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Sher- I didn't realize you are on pain meds..I am so sorry to hear that you are in pain. Joyce R AZ birds

Hi Peggy.... good to read this upbeat post from you today. I think of you so often.

I'm still getting used to the new Window's 7 and I think I will like it fine when I learn a few 'different' things. ANYTHING has to be better than Vesta.

Well here are the final results of all the previous testing: PF (NSIP); PH; Sleep Apnea; Over weight; Diastolic Dysfunction.

Pain clinic changed me back to Morphine because it worked so well and it's GENERIC! Why oh why did I not change to something other than the Oxicontin earlier???? That Rx was $163!! Sometimes I can hardly believe my thinking...like a piece of wood, my brain is.

Yes, I know you are wondering about my allergy to Morphine....but after Dr. and I talked, I said let's give it another try...it's the only thing that really works AND is so much easier on the heart/lungs...

No trouble so far. I've been on it now about a week, 10 days... I think what makes the difference is that I'm also on Hydroxyzine (sp) which is for itching (allergy) and also has the side effect of 'calming'. It's used a lot with pre-surgery patients and I'm told it won't hurt me so at least for now I'm having no reaction to the Morphine and feeling much better.

I'm sure you are getting the Christmas Spirit at your house. We're going to Lysa's tomorrow for 'our' gift exchange since they will be in Spokane WA for Christmas. Then going to Zoe's for Christmas day for awhile. I'm looking forward to both.

We took Zoe out for lunch yesterday... her 40th! I can hardly believe my baby is now 40.

Enjoy the Cantata as I know you will.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours...

MamaSher; IPF 2006, NSIP, PH 2009, OR.Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

From: Peggy

Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 5:07 PM

To: Breathe Support Support


Hi Group, Well the hospice Dr. came to see me today. Very nice man. We talked and he took my medical hist. again. listened to the sounds in my chest that seem to be so entertaining to medical people. lol He said he has had s few PF patients.

Meds are staying the same. I take the morphine as needed. I can determine the amount I need because I am so sensitive to meds.

I feel really good. I am finding it pretty easy to take a nap these days, about an hour in the afternoon. nice.

It is really cold here. 46 right now. I hope it is better Sunday because I AM GOING TO CHURCH for our Christmas cantata. I know it will be wonderful. So say a prayer for me and maybe cause I AM.... lol

Hope all is well. I have been reading all the posts and for those having problems, Know you are thought about and prayed for.

Much Love to ALL.

Love & Prayers

Peggy, IPF 2004

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sher..Mazel Tov on the birth of


The photo is beautiful.

Happy New Year to you and yours.


Z fibriotic NSIP/05

Z 65, fibriotic NSIP/05/PA


“mild” PH/10/07


NSIP was not self-inflicted…I never smoked!


reader,carousel lover and MomMom to Darah and Sara


gonna be iron like a lion in Zion” Bob Marley


Minor-periwinkle is my flower

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  • 1 month later...

BJ.... again, I'm sorry you are not tolerant of the prednisone. Even if it could have helped, you still can't tolerate it!

Is there something you can do about the kidney problems?

The summer time rate for Hotel will be $92....that's with deduction.

Yikes. Next time my appts. will be made when winter rates are in effect!

Feel better soon!

MamaSher; IPF 2006; Cellular NSIP, PH, 2009, OR,.Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

From: Beverley Joy

Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 5:11 PM

To: Breathe-Support

Subject: Sher

I did contact Dr. Raghu's nurse. He gave me his card with his number on it. She said that I could stop the Prednisone and just work up to two of the CellCept. Like you I agreed to try to take it for three months but I just couldn't do it. My kidneys are worse now that they were when I went back on the Pred. I hope you can still get a good discount at the Inn. I hope I don't have to go there again. I'd like to get my CC card paid down some. I'll still have to put some of the expensive meds on it.Beverley Joy,71,PF 1-09, Chronic HP, birds and mold 12-09,Sjogren's,Fibromyalgia Idaho

From: Sher <bofus6 (AT) verizon (DOT) net>Subject: Re: (unknown)To: Breathe-Support Date: Sunday, January 31, 2010, 12:16 PM

BJ.... in my opinion, your pulmodude telling you he didn't think he "could get him" is so lame! Dr's have the inside track when they call. (usually). I am only being compliant with Dr. Raghu...he knows my feelings about it and we talked about it. So I'll give it 3 months.

To do nothing can't be an option for me... even if I am dead set (whoops, wrong word!) against prednisone, I feel inclined to use it if Raghu Rxs when he knows I don't like taking it.

BJ... here is the email for /Carolyn. Send to them both. (send to one, cc the other).

cspada@... .edu or jmhayes@... n.edu

they are both Dr. Raghu's assistant. They can take a msg to him and get back to you. He should know you are not taking the prednisone as Rx.

I'm sure sorry your Diabetes flared up and then kidney trouble. Raghu can help you with the nasty side effects if he knows. I can't see Raghu UNHAPPY about a patient. He is apt to be surprised if you aren't on anything, though. It seems it's hell if we do and hell if we don't. (Like prednisone for me).

I've been on cpap for a number of years and didn't suspect that could be the cause of the SOB that's been getting worse for quite a while. I naturally thought I am "being treated" for apnea....

I'm not sure but I think Rich was told the summer rate would be $92. But that would be before any discounts, senior or otherwise. I'm going to call tomorrow and find out for sure. We'll be going again in May.

I'll let you know.

MamaSher; IPF 2006; Cellular NSIP, PH, 2009, OR,.Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

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