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    Don reacted in Doug Kaufmann ~ Your Health   
    Many things make the body too acid.... like white flour, animal fats,
    meat, white rice, soda pop and on and on. Alfalfa tablets as well as coral
    calcium and a changed diet will go a long way to bringing the body back into
    pH balance. Raw fruits and vegetables are also full of enzymes destroyed by
    heat which help the digestive system work better, too.

    In a message dated 8/14/02 10:16:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
    pyoung1955@... writes:

    > Doug Kaufmann, Host
    > Family Net T.V.
    > August 13, 2002
    > Doug says that the pharmaceutical companies admit to
    > killing 100,000
    > people a year.
    > Doug has a new cancer book coming out in a few weeks.
    > He is suppose to have a website at some time in the
    > near future.
    > Doug's guest, today, is Leilani Tejada.
    > Leilani talks about natural hormones and counsels
    > women about hormone
    > replacement therapy, breast cancer prevention and
    > treatment.
    > On today's program, she talks about making the body
    > alkaline, rather than acid. Cancer grows in an acid
    > environment.
    > Leilani says to cut back on the sugars and
    > carbohydrates. Doug says that mycotoxins grow in
    > grains. Both say to eat fresh, raw vegetables for an
    > alkaline environment.
    > She offers saliva testing to help women find out if
    > their hormones are out of balance.
    > She offers Bliss Cream, a natural transdermal
    > progesterone.
    > Also, she sells natural hormones for men.

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