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It's still hurting bad :o( Its not as sharp today as the last few days though:o) If it doesn't improve by Monday I will call the Doc. I just stay away from the Dr's. as much as possible until I can't bear it anymore then I go...I know should go sooner, but after the fiasco with my gall bladder, I tend to stay away...Thanks for caring :o) How are ou doing???

{{{ Thoughtful Hugs}}}


Helen How is your back today?  What are you going to do about it???? Chelle


Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too.

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Hi Helen,

I am sorry to hear the back pain is not improving yet!!! I think you really need to see your doc if the pain does not resolve soon.

No pain doc to replace....... the one most likely to replace has gone for a 10-month training. either i wait for him or i see a neurologist, which i really hate!

Looks like we have the same attitude towards pain meds..... i never take them until the pain is unbearable. so i hardly top up on those meds. my pain doc know that very well, that i hate taking meds. so he never worries that I become a drug addict!

{{pain free hugs}}}


Re: Helen

So Sorry you are starting to hurt again :o( Was so hoping the procedure that they did for you would help you for sometime!!! Isn't there another Dr. coming to replace the one that left??? The back pain is still with me :o( I haven't the slightest idea what is causing it :o( With so many ailments it could be anyone of them. But to me this is new :o( I will call the doc if it doesn't go here soon. I even took a pain pill last night, which for me is rare to do... I put up with pain everyday!!! But when it gets so severe then I will take something. I have a whole cupboard full!!! I tell all the Doc's I most likely won't take them as I need what is left of my senses to know what I am doing!!! But they give them to me in case I do need them. If this keeps up tonight I will be taking another one. It doesn't take the pain away, but it does seem to round off the sharp edges :o) Keep me in touch about how you are doing!!! {{{ Headache Free Hugs }}} Helen Hi Helen! Hope your back pain is better now? Do you know what is causing that pain? If it does not get better soon, you might want to get it checked out by a doc... Headaches seem to be starting to creep back again, sigh...... was feeling ok in the morning, then suddenly I got this sharp pain again in the evening. Will try to hang on, since I have no more pain doc to go to... If things get out of control I will have to go to my endo for help. He had to tried to treat my headaches before too, although without much success. Hugs, Ling

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> Hi Helen,


> I am sorry to hear the back pain is not improving yet!!! I think

you really need to see your doc if the pain does not resolve soon.


> No pain doc to replace....... the one most likely to replace has

gone for a 10-month training. either i wait for him or i see a

neurologist, which i really hate!


> Looks like we have the same attitude towards pain meds..... i never

take them until the pain is unbearable. so i hardly top up on those

meds. my pain doc know that very well, that i hate taking meds. so he

never worries that I become a drug addict!


> {{pain free hugs}}}

> Ling

> Re: Helen



> So Sorry you are starting to hurt again :o( Was so hoping the


> that they did for you would help you for sometime!!! Isn't there

another Dr.

> coming to replace the one that left???

> The back pain is still with me :o( I haven't the slightest idea

what is

> causing it :o( With so many ailments it could be anyone of

them. But to me

> this is new :o( I will call the doc if it doesn't go here soon.

I even took

> a pain pill last night, which for me is rare to do... I put up

with pain

> everyday!!! But when it gets so severe then I will take

something. I have a

> whole cupboard full!!! I tell all the Doc's I most likely won't

take them

> as I need what is left of my senses to know what I am doing!!!

But they give

> them to me in case I do need them. If this keeps up tonight I

will be taking

> another one. It doesn't take the pain away, but it does seem to

round off

> the sharp edges

> :o)

> Keep me in touch about how you are doing!!!

> {{{ Headache Free Hugs }}}

> Helen



> Hi Helen! Hope your back pain is better now? Do you know what is

causing that

> pain? If it does not get better soon, you might want to get it

checked out by

> a doc...


> Headaches seem to be starting to creep back again, sigh...... was

feeling ok

> in the morning, then suddenly I got this sharp pain again in the


> Will try to hang on, since I have no more pain doc to go to... If

things get

> out of control I will have to go to my endo for help. He had to

tried to

> treat my headaches before too, although without much success.


> Hugs,

> Ling

hi hellen:

a hot bath helps alot. good luck

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Thanks !!!How you doing today??? My back is doing somewhat better today :o) Still aches, but nothing like it was :o)

{{{ Thoughtfull Hugs }}}


hi helen:

a hot bath helps alot. good luck


Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too.

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Dear Helen,

I'm very sorry to read that your back had been causing you so much pain

last week. I'm very behind in my e-mail, so forgive me for not writing to

you sooner. Is your back any better yet? Have you been treated for the

pain yet?

Back pain is one thing I know all too well. I slipped and fell on the

grass outside our apartment last Sunday. My shoes just slipped on the grass

where there is a gentle little slope and I landed hard, hitting just above

my tailbone. I started to worry that the fall might have partially undone

my spinal fusion surgery and the hardware installed there. Two days later

I was very sore so I called my surgeon's office and told his nurse about

it. She wants me to go in for x-rays if I continue to have problems. I

had bad muscle spasms the last 2 days but I'm a bit better today, thankfully.

