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Thyroid Problems

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I took celexa.. and not that it didnt really help.. i just well... thought i

could drop that.. (cost!!) .. i will probably have it refilled again when i

feel more financially stable.. but that is a totally different story...



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I took celexa.. and not that it didnt really help.. i just well... thought i

could drop that.. (cost!!) .. i will probably have it refilled again when i

feel more financially stable.. but that is a totally different story...



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anne and willem..

yes, anne .. praying and meditating are my best defense.. but i have one

statement to make .. my brain fog was there before treatment and after.. i will

admit it was worse when in treatment, definitely... but i thought it was due to

the ammonia build up.. or should say toxins that can build up when the liver

is not functioning well...??

LOL..dont remember where i heard or learned that.. i did do a lot of reading

at the onset of diagnosis....

Dont worry be happy,


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anne and willem..

yes, anne .. praying and meditating are my best defense.. but i have one

statement to make .. my brain fog was there before treatment and after.. i will

admit it was worse when in treatment, definitely... but i thought it was due to

the ammonia build up.. or should say toxins that can build up when the liver

is not functioning well...??

LOL..dont remember where i heard or learned that.. i did do a lot of reading

at the onset of diagnosis....

Dont worry be happy,


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anne and willem..

yes, anne .. praying and meditating are my best defense.. but i have one

statement to make .. my brain fog was there before treatment and after.. i will

admit it was worse when in treatment, definitely... but i thought it was due to

the ammonia build up.. or should say toxins that can build up when the liver

is not functioning well...??

LOL..dont remember where i heard or learned that.. i did do a lot of reading

at the onset of diagnosis....

Dont worry be happy,


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anne and willem..

yes, anne .. praying and meditating are my best defense.. but i have one

statement to make .. my brain fog was there before treatment and after.. i will

admit it was worse when in treatment, definitely... but i thought it was due to

the ammonia build up.. or should say toxins that can build up when the liver

is not functioning well...??

LOL..dont remember where i heard or learned that.. i did do a lot of reading

at the onset of diagnosis....

Dont worry be happy,


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In a message dated 4/25/2004 8:04:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

parend53@... writes:

Once, when I was on treatment I dropped someone off at Logan Airport in

Boston. When I got back to the 5th floor of central parking my car keys

were in the door. Another time I left a store and didn't realize I had gone

the wrong direction until the road ended in the middle of a pasture - I was

in Maine. I left a gas cap on the top of my car, something I hadn't done in

maybe 30 years. It got so bad I thought I shouldn't drive anymore. It has

been almost a year since treatment and all of that has stopped. I was very

relieved. I need my car.

Dear Pam,

Tell me about it. Let's see, let me remember back in time to writing three

checks for the same bill. Blessedly, the person I kept sending the checks to

didn't cash all three of them at once. I would drive down the street, know

where I was, but forget where I needed to go. I would get three words out of my

mouth and forget, not only the statement I was trying to make, but the subject

matter as well. Having a conversation with me was a trial at best. When I

did talk, I rested between words......patience became one of my husband's

virtues overnight. There's more, but I'll let this suffice.

I still have a slight drift factor when I over do it, but I still have the

virus, and some of this comes with the disease.



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The whole reason we got a cell phone (I'm not a phone person) was because I

would forget where I was going when I was driving, or why I was somewhere and

that way I could call hubby and ask him.


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In a message dated 4/26/2004 11:33:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

alleypat@... writes:

The whole reason we got a cell phone (I'm not a phone person) was because I

would forget where I was going when I was driving, or why I was somewhere and

that way I could call hubby and ask him.

Now that sounds like me. Alley you must have been blessed with a husband

like mine. God is good to poor slobs like us. :-)

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  • 8 months later...

I was diagnosed last March with an underactive thyroid. I am

beginning to feel that everything in my life is auto-immune!


> Have any women experienced any overactive thryroid problems while

> also experiencing samters problems as well? Please let me know.

> Thanks, Lori in PA

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  • 1 year later...


Dr. Bruce Fife's book Eat Fat Look Thin has a large section explaining how this

works and how you can get control of Thyroid problems using Coconut Oil or Milk.


thyroid problems

I hear that coconut oil is helpful for people with thyroid disorders,

Can anyone direct me to any research about this?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I have a question for ya'll post ops. I am a little over a year out,

and they recently discovered two nodules on my thyroid, one on each side. I'm on

synthroid now to see if they will shrink (thankfully, the biopsies came back

benign), but they mentioned the possibility of removing the thyroid all

together this summer. Has anyone else had problems with their thyroid after

surgery? Did it affect your weight loss or make you regain? I'd appreciate any

input. Thanks,

high point, nc



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  • 2 years later...

