's always fun to show them so now and then. Keep up the positive

attitude and you'll do great. Love to all, Vickie

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Taken from www.lexapro.com ...

Lexapro's efficacy and tolerability have been demonstrated in

clinical trials. The recommended dose of Lexapro is 10 mg daily,

which was comparable in a clinical trial to the higher titrated dose

of Celexa at 40 mg daily. Additionally, many patients taking Lexapro

10 mg per day demonstrated a significant improvement in depressive

symptoms beginning after the first or second week of treatment.

> >>Sheila


> Shells, that is!


> Skye

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