I hope you are feeling better now. Please don't take chances with your

back if you have problems. Get it looked at and treated if you need to.

It's an area of your body that can cause you many serious problems for far

too long if left untreated. I also hope your little girl is doing better

now also.

Everyone, please take good care of yourselves tomorrow.

Love and Peace,




Please send me any surplus pain meds you don't want. I can ALWAYS use them. LOL.


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Hi !!! Been Wondering where you were! You had your surgery didn't ya!!! I forgot :o( Sorry!!!!

How are you doing??? I'd go for the X-ray if I was you!!! Better be safe then sorry :o)

Mines somewhat better! I'm a tough ole bird :o) Saedi and Bre doing better, Thanks for asking :o) You take care my Friend !!! Keep us posted on you! No more slopping grass :o)

{{{ Healthy Hugs }}}


Dear Helen,

    I'm very sorry to read that your back had been causing you so much pain last week.  I'm very behind in my e-mail, so forgive me for not writing to you sooner.  Is your back any better yet?  Have you been treated for the pain yet?

    Back pain is one thing I know all too well.  I slipped and fell on the grass outside our apartment last Sunday.  My shoes just slipped on the grass where there is a gentle little slope and I landed hard, hitting just above my tailbone. I started to worry that the fall might have partially undone my spinal fusion surgery and the hardware installed there.  Two days later I was very sore so I called my surgeon's office and told his nurse about it.  She wants me to go in for x-rays if I continue to have problems.  I had bad muscle spasms the last 2 days but I'm a bit better today, thankfully.

    I hope you are feeling better now.  Please don't take chances with your back if you have problems.  Get it looked at and treated if you need to.  It's an area of your body that can cause you many serious problems for far too long if left untreated.  I also hope your little girl is doing better now also.      Everyone, please take good care of yourselves tomorrow.

Love and Peace,


I may never see tomorrow;        there's no written guarantee, And things that happened yesterday            belong to history!!!      

          {{{Sent With Many Hugs}}}


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Hi Helen,

how are you? Is your dizziness better? The shooting pain in your neck.... have you ever been diagnosed with neuralgia?


Re: I'm Sorry :o(

I'm not sure what it is, but I think I have a Good Guess! It has to be in my neck!!! I have Severe Degenerative Arthritis in my Neck and such and when I turn or tip my head too far in ANY direction I get real dizzy and instantly sweaty. The pain shoots right up into my head then I get blurred vision :o( Seems like it is gettin and adding things everyday :o( Me Thinks it's time to call the Dr. :o) But I do have that Pain Clinic Thing coming up in Sept 11. Maybe I should wait till then? They said something about doing an MRI and something else I don't remember. But it has to get better soon :o) if not, I will have to get use to it huh :o) How are you doing??? Thanks for thinking of me!!! {{{ Blessed Hugs }}} Helen there are sooooo many reasons for dizzy spells helen and I sure hope they can be figured out soon-walk gently right now. carol I may never see tomorrow; there's no written guarantee, And things that happened yesterday belong to history!!! {{{Sent With Many Hugs}}} Helen

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Thanks Chelle & Kristy!! Please keep us updated when you can!

Love, Barb


Greetings, I phoned Helen tonight and she wanted me to tell you all that she is hanging in there and that it is very hard for her to reply to everyone's email. So please be patient with her. She is one strong lady. There was so much sadness in her voice yet there was also determination. Please make sure you keep praying for her and her family. Chelle ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMemorial Pagehttp://www.dreamwater.net/lovingmemory/Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet./files/chat.htmBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into eGroups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Your Faith must be very strong! You sound like a very strong person yourself !!! Your situation would be so terrifying. My Prayers will be with you also!!! Keep us up to date Please.

{{{ Blessed Hugs }}}


Dear Helen: How do I cope? By pure Faith alone. I'm terrified of the 'shocks' that I received - yet I know they keep me alive. It is pure Faith however, that keeps me living. The Cancers are mere setbacks in my life.


I believe in an afterlife and have had near death experiences. I once (only once- Thank God,) had and Out of Body experience only I am pretty sure I was starting to die. My puppy rammed me back into my body.

It terrified me.


Death will be welcomed when it comes but the manner by which I die is what worries me. Funny huh?


Love, Jeannie

Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh it was a Lovely weekend. They were Happy and Carefree. Only at Bedtime did we have problems, it is when their little minds are not occupied anymore and when they had to go back :o( They Begged and were screaming not to take them back there :o( We felt like we abandon them.


How was your weekend with the girls???????  


Please Remember Our Country

And All the Families in

Your Thoughts and or Your Prayers !!!



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Hi Helen,

It has been a long time since I've posted. I've been reading the posts.

It is so great that you had such a wonderful time with the girls.

Oh, it has broken your heart to know that they want to stay with you.

I'm feeling for you, honey. I wish you strength for the girls, because they

need you, hon.

Know that you're in my thoughts and I care.