Hi Bee, I was researching hypothryroidism and it seems as if I have

100% of the symptoms! I know candida can also mimic hypothyroidism.

I also have read that you said this way of life will heal a thyroid.

My question is do I have to see a doctor about this? I hope not. I

don't have any plans right now to see a doctor .If I can avoid any

medicines I would like to.


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> Hi Bee, I was researching hypothryroidism and it seems as if I have

> 100% of the symptoms! I know candida can also mimic hypothyroidism.

> I also have read that you said this way of life will heal a thyroid.

> My question is do I have to see a doctor about this? I hope not. I

> don't have any plans right now to see a doctor .If I can avoid any

> medicines I would like to.


++Hi Phyllis. I lost my thyroid by over-treating it when I had

candida, but my doctor and I didn't know better at the time. We didn't

know that the thyroid would eventually normalize as you were curing

your candida. Over 1 year into my candida program I instinctively

stopped meds, but it was too late. I theorize that my thyroid was

starting to recover but because it was being bombarded with meds it

went into a tizzy; going from low to high in a short amount of time.

It was a severe form of Grave's Disease, and since I didn't know any

better I allowed it to be zapped with radioactive iodine, which killed

it. So I'm on thyroid meds for life now.

In my opinion it is better to allow the program to normalize all organ

functions, and not to shoot off into different directions treating this

and that organ. Then we are right back to the way doctors " try to "

cure diseases, instead of treating the whole body and the " true " cause.

The organs are not causing the problem. It's candida and its toxins,

and many other toxins too, so the focus should be on curing candida


The best, Bee

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Thanks Bee as always for putting my mind at ease like you always

do. Since starting your program, I have learned so much about my body

and what it likes and needs. I immediately went back on the coconut

oil after your suggested that we shouldn't thwart the die off process.

My symptoms are still concentrated in my ears and face mainly, but I

am having symptoms in my lower abdomen, blood pressure and heartburn.

These are all retracing events as I have had them before.

Last night after eating 3 boiled eggs it was very bad. I had

dizziness, vertigo, ear pain, liver pain. After about 4 hours it all

went away. Some of the symptoms can be quite scary.


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> Thanks Bee as always for putting my mind at ease like you always

> do. Since starting your program, I have learned so much about my body

> and what it likes and needs. I immediately went back on the coconut

> oil after your suggested that we shouldn't thwart the die off


> My symptoms are still concentrated in my ears and face mainly, but I

> am having symptoms in my lower abdomen, blood pressure and heartburn.

> These are all retracing events as I have had them before.


> Last night after eating 3 boiled eggs it was very bad. I had

> dizziness, vertigo, ear pain, liver pain. After about 4 hours it all

> went away. Some of the symptoms can be quite scary.

+++Hi Phyllis. That's wonderful you are learning so much about your

own body and how it works, particularly the healing processes. Knowing

that will help you in future if you run into trouble.

For example: My body re-traced breast infection I had when I nursed my

first daughter, for which I took tetracyline antibiotics. It was

interesting how the pain moved around, like toxins move around. If I

hadn't known about retracing I would have run to the doctor, like many

other women, scared that I had breast cancer. Instead, I made myself

as comfortable as possible with natural remedies, and it did totally

clear up. I think many people make that mistake nowadays, even after

they improve their diet and lifestyle. We need to " trust " our bodies,

IF we are providing it with proper nutrients and eliminating toxins and

damaging foods and substances.

Eggs are very high in sulphur, which is also antifungal. Start with 1

at a time, and gradually increase them, in order to minimize die-off

symptoms, just like you do with coconut oil.

Luv, Bee

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  • 1 year later...

i can only speak about my four month old, she has hypothyroid which I found out

makes her tired easy and she is on synthroid for that.

I was told that Hyperthyroid is just that, makes them have a bunch of energy.

And I know of a lady that found some sites and natural stuff to treat her

daughter so that she didn't have to be on the meds. I kow from what I read on

her site is that it took a year for all the stuff to kick in to where she was

drug free, Her doctor just lowered the dosage of the meds slowly and she was

totally weaned off this year.

From: C <mom2fournc@...>

Subject: Thyroid Problems

Date: Friday, December 3, 2010, 6:28 AM

Hi. I haven't been very active in the group for a while. My daughter is seven

year old, Emilee. We just recently got the results of her thyroid test and they

are elevated. Last year they were 3.5, this year they are 7.6. We are supposed

to take her to an endocrinologist, but he can't see her until March 21st. I

haven't really noticed any difference in her health or behavior. I have tried

looking it up on the internet but she really isn't showing any of the symptoms

that they list. She is full of energy and doesn't get tired in the middle of the

day. I was wondering if someone could tell me what their child experienced.

Thanks for your help.



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