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Posts posted by J.McMillan

  1. I've been bumping into dribs and drabs of research on CBD, extremely relevant to my clients, e.g. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19228180  

    I know an 87-yr-old man with Parkinson's whose balance has been restored (is once again able to stand while dressing), drooling has ceased, napping has tapered off, tremors have slowed or stopped altogether... he's being given a CBD extract as part of a trial, but it will be soon legal to access through purchase in Ontario.

    In addition, I know of a non-verbal autistic man, 30 years old, who has had frequent seizures entirely stopped by CBD.  

    Has anyone made a collection of CBD resources?  If so, could you point some out to me?

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