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Re: OT: 40+ weeks pregnant with a (?)tooth infection

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, I've had great luck using WHITE OAK BARK tincture alternated with

PLANTAIN tincture

(Present Moment or other shop). You can also use a gargle of mouthwash, TEA


salt water. This will keep you safe and clean until you can get this thing


I had been avoiding going to the dentist for about 8 years but two broken teeth

caused me to

go in. The first thing they fixed after the two fractured teeth, was the gum

erosion and

plaque build-up using local anesthesia and very deep techniques. I used the


religiously and now, 6 months later, went in last week and they were stunned to

see that 90+

% of the gum retractions are GONE.

Diet, vitamins, minerals and a softer toothbrush helped as well, I'm sure.

You should be in fine shape,


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Thanks Will!

That is just the news I needed to hear! I would hate to have a dental crisis

this late in my pregnancy.

I had started to swish with salt water after a good hydrogen peroxide

flush. I think a little tea tree would do me good too. Now if only birthing

this baby could be so easy! :-)

Soon to be another NT baby in the ranks!


From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Will Winter

Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2006 11:30 AM

Subject: Re: OT: 40+ weeks pregnant with a (?)tooth infection

, I've had great luck using WHITE OAK BARK tincture alternated with

PLANTAIN tincture

(Present Moment or other shop). You can also use a gargle of mouthwash, TEA


salt water. This will keep you safe and clean until you can get this thing


I had been avoiding going to the dentist for about 8 years but two broken

teeth caused me to

go in. The first thing they fixed after the two fractured teeth, was the gum

erosion and

plaque build-up using local anesthesia and very deep techniques. I used the


religiously and now, 6 months later, went in last week and they were stunned

to see that 90+

% of the gum retractions are GONE.

Diet, vitamins, minerals and a softer toothbrush helped as well, I'm sure.

You should be in fine shape,


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I hate to say this but I would get it fixed sooner rather than later.

I say this being a huge natural birthing mom and proponent so please

don't take this as if I am saying drugs and medicine are all ok in

birth- but what you really do not want is a systemic infection of any

kind before or while you are laboring this can greatly interfere with

the birth process, even unneccessary pain in other parts of your body

can interfere with your ability to navigate labor. The last thing you

want is interfere with that regardless of if you are a natural birther

or not. Since dental work is done with local anesthetic and you would

obviously let your dentist know ( if they can't tell!) that you are

pregnant, they may have either a temporary fix or can do it with a

pain reliever that will be safer than a full blown infection. Remember

that women get morphine and many of its derivatives in labor and their

babies are fine. It is not as though your baby is still developping

key systems it is fully formed right now.

If you are in really in doubt or uncomfortable check with your midwife

or doc. ( or another if you don't like the information) I would just

do everything possible to let your body labor as whole and well as

possible, because unfortunately when our bodies aren't we increase our

chances of those dreaded interventions. For example if your caregiver

( yes even midwives) detects a fever in labor ( that may actually be

coming from your tooth not your uterus) they will have to respond to

that and it changes the way they watch and expect labor to progress

because they will anticipate that a uterine infection is threathening

the health of the both of you and increase chances of a c-section. I

am not saying this to be alarmist, I work in birth and it hurts me to

see unneccessary interventions on mothers that do not need them.I

think you should consult with a care giver who knows your whole

history. Good luck and enjoy your birth!Sorry for the long post!


> Anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this problem?

> I am 40+ weeks pregnant(due 11/18)and flossed out a composite filling

> (from between my rear molar) about 2 weeks ago. I have been trying to

> keep it very clean but fear I have an infection as my check bone and

> oral tissue is sensitive near the problem area. I am sure that I

> don't want to go to the dentist at this point but it also seems scary

> to have a potential infection. Any have any thoughts or suggestions?

> Thanks



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Check out

The moderator, Bee, is an avid fan of Nourishing Traditions with a support

group that stresses healing the body, whether one has candida or not. There

should be some info in the files about dental care as there was recently a

member with a painful tooth. Also, Weston A Price Foundation has email

groups that give fantastic ideas for health and wellness, much of which is


Bless you as you give birth, new life is incredible. I just found out my

newly married daughter is pregnant so we are rejoicing.

Best to you,


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On Monday November 20 2006 6:46 am,




I would agree with , have the filling replaced now,

but my reasoning is more practical. It would be alot

easier to do it now than after the baby is born (having to

find a babysitter and working around Baby's nursing


I would not take any antibiotics however! A few years ago I

got a tooth infection. The only thing I did for it was

drink kefir and avoided using that side of my mouth. The

infection was gone in a couple days. Since you are

pregnant, you might want to use Will's more aggressive

method. I just wanted you to know that kefir would be a

great addition to the treatment.

God bless,

, the one in purple, in

Oster, MN

Isaiah 26:3

" With a humble confidence in the mercies of the Supreme

and impartial God and Ruler of the Universe, we most

devoutly implore His divine goodness to protect us. "

-- Jefferson, July 6, 1775

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