Hugs and lots of love,


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Oh Carolyn you are a Sweetheart !!! Had a Beautiful weekend with the girls, till it was time to take them back :o( Then all H--- broke loose :o( They just kept screaming please don't take us there please. It just breaks our hearts. We feel like we are deserting them :o( How are you doing???

Love Ya


Helen How are you?  I am worrying about you. (((((BIG HUGS))))) Carolyn

Please Remember Our Country

And All the Families in

Your Thoughts and or Your Prayers !!!



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Thanks, It is just getting harder and harder on them and us. The stress factor alone is terrible :o( I just worry so much about them. How are you doing???

{{{{{ Concerned Hugs }}}}}


Hi Helen,It has been a long time since I've posted. I've been reading the posts.It is so great that you had such a wonderful time with the girls.Oh, it has broken your heart to know that they want to stay with you.I'm feeling for you, honey. I wish you strength for the girls, because theyneed you, hon.Know that you're in my thoughts and I care.Hugs and lots of love,Xiomi

Please Remember Our Country

And All the Families in

Your Thoughts and or Your Prayers !!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks so much Carolyn!!! Ross has always been there for me and we have had a lot of Ups and Downs in our 34 years together. Our Familys only gave us less than a year before we would be divorced :o) Guess we fooled them !!!

{{{ Special Hugs }}}



It's wonderful to hear how good you are for each other.


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Thanks Marsha!!! I'll take that many more :o) His parents just celebrated their 54 th anniversary this week! I told them I hope we make it that long and still so much in Love!!!

{{{ Special Hugs }}}



Helen, Happy Annivasary!!! And Many More. Marsha

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  • 4 weeks later...

Children dress up in all types of costumes and go door to door trick or treating for candy ! That's the treat, if you don't give them a treat then they do a trick on you later !!!! I don't remember the meaning of halloween, it isn't my favorite holiday, I have never cared for the scary costumes, and all the fright that goes into it...So costumes in our household are always happy ones :o) Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming :o) Those are more fun !!!

{{{ Fun Hugs }}}


I AM having FUN, hehe...............catching up on emails!

Hallowen is coming rite? How is it like? what happens during trick or treats? We don't celebrate it here, although I know expectorates here do have fun on this day.

{{{{{{{ Holiday hugs }}}}}}


Sig's By: Softly Whispers

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I AM having FUN, hehe...............catching up on emails!

Hallowen is coming rite? How is it like? what happens during trick or treats? We don't celebrate it here, although I know expectorates here do have fun on this day.

{{{{{{{ Holiday hugs }}}}}}


Re:Hello to All!!!-Ling

All Right !!!!!!! Glad you made it through the EXAMS !!!Now don't get too tired !!!! Our general elections here in America are coming up also !!! Have fun now that you have All this free time on your hands :o) {{{ Sunshine Hugs }}} Helen

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Really? More fun during Christmas and thanksgiving? We do celebrate Christmas here though, hehe..... another silly question.... When is Thanksgiving, and what are its highlights?


Re: Helen

Children dress up in all types of costumes and go door to door trick or treating for candy ! That's the treat, if you don't give them a treat then they do a trick on you later !!!! I don't remember the meaning of halloween, it isn't my favorite holiday, I have never cared for the scary costumes, and all the fright that goes into it...So costumes in our household are always happy ones :o) Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming :o) Those are more fun !!! {{{ Fun Hugs }}} Helen

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Hi Ling !!! No Question is Silly !!! Thanksgiving is on November 22 this year :o) We celebrate thanksgiving for our country...The first settlers and the Indians had a feast after the long summer and bountiful harvest of food...So they gave Thanks together...

Familys gather and give thanks for thier blessings...It's time to see family members that you haven't seen since probably the year before !!! And Food !!!! All kinds of food is prepared!!! Traditionally-Turkey-mashed potatoes & gravy-sweet potatoes-cranberry's and pumpkin pie !!!! That is Just a sampling of the food :o) So of course after eating, folks take Naps-watch football-play cards-or just enjoy being with their loved ones !!!!! :o)

Hugs Helen

Really? More fun during Christmas and thanksgiving? We do celebrate Christmas here though, hehe..... another silly question.... When is Thanksgiving, and what are its highlights?


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OH thanksgiving is GREAT!!!! the highlights are um..... FOOD, FOOD, and

um....... more FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!

And turkey.



At 01:04 AM 10/29/01 +0800, you wrote:


is Thanksgiving, and what are its highlights?

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hehe my family is greedy all year round :)


At 09:15 PM 10/28/01 -0500, you wrote:

><<OH thanksgiving is GREAT!!!! the highlights are um..... FOOD, FOOD, and


>um....... more FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!And turkey.>>


>:o) and Family and giving thanks :o) I like thanksgiving, Christmas in my

>family everyone seems to get greedy but thanksgiving is always nice. In Ca

>it would be Nana and my Great uncle and Kelley (lol plus the animals) and

>just all sit around and visit (mostly just me and Kel) and of course

>FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!! :o) lol









>~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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>~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~


> " Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what

>you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what

>you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even

>if it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer


>~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~




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